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And TG it doesn’t look like the sub team is getting on ep 4. They’ve taken a break unfortunately so you’ll probably have to prepare different NIZIU content or any other kpop vid. They are the only ones who have been subbing these eps


I see Momo's face every time JYP smiles now. 😁


Can’t wait for next stream 💓🔥


hello hello


now i have to watch the twitch clips too aiaiaiai


Yeah The reason u don’t remember any of Mayuka is because she was only shown basically at the end with the final mission


“I didn’t have a planned choreography then” yes we all see it TG, truely talented 🔥


Nagoya is where Rio is from


TG this series is formatted oldest to youngest so MAKO-NINA Mako 19 Rio. 18 Maya. 18 RIKU. 18 Ayaka. 17 Mayuka 17 Rima. 16 Miihi. 16 Nina. 15 🔥


It was Miihi, Mako, Rima, Yuna jyp trainees


Yes they were “happy tears” 😉 😉


Rio is my bias wrecker! She was one of my favorites during the show. I love her dancing a lot! Dancers always seem to get me!


To answer your question, no Maya wasnt a jyp trainee, she was a YG trainee. The only jyp trainees were Yuna, Mako, Miihi and Rima. Yuna went back as a trainee since the show ended, its rumored she will be in the next korean gg from jyp as she is half korean :)


There were different hallways. Which one? Signal one or What is love one? (I think we talked about more at twitch...) Whatever the hallway was, you were not nervous. You just freaked out. Those judges. They blurred their faces but we already saw them through Sixteen & Seize the Light. That Rio's personal evalution song 'Lady' is the song of 'Yubin' who you asked us 'Name!' when you watched 'Like Money' of Wonder Girls. The main rapper of Wonder Girls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MiQonPvlVM


And one of a growing number of JYP's protoges who've gone on to start their own entertainment agencies (rrr Entertainment ("Real Recognize Real")). I'm looking forward to whatever Hyerim (another fellow former Wonder Girl) puts out. Clip of an English/Konglish-language interview about Yubin taking that big step: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDLeLRXQbJ4 ICYMI, Red Velvet's Yeri also started a web talkshow during the 'rona, and Yubin was one of the guests: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hekph3txWc4 Personally, I found Rio's "Lady" solo performance a little more interesting because you had a Japanese trainee singing a Korean-language song derived from a Japanese musical genre (citypop)...which itself is derived from '70s American disco/light-rock. A sort of game of musical "telephone" where things have the potential to transform as they get adopted by and from different cultures.


In hindsight, that "Swing Baby" group performance had a murderer's row of already somewhat experienced/trained members: * Mako, JYP trainee of 2.5yr * Maya, YG trainee of 1yr * Rio, LDH/EXPG trainee of ~3yr Especially considering this trio would eventually become the "unnie line" of the eldest girls, I wonder if the team makeup was chosen specifically to see the result of what having the oldest, most stage-ready girls could offer.


Wow, i didnt know maya was a Trainee under YG. Do you know how long she was a trainee for? *Edit: ah nvm carl already answered that.


Aside from the US locations in LA and Orlando, there's Disney parks in: * 2x Paris, France * 2x Tokyo, Japan * Hong Kong * Shanghai, China


I'm personally not one for the whole stan/ship culture, but because I like plays on words, I do have an interest in ship portmanteau names or other clever twists. Thinking of what Maya/Rio's ship name would be, I feel like "Mayo" would be better than "Riya." And because they're Japanese, maybe take that a step further and call them "Kewpie Sisters," like the Japanese mayonnaise with the baby mascot.


"Old man yells at cloud" moment: And if anyone cares to see the origin of the word "stan" in relation to parasocial relationships with celebrities, take a watch of Eminem/Dido's song "Stan" from the year 2000. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOMhN-hfMtY

Unsalted Pecan

JYP Trainees: - Mako - Rima - Mihi - Yuna Maya was a YG trainee in Japan, I dont think she ever went to Korea but had just left YG for some reason before auditioning with JYP for the Nizi Project. I don't think she left YG because of the scandal at the time I think the YG scandals had happened afterwards but I can't say for sure.


Ah yes, let's name ourselves after the old murder/suicide of an obsessed fan song :P never understood this.


TG maybe you should create a discord server so we can all chat and talk about stuffs in there :D

Wayne W

I stayed up way past my bedtime watching the Twitch stream and just getting around to commenting. It took me a while to warm up to Rio in season 1. The moment when JYP was like "you look like a dancer - that's not a compliment" and she took his feedback to hear was when I started coming around. I was a fan after her first performance and "Swing Baby" sealed the deal. I really hope the team subbing these does all the episodes because you really get to focus on each member and get wrecked. Can't wait for Maya's episode!

Wayne W

If you're not already doing so, check out the Twitch streams that TooGrown's doing at https://www.twitch.tv/toogrown


What is that thing you're wearing? Mina would NOT approve.


Bro Maya's been my bias or bias wrecker this whole time. That girl is special I can feel it. I can't wait to see her perform in future songs


Maya-Rio Friend-SHIP name MaRio?

Mr Jackpots

Actually I don't know why you call it 15+1 because you're the only one I've ever heard call it that. I've googled the hell out of that term and got nothing.