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Dragon King's Harem Chapter 284. The Dragon King's Return IV

The lavish dining hall exuded an air of elegance and opulence fit for royalty. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ornate ceiling, casting a warm and inviting glow over the long dining table. The walls were adorned with intricately woven tapestries depicting legendary battles and majestic dragons in flight. The floor was made of smooth, polished marble, reflecting the flickering light and adding to the grandeur of the room.

As we settled into our seats, a sumptuous feast awaited us, a tantalizing array of dishes from the dragon’s various areas. Succulent roasted meats adorned with exotic spices, fresh fruits and vegetables artfully arranged, and fragrant bowls of steaming soups filled the table. The enticing aroma wafted through the air, making everyone's mouths water in anticipation.

The warm atmosphere enveloped us, the initial tension from Glasha's arrival slowly dissipating. I had ensured she was seated beside me, wanting to make her feel more at ease among my other wives. It was important that she felt welcomed and included, despite the complexities of her situation.

Enjoying the delectable feast spread before us, I felt a sense of contentment and joy. My other wives, Jyne, Sela, and Marissa, chatted and laughed, their camaraderie evident as they exchanged stories and jokes. However, I couldn't ignore Glasha's relative silence throughout the meal. It was essential to break the ice and facilitate better conversation, so I decided to take the initiative.

"Everyone, I have something to ask," I began, gaining the attention of my wives. "Glasha, would you mind introducing yourself formally to the others? I think it would be a great way to get to know each other better and make you feel more at home."

Glasha's hesitation was evident in the slight frown that creased her forehead. She seemed taken aback by the request, unsure of how to navigate the unfamiliar territory of introductions and formalities among us. However, she took a deep breath and slowly stood up, her eyes locking with mine for a moment.

With a reluctant nod, Glasha turned to face the others. "I am Princess Glasha of the orc tribe," she said, her voice carrying a hint of formality and pride. "As you all know, I am now the dragon king's new wife."

Jyne flashed Glasha a warm smile. "Well, it's a pleasure to officially meet you, Glasha," she said, extending her hand in a friendly gesture. "I must say, you have quite a strong presence. I'm sure you'll fit right in here."

Sela leaned forward, her eyes filled with kindness. "Yes, welcome to our family," she said, her voice gentle. "We may be different, but we are all united by our love for the dragon king."

Marissa, as always, remained composed and dignified, but there was a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "Indeed, we have all chosen this path with our own reasons," she said, her words cryptic yet intriguing.

Glasha nodded, appreciating the warmth in their welcome. "Thank you," she replied.

After Glasha introduced herself, there was a brief moment of silence. She sat back down, feeling somewhat unsure and self-conscious amidst the company of my other wives. I could sense her discomfort.

Jyne decided to break the silence. "So, Glasha, tell us more about the orc tribe," she asked, her eyes filled with genuine interest. "How has life been for you there, and what made you decide to come here?"

Glasha looked a little taken aback by the question but quickly gathered her thoughts. "Life in the orc tribe has been challenging but fulfilling," she began, her voice steadier now. "We are a strong and proud tribe, known for our warrior spirit and loyalty to our traditions. As for why I decided to come here, it was a decision made for the greater good of our tribe and to forge a new alliance with the dragon tribe."

Sela chimed in with a smile. "It takes a lot of courage to leave behind everything you know and step into the unknown," she said, her voice soft and reassuring. "We admire your bravery."

Marissa added her own enigmatic touch to the conversation. "Indeed, it seems fate has brought us all together for a reason," she said, her words carrying a sense of mystery.

I sensed that Glasha appreciated the support and camaraderie, but she still seemed a bit reserved. It was understandable, given the circumstances.

"And what about the western border?" Jyne chimed in, genuinely curious. "Is it safe now?"

I nodded, a sense of pride swelling within me. "Yes, thanks to our victory, the western border is secure now. But indeed, the situation with the Minotaurs still needs to be addressed," I said, a hint of concern in my voice. "We need to find a way to ensure lasting peace with them as well."

Marissa leaned forward with an intrigued expression. "Speaking of peace," she began, "what does the reconciliation with the orcs mean now that you've taken Glasha as your wife? Does it signal a new era of alliance between our two tribes?”

The mention of the reconciliation between the dragons and orcs left us all momentarily silent. Glasha's eyes widened with surprise, and I could see the bitterness and uncertainty swirling in her gaze. Evelina and I exchanged a glance, both unsure of how to proceed. The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air, and it seemed like words failed us for a moment.

Finally, Evelina took a deep breath, breaking the silence. "It’s a sensitive topic. I think we explain the situation," she said gently, looking at me for reassurance. "You see, the previous orc king was not willing to accept peace. He wanted to continue the war, which put both the orcs and the dragons in great danger."

I nodded, adding to Evelina's explanation. "I was forced to confront him and, ultimately, had no choice but to defend the tribe and kill him," I said in a firm tone. "Sacrifices must be made to forge a future where peace and prosperity reign."


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