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As you can see, Krystal is slowly outgrowing her clothes and Yeona has put on a little muscle!

I thought about keeping Yeona a secret, but it would have been hard to work around that, so oh well. Don't get too excited though, she's going to play a pretty small part in the story!




With Krystal making a return, the next chapter is going to be fire!

Brendon Marcelin

I think what might've happened is that when Kayla escaped from the military, they caught or might've tried to catch Krystal instead since they knew she was growing too and was more manageable. So either they managed to figure out how to reverse the growth or Krystal is going on a rampage which is welcomed, but since this whole event takes place within a day or so it's a toss up, but I can't wait to see.


Awesome, they are looking great, I did hope yeona would keep the boots they go really well with her but I guess with the growth it's only natural they are gone. Hope Krystal goes on a rampage too

Hew Draper

I just can't wait to see Kystals reaction to everything her Daughter has done and what a true force of nature she now is! Im remembering back to that, "Mother of God!" reaction from a person at the Kloss mansion when they saw Kaylee approach, to which Krystal said something along the lines of, "Why yes, I believe I am." Wait till she sees her now, several times larger! She'll have no doubt whatsoever... Kaylee is GOD!