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Happy Easter, lovely patrons,

We have very exciting news this time around, and are thrilled to share it:

- Episode 1: has a premiere date! At 8:30pm EST on the Sat. 17th of this month (please keep this date confidential until we start screaming it from the mountain tops next Saturday), we'll upload it on Youtube as well as live stream it with game giveaways and other good fun! It's been an amazing year, and we're so pleased to release with you after some of you have been with us from the start. Thank you!

- Episode 2: is 50% complete with it's art and animation!! We hope to finish line retakes this week as well, but for now we're rolling full steam ahead to get the bulk of the work out of the way. Being over the halfway mark with good pacing ahead is an amazing feeling. Which brings us to our next exciting news...

- Misc: We have invested in another license for our animation software! Now we can work alongside each other if needed, rather than only being able to animate one at a time. It's a considerable upgrade at a steep cost, but your help made it all the more possible, and we're so thankful for it.

Well, we've got to back to work! Look out for a trailer next Saturday to announce premiere details publicly, as well as more progress on your long-delayed tier rewards. Have a blessed Easter and, as always...

We'll see you next time!



Brenda Mangan

Happy Easter West Patchers!