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You might want to do this more than once a week or else you might miss the full debut.


Should I watch these right now or keep studying? Haha tough decision. Base on your face on the thumbnail, I guess you fail to rank Nina's perfomance hahaha. I love Riku's stage, she was on fire.

Mr Jackpots

Nina didn't understand the emotional tone of the song which is what I would expect of a 14 year old. The song is very dark, full of regret and frustration because the singer has been used and manipulated by someone they really love. No smiles in this one.


To my understanding the group name is pronounced "Need you"

Mr Jackpots

Someone has to rank last twice to be eliminated. That only happens once before the final selection and you know who it's going to be long before it happens. The final selection will destroy you though so be prepared.


Don't bitch out and man up. You need to go through what we went through 😂😂


They did get to choose their songs, I believe. They will explain when songs are given to them or not for this show! Can't wait for next week.


I think for JYP, its most important to see consistent growth. Someone at a high level of skill will still get roasted if they don't show improvement over their last performance.


Nina definitely gets judged way more critically since she's the best singer of all the girls.


You better not bitch out bro lol!!! I watched it live and it was amazing and a heart breaker too.


I like all these young women and I was sad for the (insert number) of girls who didn't make the group. Keep watching though man. We all love your reactions which is why we're here.


They don't have eliminations like they did on Sixteen. The only time they will eliminate someone is if they rank last for a 2nd time.

Wayne W

Nah. You gotta finish the show and keep the rankings. Or maybe change it to your feedback and if you think they'll get a cube or not. Ha ha. I'm with you on Maya's vocals not being the strongest, but I was sold on everything else. Plus the beat for that song is hard and I was rooting for her since the Ugly Duckling story in Season 1. I became an Ayaka fan this episode because she knows she's starting from the back and puts in the work. I felt bad for Yuna because you can sense the moment that she loses confidence and you want her to recover. Also agree on "Who's your mama?" being so cringe. I hope they retire that song from future shows, but Riku killed it. I also think some of the performances suffer because the way the edit for YouTube. There are a few moments where you can see and hear the cut that kind of takes you out of the performance. I'm having fun watching though and hope no one spoils anything for you.

Unsalted Pecan

(No spoilers I promise) - As someone who has seen this show already, this show isnt as bad as 15+1 even though it isn't a perfect ending i think you'll be happy anyways with this journey and how it ends. Oh and hey no judgement from me I suck at at 1-10 myself. I also didnt like Maya's performance at first but after looking at it again a few times it's one of my favorites now.


LOL watching this show I learned how to wave "come here" in Korean.


In Maya's case, JYP clearly said that the acting skill are so on point that it allows her to "hide" her default (that she has at this point of training). I'll go with you, her vocal were not the best (but not alarmly bad either). But for me her dancing was very precise, and her attitude, gaze, facial expression were totally in sync with the song. If i remember well, she's also one of the candidate with the less experience in singing and dancing on stage. So as said, he saw a big star potential and in growth ... just like Dahyun in 15+1. She has the ability to captivate the audience and to soak training to get better where she is lacking.


Keep watching bro. This show is amazing. Also, i would suggest go and watch the original versions of the songs you dont know. It might help provide a perspective. Of course watch the originals after the episodes cuz you dont wanna spoil the reactions. Keep it up!


To be fair to Nina in terms of lacking dance, miihi didn't really have one either. Just vocal performance for the most part. Also I REALLY recommend you watch from another source. These videos are cutting out parts of the performances, I don't know if they continue to do so in later episodes but you would be better off switching to another YouTube channels uploads that doesn't cut bits out. There are plenty that have full episodes in English subs, I'd be happy to provide some I know of and im sure other people have their recommendations if you want them. Nonetheless, loved the reaction!


TooGrown: I thought Maya's vocals were the weakest we heard today. JYP: I'm about to end this man's whole career. In all seriousness I'm surprised you said that because as a singer I thought Maya actually delivered the second best vocal performance so far from this round (behind Miihi obviously) and this Maya performance was the moment that I decided I really liked Maya! While Maya didn't do anything flashy like Miihi or Nina, she was able to perfectly convey the emotion of the song in her tone and I know from personal experience that is actually much harder to learn than flashy technical tricks like runs or belting high notes.


Oh and i know you were maybe kidding a bit but I do wanna say that I'd personally prefer to see you go through the show not knowing who makes it by watching the MV. I know it's a bit rough but that's how we all watched it so I think it's nice to share in your worry about potential eliminations and because of how big a deal the final lineup selection is, I'd say it's important to not know who is in. Whether you predict wrong or right, both are more fun than having you just know I would say.


ah so true; maybe double up on episodes at least two weekends. especially considering they'll likely drop teasers in the weeks prior to debut, which are almost impossible to avoid.


I was shocked as well that it didn't get through you when Maya performed. She gives off a Swan like performance, as she slayed the song choreography. And for her vocals, it is not as stable but it was good. My eyes were on her after her star quality test. It was touching. And she even left YG after years of training prior to the show. Which means she got the biggest potential. And btw, a lot of people who watched this always say Maya gives off the Mina vibes. As for Yuna, for me she gives off some Dahyun vibes. And she one of those people who I routed for too late. She got me like, i admire her! But I am still a Rima hard stan during this show, of course Miihi, Mako, and the rest be wrecking me from time to time. And don't worry about elimination cause it will only happen if someone is at the bottom twice. And 15+1, jyp was way harse than here.


And since JYP uploads have a lot of cuts, they don't show the whole performances, I suggest that you watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFVDw3r99OPoezOYdMAlnuZV4Fr1J5iV6 It maybe be the reason why some performance feels a little different for you.


youre not watching the full performances and theres also some clips cut here and there, please next time watch on the channel lets kculture thye have eng subs and the full episodes all there, the nizi channel is not the full show


Bro, DON'T YOU DARE STOP; you're doing great! We all have our own individual opinions that aren't always the same as JYP! Keep doing what you're doing; that's what is called an HONEST OPINION! And though I've already watched the whole season; the best part is that I LOVE that you don't know the final outcome this time! So you make sure that you continue to avoid ALL SPOILERS as much as possible!


And ironically, I was about to suggest that you add both "I Don't Need A Man" and "Touch" by Miss A for your next Throwback Thursday; so to have them both appear in this episode was kind of funny!


I myself ‘b!tched out’ and went ahead and watched the MV before watching Nizi project. My reasons were 1) not wanting to be spoiled by someone else on who made the lineup 2) didn’t expect a predebut MV is going to be released so soon so I had to watch it ASAP and more importantly 3) going through the survival show and rooting for someone only to not make it the debut lineup I felt like would ruin my enjoyment towards the group. Not saying it will happen for sure but that’s a possibility.


is it me or is the performance really chopped up?


LOL the entire part with maya and your reaction to the judging killed me. I enjoy hearing your thoughts about it, don’t think you look like an idiot!


Is it just me or Maya gives off such Mina vibes? She has that feminine, delicate, elegant side, especially in this performance (which to me was also one the best vocal performance of this round, after Miihi). Also I think your feedback are different because the performances in this video are cut off.


I haven't even watched it yet, just looking at the thumbnail and thinking to my self "Yup, I already know where this is going." lol You and me both, I can't figure out what JYP's thinking. But he always picks the best groups so the man knows what's up.


Please react to MissA - Touch on throwback Thursday. This song is amazing and the choreography with 4 members is really satisfying to watch.


Aww I just realized because you're delayed on their debut you won't be voting for their signatures tomorrow. They each made two different types of signatures and are having fans vote for which one they should use when at fan signs and stuff.


What a general audience member uses for grading vs what JYP uses for grading are often different. You can respond to certain elements more strongly or less strongly than him, and it ultimately matters more to the reception of the singer/group. Just like with the Sixteen fan-votes regularly being different to his picks. Whether you enjoy something or not is your truth, and someone having another perspective doesn't make your feeling any less honest. That said, JYP isn't grading the performance as a standalone "was this enjoyable or not" thing. He's grading on a relative scale that is unique per individual because he wants to see if they've got what it takes to A) be a good artist, B) grow into a good artist, C) enjoy being a public figure. He wants to not only know about their objective skill levels, but also their ability to be consistent and to improve. He's also looking at their personal motivation toward improvement and how natural they are on stage. It's really no use to have good technical ability and to not ultimately enjoy yourself when you're forced to make use of it for a day job. For me personally, as a technically-minded audience member, this is how I break up my grading: * Dance (technical) - flexibility, sharpness, consistency, balance, body control * Dance (musicality) - ability to map movement to the music * Vocal (technical) - breath control, stamina, staying on pitch, range * Vocal (texture) - vocal fry, rhythm, emotional conveyance * Face - acting/expression, confidence, eye contact * Group interaction - does it look like you're performing by yourself (or 1 of multiple clones sharing a stage) or as part of a team with acknowledgement and awareness of each other's existence So JYP keeps giving praise to Maya's expression. In this and past performances, her expression of being "one with the song" made up for a lot of her technical shortcomings. If she looks like she knows what she's doing, it makes the viewer more inclined to believe it. In fact, I would point to Maya as a model of what Nina was lacking. Nina didn't understand and failed to represent the grunge-y sensuality and angry accusatory tone of her song. She cleaned up and smoothed over the intentional and important rough spots of the song. On the other hand, Maya was selling the coy, sensual longing at the core of her song. She embraced the texture of dragging both the vocals and the body language like someone playing hard to get but still beckoning.


Dude, as excited as I am about going to concerts and seeing my favorite KPOP artists...I really want to meet JYP and shake his hand. I think that'd be so dope.


Group Name: NiziU Fandom name: WithU That's all you get from me on that. No spoilers!


So going into 15+1 you KNEW the outcome. Now you don't. Is it better knowing who makes it or is it worse?


This performance put Maya on the map for me, and she became my champion to root for for the majority of this season. She was really one of a few this round who really confidently embodied her song. She definitely had room to improve vocally, especially with breathing, but any difficulty she might've been having never came across on her face. As they say in the entertainment biz, "the show must go on!" If something goes wrong, don't get flustered, just handle it. If you don't show it on your face that an oopsie happened, then maybe the audience will not notice, either.


I don't know why but every time I see Riku I think "Baby Sana!" And I can't tell you why...she just reminds me of a baby Sana.


Yuna has been a trainee with JYP since 2010. That's 10 years, like Jihyo was! Let's see what happens.


I think Maya totally gives off Mina's vibes: soft, delicate, feminine, etc. You should watch the full show. Nizi project channel cut here and there mid-performance. I don't know why they did that. This show is amazing. It shows how they all grow and you will be glad that you grow with them toward their debut. It's just like you wish you were watching Sixteen and following TWICE since the beginning. Anyway, you should finish it before watching the MV. The MV that is out now is pre-debut, meaning it's the song they used in the last ep. You might want to do 2 eps/week or you might not finish it before the debut.


For our girl at 57:11 doing Miss A Touch...I'm calling it a 9. You say 7.5. Let's see.


I have also been watching the new contents from them and I'm genuinely concerned about Miihi's weight loss. I hope she's healthy, which is what matters most.


I think you are forgetting a bit that jyp is really looking for growth here, so someone might not have polished skills but if he's seeing a positive difference he's giving them a lot of praise. You cannot "bitch out" actually I think in addition to your 1-10 you should be adding if you think they deserve a cube, you aren't always wrong, you knew mihii had an awesome performance lol, but it is hilarious when you get jyps initial feedback. Also, the dancing from an outsider really does look weird, but remember many dances are designed around a group and look weird solo.


Maybe you should think of something else to call 15+1 lol, is easy enough to read and write but in spoken word it's a little awkward, which is probably part of the reason why you keep having to think about it, need a name that rolls off the tongue lol


"R" in Japanese is different from the English ‘R’ Japanese don't roll their tongue when speaking, it’s not pronounced like an “r” nor an “l” in English. It' difficult, but I would pronounce it as "L" sound, cause I think it's more like "L" sound rather than "R". If you listen carefully, Rima, Riku, etc, all pronounce like "Lima", "Liku". Just like "Ramen" as "Lamen".


That Yuna was different Yuna. She might be the first Yuna. The second Yuna is Itzy Yuna. This Yuna is the third Yuna joined in 2016


I'm not sure why he even says that, TWICE themselves call it sixteen whenever they talk about it. I think the fact that its traumatizing to them was just made up by some people on social media :P


Agree with you here. Twice calls it Sixteen, no reason to not call it this way aswell.


can u reactt wice perform.. sbs livehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-omCJaOw6F0&list=WL&index=7&t=0s


Not everyone likes the same things. Not everyone enjoys the same things. What you feel is genuine and you shouldn't lose that part of your reactions. Also there are not eliminations unless someone gets last place twice. So you don't need to worry about that. Don't be self conscious about getting it wrong in comparison to JYP, your own thoughts/opinions are valid.


Too bad this was when Mina was recovering. I'd love to see her in that concept!


I think the reason why your 1 to 10 ratings were so off is because you were basing them a lot on JYP's expressions, which is sometimes misleading cause he's got that stone cold poker face as well as because his facial expressions are not always in sync with how he is going to express himself, his critique, and low-key motivating/inspiring comments whether harsh or not. Another thing that helps is to remember what he stated he was looking for at the beginning of Season 2: growth (improvement).


I'm a musician and even I am wrong sometimes... Maybe "wrong" isn't the right word. I sometimes disagree with JYP. Especially in Sixteen where Momo and Chaeryeong got harsh evaluations. But bro... Maya's performance was absolutely stunning. Her movement was so precise and delicate that you simply couldn't see the tiny mistakes she did. Her facial expressions were on point with the performance and that's where she's good at. Her charisma on stage is just perfect. And then there's something you have to understand. You know that the members in K-pop groups are divided into dancers, singers and rappers. JYP (or any producer) wants to have members that excel in at least one of these categories. Sometimes there are these perfect candidates who can do multiple things and sometimes they're not good in any of these but they have this charisma or "star quality" which helps a group being successful. In Twice it's Tzuyu. And I'm not gonna spoil Nizi Project for you so I'm gonna shut up right now but Maya is indeed very special. ^^ At least for me she is...


It's called a "flap" and is produced like this: say the word "milk" - there's a so called "dark L". Hold that position with your tounge and flick it forward and down. It should sound like a mix between L, R and D. In some areas of Japan it's almost an L and in Korean it's straight up a dark L, never a flap.


Oh, I should add, that I found your reaction to Maya fascinating. No hard feelings at all! ^^ But you're sometimes way too generous... XD If a performance is average at best it's a 5 for me. But honestly? All members in the second season are amazing and a 5 is kinda rare... I can't remember any weaker performances, but we'll see... it's been a while since I saw these episodes so I'm gonna experience it again with you. Your opinion is as important as anyone's opinion.


you definitely must react tho their pre debut songs NIZIU-MAKE YOU HAPPY the music video is in Japanese version and dance video in Korean version


riku is like the jeongyeon of niziu, shes likes to fool around, make jokes, and shes rlly savage lol. But like jeongyeon, she cries out of frustration when she can't do enough.


I think Riku was really good! She showed such confidence and her singing was so good. Very nice surprise when I first watched this. I'd give Maya a 9.5. It was the biggest surprise for me in this round. She immediately shot up towards the top of my bias list after this.