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Dragon King's Harem Chapter 282. The Dragon King's Return II

Dragon Cross City buzzed with frenetic energy as the sun reached its zenith. The city's denizens were caught in a whirlwind of activity, making last-minute preparations to welcome their victorious king and his triumphant troops. The bustling streets were a kaleidoscope of color and movement, a testament to the excitement that coursed through every dragon's veins.

The anticipation soared to a crescendo. Dragon Cross City had been abuzz since the crack of dawn, the palace grounds alive with bustling servants and enthusiastic party planners. They had spared no effort in crafting a celebration worthy of their returning king and his conquering heroes.

As the city of Dragon Cross prepared for its joyous celebration, an awe-inspiring sight stole the attention of everyone below. A vast horde of dragons appeared on the horizon, their majestic forms blotting out the sun as they filled the sky with their numbers. The sight was nothing short of breathtaking, an awe-inducing spectacle that sent shivers of excitement down the spines of the onlookers.

The dragons' mighty wings beat in unison, their flight a symphony of power and grace. They roared in triumphant chorus, proclaiming their victory and their joy at returning home after a victorious campaign. Their roars reverberated through the air like thunder, a declaration of their might and their unyielding spirit.

The people of Dragon Cross City looked up in wonder and amazement, their eyes fixed on the awe-inspiring display above them. The dragons had returned, and they were about to witness a momentous occasion - the homecoming of their king.

One by one, the magnificent creatures descended from the heavens, their mighty wings beating gracefully until they touched the ground. The city's gates were graced by the presence of these awe-inspiring beings, their numbers so vast that they seemed to form an unyielding wall of power and might.

With a flash of brilliance, the dragons transformed from their majestic reptilian forms into their humanoid shapes. Towering figures emerged from the dazzling light, their appearance mesmerizing human features.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty," Al greeted me, his voice resonating with a sense of accomplishment. "Your victory has brought great honor to our kingdom."

"Thank you, Al," I replied, trying to contain my excitement.

The other high officials gathered around us, congratulating me on my triumph in battle. Their words were filled with respect and awe, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in my heart. This was not just a victory for me; it was a victory for our entire kingdom, a testament to our resilience and strength.

But amidst the celebrations, their sharp eyes caught sight of Glasha, who stood by my side, her presence both unexpected and intriguing to the council. They regarded her with a mix of curiosity and respect, as if they recognized her significance, even though she was not a dragon.

"Your Highness, we welcome you as a guest in our city," Al said, bowing his head slightly in acknowledgment.

Glasha nodded graciously, her composure unwavering despite the attention she garnered. "Thank you," she replied flatly. "It is an honor to be here."

We ascended into the grand carriage. The doors closed with a soft click, cocooning us in an aura of regality and celebration. The carriage set into motion.

The welcome resounded loudly, the cheers of the dragon folk reaching a crescendo. The air seemed to vibrate with joy and admiration, and the streets came alive with revelry. The city's vibrant music filled the air, its rhythm infectious and impossible to resist. I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, knowing that this celebration was not just for me, but for the unity and resilience of our entire kingdom.

The city's inhabitants had poured into the streets, their faces alight with happiness as they celebrated the victorious return of their king. The energy was infectious, and I found myself caught up in the jubilant spirit of the crowd. It was a moment of shared triumph, a reminder that we were all in this together, united in our love for our homeland.

Eir and Guillotine, followed closely behind on their magnificent mounts. Their expressions were no longer burdened with tension or worry but rather filled with pride and joy. They were beacons of loyalty, standing tall with their heads held high, as they took their rightful place as protectors of the dragon king.

The soldiers fell in step with newfound vigor and cheerfulness. They had fought valiantly in the war, and their unwavering dedication had been rewarded with a triumphant return to their beloved city.

The carriage continued its regal procession through the exultant streets of Dragon Cross City. As Evelina and I smiled and waved to the cheering crowd, I couldn't help but notice Glasha's reluctance to join in the gesture. Despite her elegant attire befitting her status as the princess of orcs, she remained aloof, as if the exuberance of the moment had little effect on her.

"You should wave too, Glasha," I gently suggested, my voice devoid of any coercion. I simply wanted her to feel less like a political prisoner and more like a welcomed guest in this jubilant celebration.

"I'm not interested," she replied curtly, her refusal echoing through the carriage. Her attire may not have been that of a prisoner, but her demeanor spoke volumes of the inner conflict she grappled with. Even after the intimate moments we had shared in the Orc Tribe Throne Room, her icy demeanor remained unchanged. It was a stark contrast to the exuberant celebration around us.

Glasha's pride, which was as grand as the mountains, hadn't faltered even after becoming my wife. Her loyalty to her tribe and her unwavering strength were admirable qualities, but they also served as barriers between us.

"It's up to you, Glasha," I said, stressing the importance of her decision. "But I must remind you that the dragon's palace is a world apart from the orc's. The dragons value pride and stature, and if you don't present yourself as my wife, but rather as a political prisoner, it might diminish their regard for you. It's crucial to create a mirage that you came here as my equal, not just a captive." My intentions were clear - I wanted to protect her from any potential harm or mistreatment, and for that, she needed to be seen in a different light.

Evelina chimed in, her voice was supportive yet cautionary. "He's right, Glasha," she said. "All palaces work that way. I've been treated well during the dragon king's hibernation, but that's because I understood the dynamics and adapted accordingly. If there's any tension between you and the dragons, they might see it as a weakness and use it against you."

Glasha took a moment to absorb our words, her eyes scanning the surrounding crowd. The gazes directed at her were laden with scrutiny, and whispers rippled through the crowd, questioning her presence and her status. It was evident that the dragon king's bride tattoo on her neck was not enough to command respect in this foreign realm.


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