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Hello stalwart patrons,

We're so thrilled to see growth here, and so humbled at the early support you're willing to give! A lot has been going on, so let's get to the update:

- Episode 1: Look at that, we made a creator commentary video over the episode 1 animatic in all it's janky, scribbled glory! Hear some changes from the original script and concept, some background on the decisions we made going in, and more. Exclusively yours for your support!

- Episode 2: Is more than 40% complete as far as art and animation are concerned! The last week has been slow since one of our two creators has picked up more freelance work, but once the film projects clear, we'll be back on a roll. The important thing is that even if progress is slow, there is constant progress. Work hasn't stopped like it would on occasion for episode 1. We've been very pleased so far with the alterations we've made to our process. We've also gotten the first of 8 segments ran through sound effects, and after the film projects calm down we plan to knock out the last of the voice over retakes and get the character audio all cleaned up and pretty!

- Book: With an editor lined up and illustrations under way, we're looking forward to the first book coming soon! Look forward to more updates in the future, and the fulfillment of your tier donations on the horizon.

- Misc: Some of you who follow us on Twitter may have noticed some other animated projects cropping up on our news feed or mentioned during our Twitch animation streams. We wanted to assure you that these are going to fall under personal time in our schedule, which is where we typically do excess personal art around our West Patch workload. Their format is short and snappy as to take minimal time, and their purpose is to explore more production line and animation techniques while keeping the West Patch process consistent and risk-free. So don't worry, they shouldn't interfere with our flagship show's progress!
But speaking of, we're putting less-related videos on our second YouTube channel, the East Patch, to assure no false hope when there's an upload on the main channel, and to keep the West Patch channel nice and focused on Episodes or directly related content.

Thanks for continuing to make this process amazing, and helping us to fulfill our goals faster! You mean the world to us.

See you next time!


ep1 animatic | Creator Commentary

Thank you, Patrons!


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