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JH Lee

왜 bts영상이 아니고 레드벨벳 영상이 나오나요?


Hopefully no😬 moments this time😅




uff not fast enough, sometime i will get u


That sentence was way too long, type like my life depended on it😂🔥


Grown no more dream is their debut this trip was a year after their debut I believe


TG almost 12 years old. Nice clean cut🔥


The instructor with Jimin, J-hope and Jungkook is Tony Jones, as the show goes on you will see him and Jimin develop the funniest yet cutest relationship. He is the reason Jimin has the nickname “chim chim” and part of the reason Jimin named his bt21 character “Chimmy”. There was some shady stuff that happened with Tony that army weren’t very fond of and he was a bit controversial and said to be getting fame off BTS but he to me was the most down to earth instructor in the show. They all met up with him a few years ago in LA and the reunion was nice to see!


Yes he explained himself and I personally don’t think he meant to disappoint/ use armys


I don't really like this show much because of how they treated the members, particularly how they treated Taehyung in the first few episodes :( he deserves more than that. It gets better though! And I can't wait for you to get to Run BTS and Bon Voyage. Those shows are far better and showcase their personalities more.


I love how defensive you are of the boys. It makes me happy that I can watch your reactions and know that they will get the same love that I feel for them from you. Some reaction channels are quick to watch and be onto the next. I found BTS when I needed them the most, so I am so happy that you are genuine.


Poor Tae!!


The disrespect to baby tae :( But you should definitely start watching run bts it’s a lot more fun than this show and shows their personalities more !


Come on bruh gottta know public enemy first political rappers. You gonna learn with bts lol


this whole shows goal was to teach them about the hip hop culture ,it wasnt even planned to be a vacation to begin with and even though its an enternaiment show I think they took it very seriously Me personally I really like the intention of the show but the show itself smh.... its very hard for me watching them getting treated so poorly by some of them I think u should have started watching run bts or bon voyage to get to know their personalities better :)but like I also appreciate that u watch this show because it definetely had an impact on them


I hope some weeks u do double update episodes , because this will take 8 weeks to finish it 😩 and there are ALOT of shows is more funny and better than this show to react to it💗


I feel for these boys it must have been hard for them 😔


End of the coolio episode. Still many epidodes left doh :) This show might get me into my first all boys group in kpop. Shieeet hehe. Another group to stan XD


i think they were kinda disrespectful to bts but i guess the cultures are different they are definitely not used to seeing this i think they could of respected that they may not understand and they are joking around and not trying to be mean but it just comes across sooo harsh😟


I understand Coolio wanting to be harsh with them, in order to teach them that Hip Hop isn't a joke, its a culture to be respected and not appropriated. But I think he took it too far. I was able to look past his shit up until he said that V was a disadvantage. These boys are incredibly young, theres a language barrier and one hell of a cultural barrier. I don't know what results Coolio expects from embarrassing and belittling them, when they are clearly trying so hard to please him. In my opinion, its not effective or productive.


I can't stand mentors that believe that negative renforcement is the only way to learn, it seems to only push people away from their passions. I know they played it off as a joke, but V looked genuinely hurt and RM looked incredibly uncomfortable. Luckily, The Coolio section has ended, and you'll see other teachers that show BTS the respect they deserve while also teaching them about the culture of hiphop as well as how to be better performers and artists. Up til now, the show seems to be focused on Hazing the members rather than teaching them, but it gets a lot better from here on out.


Also, during the filming of this BTS was also working on there album Dark & Wild, recording it in LA. The producers also removed Dante from the show after this episode.


It only gets better from here. The first few episodes are always the hardest for me to watch again. Like you said, most of these mentors and people they worked with didn't expect much from them and didn't show them much respect.. but once the boys showed themselves for what they are (good people and great artists), things change. NOt that it makes everything okay, there is still things that were not cool at all, but I like to think it made bts' stronger.


TooGrown, I saw how emotional you got when Coolio said that V was a disadvantage. Coolio should have read the room and acted with way more tact than he did in that situation, considering V's age ..etc. I get that he was trying to test them to find out if their connection to hip hop was inauthentic but humiliating V in front of the whole group was wrong. And we could all see how hurt V was by that comment. The road to success is far from easy and this series is showcasing that. There will be a person or two who will say you don't have what it takes. And Dante brought bad energy from the second he appeared on screen, he was mean and condescending and I'm glad he got the boot.

ri ra

I personally was infuriated with this episode and how Coolio treated V. Considering the fact that RM and V never had to step into the kitchen growing up, they did not know how to cook, so they were already at a disadvantage against the other groups. Also, V has a very unique personality and it was so easy to misunderstand him. Even people in the kpop fandoms used to call him weird (alien) because he was just different from everyone. I'm so glad the section with Coolio wasn't more than two episodes because his statements could have been very damaging to anyone's self-esteem (God bless Mrs. Iris, whom you'd come to see in a later episode). All in all, V did turn out to be a remarkable young man, and I'm glad that he's so one of a kind. I also was pretty irritated with Dante and his hot-headedness. I'm glad he was kicked off the show.


He didn't humiliate V for fucks sake, he was just joking, shut the overprotective crap, Coolio was very understanding and encouraging of BTS and was playfull with V, he played his character very well since the show kinda wanted him to act though but even stiill he was very cool with them, V acted goofy so Coolio played along, You can see in the end he did care for V and not once V seemed hurt, he took it as a joke like any normal human over the age of 10 would take it. Dante was the only bad person here. But yall act like BTS are babies hurt by the slightest joke


Coolio treated V very well, stop making it seem like he hurt hilm, he was playfull with him and was joking the entire episode, anyone with little social skills would understand that Coolio was joking when he said that. Only people treating BTS like fucking babies get angry over this.


There is no need to be condescending because I don't think anyone here is that dense based off of the responses. I am aware that back in 2014, the boys weren't exactly infants that needed to be spoon fed. And it's "reality" TV were things aren't exactly reality. Coolio wasn't the bad guy that a lot of the fans made him out to be. He wasn't there to tell them what they wanted to hear. But he was being shady AF with that comment and V knew it, because you could see his demeanor shift, just like Coolio's did when he realized the boys were talented and not some fake wannabes from Korea trying to appropriate Black culture.

Nanon ApoBangpo⁷

Ill post this here again so you get the shows. The shows: Rookie King, American Hustle Life, BTS Bokbulbok, BTS Gayo, Run BTS, Bon Voyage, Bon Voyage 2, Burn The Stage Docu Series, Burn The Stage The Movie, Bon Voyage 3, Bring The Soul The Movie, Bring The Soul Docu Series, Bon Voyage 4, Break The Silence Docu Series, Break The Silence The Movie, BTS In The Soop. They also have themselves reacting to the first episode of the Bon Voyages and they react to Bring The Soul The Movie. They also have other things like Seasons Greetings, Summer Packages, a Winter Package. BTS Memories of 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. And if you find a place to watch the concerts they have on dvds online you dont have to watch the concert but behind the scenes stuff they have is always different in the dvds. The Muster dvds have different things too. And if Im missing anything people can add to it.


Im really love this! Hope you reacted to AHL ep 3 soon! 😊


Thank you to TaeTata for listing all the shows in order! I'm very interested to see if you (TooGrown) are going to react to ALL of them! XD I'll be here for anything anyway!


I hate coolio.....and the way he treated them ..... V was so cute and so nice...bubbly person and he called him like that...

ri ra

Jonas, that is your problem, not mine. I was here respectfully minding my business and stating my observations. If it doesn't it well with you, then find a solution to your problem yourself. Not coming here to reply to me in expletives. If I feel coolio was mean to V then I feel that way. Deal with it and stop taking people's opinions personally. Educate yourself on civility while you're at it. Patreon is supposed to be a safe place where people can interact with the channel owner.


Tony and Nate really got along so well with the boys! If you're ever interested, Tony has actually does some reaction videos on another Youtube channel where he talks about being a mentor on the show and what it was like hanging with the boys. They really became great friends and you can def tell by watching their chemistry here!


I totally get Coolio. I mean, hip hop was his life and he was a pioneer. And I totally understand if he's protective and serious about it. And some of our boys lived and breathed American hip-hop (through a Korean lens, which was probably often stereotypical) but some of the boys didn't. Coolio was of that era where people didn't consider hiphop a worthy art. The language and cultural barrier turned little things like their jokes into offenses and Coolio wasn't having it. But he still gave them a lot of good advice. People sometimes walk away from AHL with a negative opinion of him but I really get where he's coming from and I think it was a good experience for the boys. Take hip-hop seriously. It's not just gold chains and backwards hats. People have fought and died for it (literally) and it was an political and social outlet for black Americans. I'm glad you seemed to get that too. Andre can go fuck himself though.


Biggest thing I see in this episode every time I watch it is that Coolio didn't understand V at all. V has a very distinct personality and you can tell from episodes later on that he responds to positive praise and criticism, not punishment and insults.


Hey! Sorry I just joined your patreon, but when I want to see some episodes of BTS American Hustle Life, it's always your latest video on redvelvet wich comes on screen :(. I don't know if it's just me but some of them work and some others don't :(.


hey hey ..... the just letting you know the first few links for HUSTLE LIFE are actually bringing up Red Velvet and not BTS .... could we get a fix please as I'd really love to share these reactions with you THANKS