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Dragon King's Harem Chapter 283. The Dragon King's Return III

Glasha hesitantly raised her hand in response to their cheers. Her gesture was hesitant as if she was unsure of how to react to the adoration of the masses. Despite her efforts to play the part of the dragon king's wife, her face remained stoic, a mask concealing any hint of happiness.

I couldn't help but notice the tension in her body language as she waved her hand. There was a wariness in her eyes, a guardedness that spoke of her unease.

I leaned closer to her and whispered, "Put on your smile, Glasha." It was a simple suggestion, but one that carried the weight of understanding. I knew that this was all new and overwhelming for her, but in this world of dragons and royalty, appearances mattered.

Glasha took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of strength she had. With a determined effort, she forced a smile to her lips, though it felt strained and unnatural. It was clear that the smile didn't come easily to her, but she recognized its importance in this new world she had stepped into.

As her lips curved upwards, the crowd's whispers intensified. All eyes were on her, and the scrutiny was palpable. The murmurs spread like wildfire through the excited throng, and Glasha could feel the weight of their curiosity and judgment.

"Who is she?" one person whispered to their companion, their gaze locked on Glasha's every move.

"She's the orc princess, the dragon king's new wife," another responded, their voice tinged with awe.

"But why does she look so unhappy? Shouldn't she be thrilled to be the dragon king's concubine?" someone else wondered aloud, their confusion evident.

The whispers swirled around Glasha like a swirling vortex, and she couldn't escape their prying eyes.

The carriage pulled to a stately stop as we finally arrived at the grand entrance of the dragon's palace. The clamor of the crowd outside seemed to hush as the anticipation for our arrival reached its peak. The moment had arrived for us to step off the carriage and into the opulent world of the dragon royalty.

Eagerly, a servant extended his hand to help Glasha out of the carriage, but she refused with a determined shake of her head. She wanted to show that she could handle herself in this foreign territory. Stepping out of the carriage, she straightened her posture, a warrior's pride emanating from her every move.

The palace guards, resplendent in their regal uniforms, stood in perfect formation, lined up to welcome us. As we approached, they greeted us with a synchronized bow, a show of respect for the dragon king and his entourage.

“Welcome back, Your Majesty! Congratulations on your victory!” they greeted in unison.

A red carpet had been laid out, leading the way into the magnificent palace, a symbol of the honor and reverence bestowed upon us. The plush, crimson carpet stretched out like a river of luxury, inviting us to walk the path of the revered.

As we stepped off the carriage, my other wives, Jyne, Sela, and Marissa, were waiting to greet us with open arms. Sela's eyes sparkled with joy as she ran to me and enveloped me in a long, heartfelt hug. "Sela’s so glad you're home safely, Your Majesty," she whispered, her voice tinged with relief and love.

Jyne followed suit, offering her congratulations with an exuberant hug. "You did it! I knew you could," she exclaimed, her smile infectious. "I'm so proud of you."

Marissa, always the epitome of formality, greeted me with a respectful bow. "Congratulations, my king," she said, her voice warm and genuine.

They then turned their attention to Evelina, who had been by my side throughout this journey. "Evelina," Sela said, her eyes softening with affection, "Sela’s glad to see you back safely as well."

Evelina smiled graciously. "Thank you," she replied, her voice carrying a sense of gratitude. "It was thanks to our king's leadership and bravery that we emerged victorious."

After they greeted me and turned to welcome Evelina, their eyes fell on Glasha, who stood a few steps behind me. Their gazes sharpened as they noticed the distinct bride mark on her neck, a symbol of her status as the dragon king's wife.

Jyne, always the curious one, couldn't resist asking. "And who might you be?" she inquired, her voice polite but tinged with curiosity.

However, Glasha didn't meet her gaze, instead looking off to the side as if trying to avoid attention. It was evident that she was uncomfortable with the sudden scrutiny. Her silence spoke volumes, and Jyne exchanged a knowing look with Sela, who stood beside her.

Sela nudged Jyne gently with her elbow and subtly pointed towards Glasha's wrist, where the magic bracelet was still visible. She wanted to indicate to Jyne that there was more to Glasha's presence than met the eye – that she was not just a bride but also a political prisoner.

Understanding Sela's unspoken message, Jyne nodded subtly, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. Marissa, who had been observing the exchange silently, seemed to comprehend as well, but she remained composed and reserved.

Glasha stood in stoic silence, seemingly oblivious to the conversation revolving around her. Her eyes remained fixed on a distant point, her mind seemingly lost in deep contemplation. The weight of her dual identity – as both a bride and a prisoner – was evident in the furrowed lines on her forehead.

"Everyone, let's continue this conversation inside," I suggested, gently leading the way toward the grand entrance of the palace. Glasha followed closely behind me, her posture still guarded but slightly more at ease now that we were away from the crowd's prying eyes.

As we entered the palace, Sarah appeared at the doorway with a warm smile. "Welcome back, Your Majesty," she greeted me, her eyes briefly acknowledging Glasha as well. "The food is ready for you, or would you like to freshen up with a shower first?"

I considered for a moment before replying, "I think I'll eat first. It's been quite a journey, and I'm eager to share a meal with my wives."

Sarah nodded understandingly. "Of course, Your Majesty. Right this way," she said, gesturing for us to follow her.


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