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Glad you reacted to this. Niziu did a great job covering this as well


My dude with the extra large #7 combo of Twice content. Ba da bap ba baaa... I’m loving it! Hahaha Good luck with your Heat tonight!


to answer your question early on in the video, there was a live stage of more and more after they won a music show, i’m not sure which one though, where momo’s vocals were off because as we all know, jyp makes her sing in a voice that’s not her natural range, which came off choppy while she was singing and people started coming at her for it. it was literally one performance where she sounded off. and in regards to mina with the mic, i’ve also wondered that for some time. some live stages, 1-3 members will have an actual mic while others have the hands free one lol


The audio in these music shows is usually pre-recorded. When a group wins the music show, they get to do an encore stage. On the encore stage they sing the song casually again with no playback. Momo messed her part in more&more up a little in one encore stage, and people hated on her for that. The hate on Momo vocals is a thing that is going on for longer. Sometimes groups mix a little bit of live vocals into the song. It seems like that it was like this in this stage. And since Mina's voice is very soft, she got a real mic, so her voice was better to hear. Im not sure.


I think it’s because some people think the key of More & More is not suitable for MOMO. And she was attacked because she did't perform well on first Encore stage of MORE&MORE. Although I think the second and third encore stages have improved, there are some people still attacking MOMO. 😥


You could react to Twice at MAMA 2017 (covering BOA - My Name and performing their own songs): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HxLLm7rGeiMZ5j3kKi6WZ2VFtPkeIDfB/view Or to Twice at the Korean Music Festival 2018 (covering BOA - Valenti and performing their own songs): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wED7cAY5K0SpRel_-5zCl0CLUH9f1vx4/view


Oh my god! I just literally found this JYP M/V called “Fire”. Has some very familiar faces including Steven yeun (the walking dead) our very own Conan O’Brien and a few others you’ll know. Please please please watch this hilarious gem on throwback Thursday... it’s a riot!!! https://youtu.be/X2mqrzKHb3w


lolll the last subtitle on the video, “YASS QUEENS!”


I'd also like to add that Momo, and by extension the group, received a lot of hate for this specific incident because they are no longer "rookies" and have been in the industry for 4 (almost 5) years at this point. Not justifying the hate by any means, but this was one of the reasons I saw cited often.


Mina has a hand held mic most likely because her dress doesn't allow for her to wear a mic pack. Anytime you see a member with a hand held mic its probably because of the outfit they're wearing.


I think it’s pretty silly that even though it’s common for Idols to not take Encore stages seriously - passive singing/dancing, lines are forgotten, Idols goof around, Idols cry, etc - Momo wasn’t afforded the same freedom for this particular Encore stage for some reason. Sure her vocals were off, sure they’re a veteran group... but it’s a damn Encore stage haha. You’d think after countless live performances and countless encore stages people would just say, “meh, we’re human. it happens”, and move on 🤷🏼‍♂️


https://youtu.be/P-B9hOwFZ5M this is the performance that people thought momo sounded really bad in, i think if you have a bad moment you can always improve and its really not that bad but i guess they just sounded a bit tired i think she realised she was a but off and didnt sing her next part :(


Momo gets a lot of flack for her vocal ability because a shit ton of Twice's songs are in a higher key than her vocal range, so she ends up being unstable/shaky sometimes. Songs that suit her vocal tone the most/ songs where she shines the most are Breakthrough, TT, Signal, Do It Again, Precious Love, Only You, Yes or Yes, What Is Love, Feel Special, Jaljayo Good Night, and The Best Thing I Ever Did. Her tone is in the mid-lower range but JYP keeps making their title tracks in high keys probably bc Jihyo and Nayeon's voices shine the most in the high key and they usually sing the major parts of the title tracks so it makes sense to put them in a high key but unfortunately it causes some of the members like Momo and Sana to come of shaky while dancing and singing live.


Mostly, mix with hand mic issues are due to technical and mechanical problems like malfunction of ear-piece mic, transmission/connection issue, or noise. In those cases, they use hand mic (for dance group) Mina used hand mic a lot during DTNA time In live stage, Mina took more lines than Jihyo including chord and chorus Usually people who has most part is holding hand mic However, Mina answered about this before when someone asked her She said she just used hand mic because it was easy to breathe 😄😆😁 Haters' hate comments do not have reason Hating others is their life Sometimes, immature fan from sort of rival group do this too Do not try to understand their hate comments It is much easier to think like this 'Thank you for your watching our girls' clip. Enjoy your life'😋


Mic/ear piece is usually idol preference. Some perform better with mic some prefer with in ears.


People who call bullshit on Momo's vocals should watch this: https://youtu.be/iAupPkaGjgE That'll shut them up. Momo has a very unique voice and she is forced to sing in an uncomfortable music style which makes her singing sound bad when it really doesn't.

Wayne W

The calendar says the first day of autmun was the 22nd, but I think TooGrown and TWICE said we get another day of summer. DTNA is the official soundtrack of summer.

Wayne W

You're right about the haters. Trying to understand them is giving them to much credit. There's nothing we can do to change their mind, so it's best to ignore them and keep supporting your favs. :)


you must react to dance practice videos, so you can watch and find all the dance details you dont see in the MV, like the body rolls at the beginning of the DTNA song, there are funny dance practice videos like the one of What Is Love that they made for once, you need to watch it


As grand and awesome as the talent of Kpop Idols are, unfortunately they'll just always be haters and in this case, these haters identify themselves as Knetizens. They pretty much just bag on the minimal mistakes of what Idols do despite the amount of talent they actually display. In Momo's case, she gets criticised harshly for her vocals for three main reasons (in my opinion). 1. She's the main dancer; so where Knetizens know she excels, they feel the need to exploit her in another aspect which she has publicly announced she isn't all that confident in which is her vocals. 2. The register that the producers have her sing in is not within her comfortable vocal range, so Knetizens can easily pick at her vocals by saying it doesn't sound natural. 3. Everyone else in TWICE is just a better vocalist than her. But of course she isn't gonna have the vocal spotlight when she's singing next to Nayeon and Jihyo. And because of that, Knetizens just target her because she "vocally underperforms". What Knets fail to understand is that where she lacks, the rest of TWICE makes up for it, the same way she makes up for her dance skills. She's not a bad singer by any means, it's just easy to look like a bad singer when you're next to other talented vocalists.


I really love the harmonies in the live version! And Tzuyu's hair... just... perfect! I was wondering why Mina had a microphone as well. I guess hers broke right before the stage? Happens all the time but they usually have plenty of spare mics... Edit: Now that I read the comments there are like a thousand possible explanations why Mina had a microphone. Wether it's her dress, broken earpiece, her being more comfortable with a mic in her hand... I don't know man... She stands out but it doesn't change the quality of the performance so it kinda doesn't matter...


I saw it the day Conan O'Brien and Steven Yeun did this in the show... It was a really pleasant surprise! ^^


If you haven’t noticed every time twice release something, within an hour or so, they would have around 270 thumbs down for that YouTube video. These are people passionately hating on them and looking for any reason to point out their flaws. Think about how much work and effort they put in and how much of their life they actually use to hate on them. They are subscribe to all the twice stuff just so they know when new content come out. Then they have to watch the whole video so they can try and find something to complain about. Crazy right?


Your pc can’t handle jeongyeon smile, that’s why stopped 🤪


Perhaps you can react to this Yes or Yes and DTNA (remix) live performance. This is one of their best live performances and prepare your water 😏 https://youtu.be/zR6TuDYqzS8


The Momo hate thing happened because after award shows the winner gets to sing their song live, no backing vocals or anything. So Twice won in More and More on one of those shows and they were each singing their parts, Momo did her part but didn't quite hit the note, and haters jumped on her incredibly fast because of it saying things like "she's been an idol for all this time and hasn't learned how to sing yet" blah blah. Seriously their behavior was disgusting towards Momo and the girls. Artists won't hit every note every time especially when it's not a prepared stage with warmed up vocals, while they're goofing around and not taking it seriously because it's just an award show encore. You can go back and watch 90% of award show winner performances they aren't as good as their prepared stages for any idol or artist. But yeah that's why, people just wanted to hate on her and used it as a chance to bring her down.


Maybe Mina has a mic because her ear rings?


Artists usually warm up their voice before a prepared stage. But if they're just going up on an award show and maybe won't win, I doubt they spend a lot of time warming up if any. On top of that anyone can have an off-moment when singing live. I felt bad that she lost a bit of confidence because of it and assholes attacked her for it. Seriously it's like they want a machine not a human up there.


It’s stupid how Momo got hate for messing up a note. As someone who has spent a lot of time on stage, solo and with people, it’s very common to mess up your notes. You can’t help but just exchange looks with your team and laugh together. It’s something that should of been taken lightly. Even Momo looked at her members and gave the face of “did you hear me mess up? 👀🤣” that was literally her face. People that do not perform on stage will never truly understand and will decide to just hate instead.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e8g_arMluI can you reaction this live performance signal at KBS song music Festival 2017 tq


Just make simple correction. Knetizen does not mean haters. Knetizen means 'Koreans who use internet'. So, if you say Knetizen is hater, you mean entire Korean are haters. The hate group of Twice is their own name and community call 'Thrice' which is based on Thailand and grown to global. Twice is the only group who has organized anti-community. Mostly haters are just hater. Anyway, Knetizen does not mean haters.


I did not say that Knetizens are ONLY haters, but there are Knetizens that are TWICE haters that do not identify themselves as Thrice. So I am clearly talking about the Knets that are haters of TWICE.