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Hello patient patrons,

Today's update will include some future changes we foresee through the next year, which should mean only more updates and perks for you as we go!

- Episode 3: We have a music score! It's especially gorgeous by our same composer, and we're excited for how everything is coming together. Only a couple pieces remain, and we're hoping for an end-of-February release if not a little later! This will be the last public episode for a while, as we explain below.

- West Patch: Depending on how our contract works out with the fine folks pitching us to studios, we may have a 12 month span of time wherein our content is being shared and potentially picked up. If (big if) it's picked up, whatever studio we make a deal with will almost certainly recreate it from scratch using their company's guidelines, designs, and voices. Since we want to keep sharing our story with you, but don't want to make more full episodes that may be replaced, we've decided to make detailed animatics that will be exclusive to you all and our discord, using our current fantastic cast recordings to keep it fully voiced. This way, you keep getting story during the year we're paused, and we keep making progress to map out episodes we can then fully illustrate and animate should the contract period not go anywhere. We thought hard about it and think this will be a productive solution no matter the uncertainty of the future!

- East Patch: That said, animatics will take less time than fully rendered episodes, so we've been adding to our project docket to keep the momentum up. The shows, shorts, and even games we're looking into are falling under an 'East Patch Productions' umbrella where West Patch lives, as well. We're planning to rebrand our Patreon to accommodate this wider project bandwidth, so your contributions will help more future voice actors, more composers, and potentially artists as well as we expand and flesh out multiple works! This also means more content to share, here. Storyboards for shorts, style sheets, character designs. These things are a bit sensitive for the west patch since the linear story is fun not to spoil, but we'd like to share more of our other content to keep you involved and keep your back-stage-access as plentiful as it can be! If this change doesn't appeal to you, we understand and thank you for your support thus far. It's made the scope of the West Patch reach greater heights, and we'll never forget that! This felt like a move we'd have to make, so as of Episode 3's premiere we'll be adjusting rewards (hopefully to something we can fulfill in a more timely manner for those still waiting on books!) and tiers appropriately. Until then, we're still working on a video of our festival journey for you all, as well as a mash-up of episode one and two Behind the Scenes content now that they're public! Thank you for being on this journey with us as we expand and continue to take on exciting new progress!

With that, we're eager to get back to work and make more delightful, emotional stories with style and heart. Thank you all!

We'll see you next time!



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