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Sorry for letting you guys to worry about me. I'm here to report what is going on...

I'm still alive, and I'm still actively making the game. I'm just REALLY busy in the past few weeks. I thought I could finish it in the middle of February but due to some personal issues and the fact that the workload of this update is a little bit heavy. Therefore, it is still unfinished.

With that being said, I promise I will publish a demo in February. It will be in a few days. I'd really appreciate if you could and understand and be patient. Here are some finished CGs for compensation!






That Fart duel cg looks sweet! Keep up the good work and Dont burn yourself out Aero!


It's all good Aero, don't worry about rushing to finish it take your time and do it right. And thank you for the update I love Estella in the posts. (I data mined the old game to get the name)


Looking forward to this!

Somebody Silent

Take your time chief you do what ya got to do, don't kill your self chief and as always thanks for the updates ^.^


Thanks for the update!


Love you Areo! I appreciate the update! ^^


Ready to roll out!!!


Any news is great to hear. Will be looking forward to it and don’t push youself too hard.


Hey no worries! Great to hear from you, Aero. We just wanted to know if your ok, regardless of the progress. This crazy world has claimed too many people, figuratively and literally; I'm glad it hasn't gotten to you yet. I know it can be hard to believe others trust you or to trust in yourself when times get rough, but one's vigor to continue can be renewed by just a conversation. With this news that your alright and still determined to continue the project during trying times, my confidence in your success at anything has grown. Never give up, never surrender!


You’re doing fine , relax

Marcy Anderson

You're a true member of the onara renaissance, friendy! Keep up the goodz!

Michael Jimenez

The way dat ass seals and engulfs the victims mouth :D

Michael Jimenez

you’re doing great! Thank you for your content!!!


look like charm/hypno as well corruption to like fart attacks as well be attracted to the enemy is in the game can't wait for it to be release the demo keep up the great work as well don't push ur self to hard alright ^^


Hype AF to finally see Estella off the cutting room floor. Looking forward to hearing more soon. Stay safe, and stay cool Aero.


Thanks for the update.


Looking forward to nose sealed fart also






I cant wait anymore

Marcy Anderson

LOL, you guyyys. Let's focus less on the February part and more on the REALLY BUSY part of the update. Let's show some appreciation by not causing any stress~~~♡


Today is March.....


Yes, thanks Aero for the content! I couldn't agree more with Marcy. Take your time Aero


Anyone likes me that set this page as the home page and check everyday?

Jackie Kyuu

I'm sure it's still February somewhere and I'm sure you shouldn't promise things you can't ensure will happen.


Don't force him to ensure promise. He will anyway upload. We just need patience.


Aero, Many of us can wait enough, but what's sad is that there is no notice even though you made a promise and failed to keep it. You don't have to explain the current situation in detail. We are satisfied with just simply telling us why it's hard to upload it. Thanks.


What name is this fox girl??? Is she p l a y a b l e ?