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Dragon King's Harem Chapter 281. The Dragon King's Return I

Once Burz sealed the peace treaty with the formidable dragon king, a momentous shift occurred in the tumultuous land of Vurdor. The echoes of triumphant horns reverberated through the air, announcing the end of the war and the birth of an uneasy alliance. The resounding notes served as a stark reminder of the conflict that had torn the orc tribe and dragon tribe apart, and now, they signaled the beginning of a new chapter in their intertwined histories.

The streets of Vurdor, once marred by the scars of battle, now bore witness to a transformation. The clang of swords and the cries of warriors were replaced by a palpable tension that hung thick in the air. As the dust of the battlefield settled, the city grappled with the aftermath of the peace treaty. The signs of victory and defeat were etched into every corner of Vurdor, painting a vivid picture of the outcome of the negotiations.

The dragon tribe, with their imposing presence and majestic prowess, emerged as the apparent victors. The dragon king exuded an aura of power that seemed to envelop the city like a cloak. Their impressive dragon forms, coupled with the strength of their army, made it clear to everyone who had claimed the upper hand in the conflict.

On the other side of the spectrum, the orc tribe bore the scars of defeat, etched into the very soul of their once-proud community. The halls of their once-mighty palace stood in solemn testimony to the price of war.

Burz found himself trapped in a bitter predicament, hemmed in by the dragon king's cunning demands. With the war's ashes still smoldering around them, the dragon king wasted no time in seeking reparations for the chaos that had consumed their lands. The cost of war weighed heavily on the dragon tribe, and they demanded a hefty price for their victories.

As the negotiations progressed, the dragon king laid out his conditions with an air of calculated authority. The burden of compensation was thrust upon the orc tribe, a heavy toll that left them reeling. There was no room for negotiation, no chance to sway the dragon king's unyielding stance. The price of peace came at a steep cost, and Burz had no choice but to agree, knowing that refusal would only bring further devastation upon his people.

But the weight of the dragon king's demands didn't end there. Burz's heart sank when he heard the next proposition. The dragon king declared his intentions to take Glasha to his palace in Dragon Cross City. The claim that she would be his wife rang hollow in the ears of those who knew the truth. Glasha was to be nothing more than a political pawn, a prisoner in the dragon king’s hands.

The announcement sent shockwaves through the orc tribe, and the reality of their helplessness washed over them like a bitter tide. Burz's mind raced, grappling with the impossible choice laid before him. It was a sacrifice he never wanted to make, but in the face of an overpowering foe, there was little room for defiance.

A week later, with the clash of swords and the thunder of battle fading into memory, the time had come for Prince Burz to ascend the throne as the new orc king. However, the weight of loss and sorrow hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over what should have been a joyous occasion.

The coronation ceremony was a subdued affair, devoid of the usual jubilant cheers and celebrations. Instead, it became a formal ritual, a necessary step towards the healing of a broken realm. The once-vibrant city of Vurdor now stood as a somber reminder of the price of war, with its once-proud inhabitants bearing the scars of loss and sacrifice.

The solemn atmosphere seemed almost surreal, a stark contrast to the lively festivities that usually accompanied such an event. The courtiers and commoners gathered in respectful silence, their hearts heavy with the memories of the fallen. Despite the hushed tone, the air was charged with a mixture of emotions - grief for the lives lost, relief that the war was finally over, and uncertainty about the future.

After the somber coronation, the city of Vurdor was thrust into a new phase - the process of healing and restoration. There was no time for grand celebrations or revelry. The orc tribe knew that their priority lay in rebuilding their once-glorious city, which had been ravaged by the unforgiving jaws of war.

The destruction was widespread. Battle towers that once stood tall and proud were now mere skeletons of their former selves, their imposing structures reduced to rubble. The once-mighty walls that encircled the city now bore the scars of fierce combat, breached in multiple places. The heart of Vurdor itself had suffered, as important structures lay in ruins, their remnants serving as grim reminders of the price they had paid in this conflict.

Perhaps the greatest loss was that of their brave soldiers. Many had fought valiantly in the war, defending their homeland with unwavering courage. But the battlefield had claimed too many lives, leaving empty spaces in the hearts and homes of their loved ones. The weight of grief settled over Vurdor like a heavy fog, enveloping the city in a collective sense of loss.

The urgency to rebuild was undeniable. With the dragon king's departure, the orc tribe couldn't afford to leave their city vulnerable to potential threats. Time was of the essence, and the orcs worked tirelessly to repair the damages, brick by brick, stone by stone.

The dragons bid farewell to Vurdor, returning to their own territory laden with the spoils of their victory. Among the treasures they carried were the tributes from the orcs, precious jewelry, and other valuable items that symbolized the orc tribe's acceptance of defeat. However, the dragons, in a gesture of goodwill, refrained from taking the coins that the orcs desperately needed to rebuild their city. They understood the importance of these coins for financing the much-needed repairs.

While the dragons left for their homeland, they decided to make a detour before heading toward the Minotaur territory. Instead, they took a direct route to Dragon Cross City. From there, they sent a Magic Messenger to the new Minotaur king with a similar request for tribute from the Minotaur tribe. However, the terms and conditions were markedly different, as the Minotaur hadn't surrendered immediately after the loss of their king.

Meanwhile, the dragon king and his troops embarked on their journey to Dragon Cross City, a voyage that took about a month. Upon their arrival, they were greeted with jubilant fanfare. The city buzzed with excitement, and the air crackled with energy as the dragons were warmly welcomed by their fellow kin.


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