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I’m so sad I wasn’t a midzy when this was filmed because I’m French and I live near by 😭


Y’all should see what Twice just dropped for the new album covers.. lord have mercy they are looking gorgeous!!


Yeees we're going Itzy in my hometown...


I'm from Paris and used to work exactly right next to their hotel in Paris (the dorm-like one) so I recognized the street instantly and it's even crazier to me seeing this haha


Waterfalls by TLC hahaha


one more french here :) hello à tout les autres ! Arc de triomphe literaly mean : "Triumph Arch"


ah finally itzy 🥰 my bias is lia, used to be ryujin but lia won me over, when they said bonjour, i can't help but remembered dahyun's bonjuru from twice tv5 😂 btw, are you ready for twice's comeback? Pretty sure you are trying so hard not to look at the teasers 😂


Yess sir!! Of course we knew it was cute! Which is why we kept suggesting this show. This show made me fall in love with all the members. I learned a lot more about their personalities from the show. I'm so happy you are diving back into Itzy. Itzy content we back baby!


Im from France ! This show means a lot to me

Unsalted Pecan

Lia has a beautiful laugh she has grown to be my bias, but I truly love all these girls , just like Twice they have a pure heart.


It’s crazy how Yuna is younger than 6 out of nine members of Niziu- only Rima, Miihi and Nina are younger. This applies to Ahn Yuna of Nizi Project as well


Yuna is 16 years old... Very young, yet a talented individual.


My guy Yuna is like 16 lmao


What's interesting is how they market the girls which makes you see them differently. Nizi is marketed for cute-girly vibes and they all feel like children. Itzy is marketed as teen-crush and they all feel like they're seniors in high school or freshmen in college in terms of their maturity.


Seeing them greeting people with bonjour reminded me of Dahyun being so funny by just greeting peoples at Switzerlands (TV5) with Bonjour Bonjour instead of Grüetzi. By the way, thanks grown for sharing this nice program with us, MIDZY


I feel you about that travel regret. My family was stationed overseas when I was a kid, and I had the great fortune to travel all over western Europe on family trips and school field trips. But at that young age, I just really didn't care much about taking in the culture and sights. (Unless it was things about mythical monsters. I can show you where the cyclops supposedly fell off a cliff and poked out its other two eyes, leaving it with just the one center eye.) BUT, I can tell you precisely where there's a McDonalds by the major tourist sites in the major cities...


One lasting outcome, though, is understanding what it is to be an outsider or foreigner or visitor in another country/culture's home. Really helped shaped my perspective on the global diversity of the makeup of a place's people and to not be irrationally unfriendly to people who don't look like locals (and conversely to not be a disrespectful trashy tourist).


Europe is on my bucket list of places to visit! My dad was stationed overseas in the Asia-Pacific region. I traveled a lot when I was a kid, living in Okinawa Japan and Guam. Visited Korea, Hawaii, Samoa and mainland Japan. I was really young when we were in Okinawa so I don't remember a whole lot. I joined the Air Force to hopefully get a chance to go back overseas. I was fortunate to spend a year in Korea. Best year of my life!

Wayne W

Who are the English speakers in ITZY? All of them. They're English speaking queens. Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe2SYxprTFk I think Lia is the only fluent member. I know Ryujin has improved a lot, but I'll leave it to a hardcore Midzy to set the facts straight. You really get to see other sides of the members that you don't see from MVs and performances in shows like these. I connected to Lia's mom instincts too because of this show, but not sure if she's the official Mom of Itzy.


Lia ryujn and chaeryoung are the english speakers i think and yeji and yuna know some basic english and they were there for 100 hours, itzy are the best they are my fav gg💗


Yes Lia is the most fluent member. Ryujin is damn near as fluent as Lia. Chaereyong is really good at understanding and the knowledge. Her speaking has gotten a lot better lately too. Yuna is really good and confident too. Yeji was the most shy to speak english. But during their promotions for Not Shy they improved a ton!! They definitely gained more confidence and they were for sure Not Shy when it comes to english. You can see it in all their recent interviews and videos!


I started watching this show once I knew you would be reacting to it. I know Itzy’s personalities well from Vlive and their behind the scenes stuff but I’m loving this show! I actually got the photo album as a bonus with my Wannabe album. It’s cool to finally see the trip!


This was okay :D Always eating doh XD


You have a hidden talent my men. You always ask a question 5-10 sec before they get answered in the videos xD Dude I really cant wait until we get to twice tv5 :(


I also went to Paris when i was 15, 7 years ago. I did enjoy it but i guess for someone living in germany it wasnt that different, im alot more interested in asian culture. But seing all the sights was still a fun experience. The following Year we went to London which was a pretty big let down, Id pick Paris anyday over London.


You even have fam right here in Florida! Much love my dude


Its crazy to watch 15+1 and seeing Chaeryeong grow so much since then. She's reaching for that bias spot.


Someone(s) in this band is a Zelda fan. When they open their hotel door after the fashion show, they hum the "item get" jingle, and this isn't the only time I've heard them do so. There've been other occasions like "let's open the thing and see the surprise" where they hum it in lieu of something like a "drumroll." For reference, the trumpet blare in the final moments as Link hoists up the item gotten from the chest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69AyYUJUBTg


Lia is the only fluent English speaker (by now everyone is pretty good though), which is why she was filling out the hotel forms and reading and translating the menu for everyone. Lia is also second oldest. And Yuna is 16.


Bonjour, here representing the French squad ! ♡ I'm from Paris.


I'm also french here o/ but not from Paris. Paris is a beautiful city but too much people for me ahahah


Hiii! Representing the French squad too! 😘


welp, you might as well hit up all the shows on Itzy's YT channel after this lol


It'll be great hanging out with you at a concert some day bro!


24:58 That song is one of my favorites by TLC it's called Waterfalls.


Well done to all the Midzys continuously requesting this show, it’s a win for us all


no this is not work this is a reality show


No, Lia is not the mother type. It's just that she's the only one who is fluent in English so she guides the members.


Yep. T. Boz Left Eye and Chilli were my girls. Like Salt n Peppa and Spinderella. Man good times


lia is the only fluent english speaker in itzy, but ryujin speaks rlly well too. however theyre ALL familiar w english to some degree, like they can each hold a conversation and understand basic grammer :)


I can't watch the video.🥺💔


Hiii, I need your help. Paris et ITZY , I can't watch the video. Ep.1-4🥺