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So I'm thinking of making another interactive game. What's that you say?

"Yay, I've been waiting ages for All Natural to be finished!"  

Well this is awkward... Nope, sorry, I'm not working on All Natural at the moment. I handed that project back to Captain Xero and DinnerKun, so blame them if it comes out around the same time as Venture Bros Season 7.  But I'm going to restart work on an even older idea that I had: the tentatively titled (and tremendously titty-ed) Roman Nights: The Interactive Story!  

So for the first version of All Natural I used Ren'py. It's a great software to use, the only real downside is that you have to install the games on your computer. So I experimented with another program called TyranoBuilder, that can create web-playable games. It went... less well. Whoever designed TyranoBuilder's interface I want to punch in the fist with my face. It takes five times longer to get anything done than with Ren'Py. The games play fine, but creating them is just the worst.

So, I'm thinking I'll make Roman Nights: The Interactive Game using Ren'Py. That means I can release the game sooner (and, you know, actually release it) but you'll have to install the game, and it will require a Windows, Mac or Linux computer to play. So what I'm wondering is this:

So anyway, the question: For you personally, Joseph Patreon Subscriber, how big of a pain is it to have to install a game on your computer before you play?



would totally be cool with this. as long as SM still keeps coming out :)


Okay, as of now the results are 46-3-0. I'm going to take that as pretty strong evidence that a clear majority of you are fine with me doing a game in lieu of a comic at some point.

Dave williams

Happy to install a game . as long as it plays on my mac , a lot of stuff doesn't .


not probelsm, i like tiny person in game