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Hi supporters,

I sincerely apologize for not keeping my promise and having to delay the release of demo 1.14 again. I want to reassure you that I am working on it whenever I am able to. The battle and game over scene of the next demo is completed. What's left are some of the cutscenes. 

Please be assured that the LT project itself is not experiencing insuperable obstacle. It's just I'm unexpectedly busy in the last month. This is temporary.

I've paused the billing for March, so you will not be charged. I will deliver what's left in Feb to you in early March, and continue to work on LT after that.

Sorry again for disappointing you. Hope you support us as always!





Thank you for letting us know. BEST OF LUCK!!!!!


No Worries, We all know that real life can get in the way. Will be looking forward to the release


Good luck mate


Thanks for the update, we get that life can get in the way


Don't forget to rest. 👍


Always appreciate the honesty. It's not the end of the world if we have to wait a bit longer, no worries :)


Delays are not a concern when communication is good. Appreciate the update


Shut up and take my money


There's a lot to spill when we're in a hurry. Slowly and meticulously!

Marcy Anderson

Anything worth doing is worth doing right~ ♥ Take ur time, friendy! I know this is gonna be a goooood one (like all the others were, lol).


Take your time, even if It takes awhile. You still got my support 👍.


No worries, we all know it's worth the wait. Take care :)


Aerodynamics! how's work going?


It's been a week, can I expect it to be released this week...?


remember guys, ya need to have patients. the person has a lot on there plate. you want a game that is rush or a game that looks good?


Mate, just be patient. People have lives and we don’t know what’s going on . Just let Areo ake his damn time.


remember people it always best to wait. ignore the people on wanting to play early. you take ya time working on the game. I rather have a complete game then a rpg version of cyber punk. it not easy making a game. so guys give em a break. they need it. the demo out when it comes out


you do know, that the creator of these games have a life right? as well, they are mostly busy. if they were not they would of respond fast enough. just getting mad not be able to jack it to a fetish game is actually kinda sad. like u said it wrong to criticize for a personal reason which you are doing. also, your always welcome to leave. beside as other said they would like a game that works pretty well as well have more content. so when ever the demo comes out it prob have more stuff in it instead of just one or 2 bosses. who knows. if you can't wait your more then welcome to leave. also, the creator can make mistakes on the release date that normally human as well natural for people to do. so when ever they come back on with the demo the best thing for them to do or say the demo is out when it ready. respect people with personal lives, is that really hard to do? before you come at me as well be mad for defending the creator for not releasing a notice is to remember they are prob going through something tuff which we all need to respect.


Hello? I would like to know the recent development of LT. It's okay if you don't complete the development. Even if the work is busy, please take your time to inform us of the development status. Sorry if I rush you. I always enjoy playing your games. Thanks.