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The curse energy within the underground room kept increasing with every passing second. The former freedom fighters stood catatonically as their bodies still burned, and Jake felt that their souls had already mostly been extinguished. They were being reduced to nothing more than the hatred within their hearts.

Plague energy also slowly began to emerge, infecting the mostly dead people. Jake realized now it had come from the dagger Temlat had used to stab himself with. The half-elf had changed it to somehow inhabit a nascent plague of some sort. It wasn’t a true plague yet, though. Temlat was far from being capable of making something like that, but it had the fundamental building blocks.

Building blocks Temlat had merged into himself right as he evolved.

Jake remained an observer as he waited for nearly a minute, the curse energy in the room continuing to rise. It was feeding into the evolution as far as Jake could tell, affecting Temlat’s evolution just as he had wanted it to.

He didn’t know what would emerge once the evolution was complete. However, he didn’t have a good feeling it would be something… acceptable. Curses and plagues were both less-than-fondly looked upon in the multiverse, and a merge of the two could only end in disaster. Especially with what Temlat had done right as he evolved. He had purposefully damaged parts of his own soul, as far as Jake could tell.

Which meant he didn’t plan on emerging as anything even close to a normal person anymore.

Soon, the energy reached a crescendo. Jake felt the Sin Curse within his own Soulspace rumble to life as curse energy tried to infect Jake, Eternal Hunger gladly eating it all up. Jake breathed in through his nose as Palate faintly activated, eliminating the traces of a plague that attempted to infect him.

Then, out of nothingness, a figure appeared. A cloaked being that looked surrounded by darkness, its form not entirely corporeal. It looked vaguely like Temlat had with his hood up… but Jake barely felt the familiar aura of his student. Instead, he felt only a bubbling mass of anger, and with a deep breath, he analyzed the being in front of him.

[Cursed Plague Remnant of Wrath – lvl 200]

The former freedom fighters all turned to black energy as they fed the Plague Remnant, the magic circle beneath him fading right after, having done its job. Jake considered what to do, genuinely unsure what his next actions should be.

He knew what Plague Spirits were. They were the premier example of beings that should be killed on sight if anyone encountered one. Mostly, they appeared when powerful death-affinity energy gathered in an area and was nothing more than mindless elemental-like beings who lived only according to their instinct to spread their plague and consume all life.

Jake also knew of another creature called Curse Remnants. These were very similar to Plague Spirits, but instead of a plague, they spread their curse energy far and wide, cursing anything and everything. As with Plague Spirits, these were also simply mindless creatures with nothing more than an instinct to spread their namesake to the world.

Both were considered living calamities. Beings to destroy. However… Jake didn’t remember ever coming across anything called a Plague Remnant. Much less a Plague Remnant of Wrath, indicating Temlat managed to finally evolve his curse of hatred into the Sin Curse of Wrath.

The easy explanation was that Temlat had truly managed to fuse the two into one. To create a cursed plague… which actually didn’t seem that weird. The two concepts mixed well, both being highly infectious magical ailments that could infect from one person to another without needing the original source to get involved.

One thing was clear: the being before him was a living calamity. Even if Jake didn’t recognize it, he knew it was dangerous. What’s more, the aura it gave off wasn’t meek by any standards. It was still only a C-grade, but Jake knew that it was a powerful variant.

Paths tended to be more powerful if they also included giving something up or having severe restrictions. Jake’s class was the easiest example; his Path making it so he couldn’t get any experience from anything lower level than himself. Temlat’s Path had taken far more from him than simply that.

The Plague Remnant in front of him began to slowly move as it turned into a dark smoke that quickly sought outside the underground chamber. As the Remnant left, Jake knew what would happen if he did so. He knew that everything around him would be infected and a chain reaction would start. A snowball of cataclysmic proportions.

However, as Jake looked at what Temlat had become and analyzed the plague energy trying to constantly affect him, Palate quickly gave him an understanding. If he killed Temlat here and now, everything would end. The world would be saved.

Jake seriously considered it for a second until the smoke stopped just before the exit of the chamber and took on the form of a hooded figure once more.

Thank you, Teacher. Thank you for allowing me to finally spread true justice upon this filthy world and for granting me the power to do so. If you are still here… witness as I expunge my Wrath. Witness as a wrong is made right. Witness me.

Sighing, Jake realized the young half-elf had lost his ability to perceive Jake after he evolved and quickly made it so Temlat could see him and flashed his student a smile. ”Go get ’em.”

The former young half-elf didn’t respond but quickly turned back into his remnant form. Jake was both happy and conflicted, knowing that Temlat’s psyche persisted, though it probably shouldn’t have surprised him too much.

It was similar to the Yalsten Shade of Eternal Resentment. Jake wouldn’t be surprised if that creature had also once been a Curse Remnant, but as it ran out of targets to infect, it died and was reborn into the shade it had been when Jake encountered it. Even that creature back then had retained some level of thought.

Curses were based on emotions, and in order to truly feel emotions, one needed a more complex mind. Perhaps not to the level of being fully sapient, but at least sentience was required. Of course, the psyche of such beings was very rarely just that of one person or in any way cohesive, which nearly always made Curse Remnants act illogical and on instinct as the only thing all the different psyches could agree on was their one shared emotion.

Jake would guess that inside Temlat’s head, he heard the voices of the former freedom fighters he consumed, and with every death, the choir of voices would grow. The faint curse energy released upon their deaths would become one with Temlat, empowering him and becoming one with him.

Following Temlat outside, a geyser of black smoke erupted out of the warehouse. As if a smoke bomb had been dropped, it rolled out with Temlat in the middle, slowly spreading out. It was barely noticeable due to the usual constant smog that hung in the lower parts of the megacity, and it took people a while to notice anything was even wrong… by the time they did, it was too late. The D-grades simply had no way to resist the influence of a C-grade Cursed Plague Remnant.

As Jake had noted many times, this megacity was ridiculously massive, with a population density absolutely insane. Hundreds of billions, if not trillions, lived on the planet, and due to how crammed they lived to one another, there was no escaping the Cursed Plague Remnant of Wrath.

Jake observed as the smoke entered the mines. The miners working there began to get agitated and angry. Swinging widely when the annoying ore refused to get free from the damn rock. This earned them an angry foreman who screamed at them… only for the miners to all turn as they charged the one foreman. The foreman killed dozens before he was overwhelmed and hacked to death by the workers.

On the lower floors of the megastructures, the mayhem began to break out. Any small inconvenience became a cause for conflict as fights broke out. This was also where the truly insidious aspects of a plague were shown.

Not everyone was affected the same, as some had stronger mentalities or were simply a lot less emotional by default. They fled, afraid as they got attacked by others, going to somewhere the conflict had not broken out yet… bringing with them the Cursed Plague of Wrath. Their very presence made them spreaders, as their attempts to garner help only resulted in anger from those asked.

However, as Jake observed, it quickly became clear the anger was not indiscriminate. The curse was not without cause. Students killed teachers, miners killed foremen, children their parents or disciplinarians, and workers killed managers… rather than simply mindless anger, it was wrath towards authority.

Jake remained a silent observer as he saw the cursed plague spread. He saw how every death, no, even just every infected person, fed Temlat, the source of everything. Minutes turned to hours as Jake kept looking on, choosing to take this as an experience to learn and a solemn moment to reflect.

To observe a scene like this wasn’t something anyone could just do. Sure, Jake could probably find a recording if he wanted to, but this was vastly different than merely watching something unfold. It was closer to what he got while using Path of the Heretic-Chosen.

He felt everything. Took it in. Even if he knew this entire world was ”fake,” he never liked to think of them as such. To these people, they were as real as Jake himself, and they had full lives. Their lives just couldn’t impact the wider multiverse in any way.

This begged the question… what would Jake have done if Temlat had been a student Jake had taken outside of Nevermore? What if this exact same scenario played out? Jake wanted to tell himself he would have advised Temlat against researching plagues, but in all honesty, he probably wouldn’t have. Even if he did, he wouldn’t have insisted if there was the slightest pushback.

Jake’s teaching style was a lot closer to Villy’s than anyone else’s. It was a style that could barely make one acknowledged as a teacher, more a sparring partner or external advisor. Jake didn’t want to tell someone what to do or give them unsolicited advice. From the very beginning, he wanted Temlat to find his own Path. To decide what he wanted to do and not fit into a mold Jake created.

So perhaps that was Jake’s biggest fault… he hadn’t chosen his student properly. Temlat was talented, he had a rare compatibility with curses, but he lacked ambition. His goal had always just been to get revenge, which was such a weak motivation. But… for Jake, who knew he only had a few years in the House of the Architect at max, this goal was good enough. In many ways, he had just taken advantage of Temlat’s short-term goal to get a better result for himself, which made Jake feel even more conflicted if he did choose to step in and interfere now that Temlat was finally capable of realizing his dream.

As Jake reflected on his entire approach, he kept watching Temlat. He kept watching, even as the first megastructure began to tumble and the people charged toward the sky and the mansions up there. Only a few hours had passed at this point, and when Jake looked down and saw the ever-growing Cursed Plague Remnant of Wrath still within the warehouse, he could only sigh.

[Cursed Plague Remnant of Wrath – lvl 212]

He leveled up at an unprecedented speed, and from the looks of it, things were barely slowing down. At least not yet. Jake knew he was an empty cup that was just slowly getting filled with shitty muddy water. The curse energy that made up the Plague Remnant was getting contaminated by all the beings that were consumed along the way, and it would take a long time for him to properly consolidate himself once he was done.

Yet Jake doubted he cared. In fact, he doubted Temlat would be able to even feel the emotion of caring much longer as the curse energy from all the infected and dead people mixed with his own. At least Jake thought so, but to his surprise, he still sensed Temlat. He saw that he still maintained his humanoid figure standing in the middle of the warehouse.

He retains an ego even now… is it because of the presence-resistance training we did?

Jake had been able to hold onto his mind when he consumed all the curse energy from Eternal Hunger because of his Bloodline-empowered psyche, so it was entirely possible Temlat had built up enough resistance to handle the influx of curse energy he experienced. Compared to the curse energy that eventually gave birth to – and still resided within – Eternal Hunger, Temlat’s current form was nothing. One had to remember that this planet only had C-grades on the weaker side as their strongest, and barely any of those had even fallen yet.

Time passed as the cursed plague spread further and further. Attacks on the sky mansions had begun to happen, but their defenses were far more impressive compared to anywhere else. The formations alone were nearly enough, and when most of them sprung large laser towers and what looked like Tesla Coils, Jake thought the masses were done for.

However, that was when the nobles showed they truly had no idea what they were dealing with. Be it in a foolish attempt to save resources or pure ignorance, they began to send out their security forces to fight. The automatic defenses would not be affected by the cursed plague, but these guards?

Hundred were instantly killed by each C-grade bodyguard as they dominated the sky, killing in droves. The D-grades and even E-grades who had joined the assault didn’t stand a chance, but this was where another scary aspect of cursed plagues was seen.

With every kill, a bit of the energy invaded these C-grade’s bodies. With every kill, they got more and more infected, and as they had no time to sit down and purge the energy, the outcome was obvious.

It was one of the strongest guards – who had also killed the most – that fell first. His eyes were bloodshot, and right after killing a dozen D-grades, he turned around and roared as he released a massive blast of fire toward the floating island where he used to be employed. His hatred toward the owner who forced him to perform a massacre was obvious. The automatic defense system instantly triggered and attacked him, but he defended himself well. The other C-grades saw their friend being attacked, which seemed to also push them over the edge as they also began to attack the nearby sky island.

In the meantime, the D-grades kept coming for the guards and the island both. It was pure pandemonium, and Jake could only watch in silence as the barrier broke on one of the smaller sky islands. The woman who used to call the living calamity currently washing across the world a pet lived in one of the larger ones where the defenses still held out, but it was only a matter of time.

Temlat had been the first domino that started a cascade effect that appeared unstopable. Millions more were infected every single minute as Temlat no longer even needed to do anything. The cursed plague was spreading all by itself, causing destruction all across the planet.

Jake had flown high up into the air as he stared down. The spread was impressively fast, and as the planet wasn’t overly large, Jake guessed it would reach everywhere within a week at most.

A single week for an entire planet to fall to one newly evolved C-grade… Jake understood why Plague Theory and curses were both not anything to be taken lightly. It was something most factions outright banned, to the level of hunting down people they believed were researching it unauthorized or while not part of a big faction.

The former half-elf himself was also growing in power still. After half a day, when nearly half of the sky islands near the original source of the cursed plague had fallen, he had already gained nearly thirty levels from the billions upon billions of infections and deaths he had caused.

[Cursed Plague Remnant of Wrath – lvl 229]

His leveling speed had slowed down, though. His container for experience was just about full, and even if he kept growing stronger and absorbing more energy, it wouldn’t translate into levels much longer. Jake also knew that once he did hit a wall, it would be incredibly hard for him to ever overcome it. This was one of the reasons why Villy was so insistent on Jake also making sure he had a good foundation… leveling this fast felt nice and looked overpowered, but it was sacrificing long-term power for short-term gain. Alas, Temlat already knew this when he evolved...

No new developments happened for a good while. The massive cloud of pure curse energy around Temlat now covered several square kilometers, forming a domain all around him. He looked to be entirely focused on gathering this energy until suddenly, Jake saw it all begin to gather. A second later, he realized why.

The barrier to the mansion Temlat had once called a prison had been broken… and the massive cloud of curse energy shot upwards, the Sin Curse making the air shiver in his wake. It gathered into the cloak, and to Jake’s pleasant surprise, a face emerged within. Temlat’s unmistakable visage didn’t only tell Jake he still retained his ego... but that he was going to personally unleash his own Wrath on the woman who once dared call him her pet.


Jonah Frazier

Whenever I see someone say witness me I just think about Mad Max


Using the game-like unreality of the challenge dungeon to do the equivalent of blowing up the Megaton Nuke in Fallout 3 is very in keeping with Jake's "who cares" attitude to others


Nice chappy no demon lord of wrath unfortunately but still really good


I am become cringe dispenser of curse

Arrogant Savant

A rather sad and melancholic for me. Ty for the chapter


Well, wow.


This was expected and it came out pretty well. What it means for Jake going forward in not sure but at the least it will be a major learning experience

Arden Burrell

Love this chapter. So dark


That was a pretty good chapter


Are the planets on the live stream?


To be honest this entire segment of the overall story is getting old. I would like to see Jake get back to his group, soon.


Hell yeah! I can only imagine the view party commenting on how Jake could possibly have gotten those books/knowledge when plagues were banned… Villy will shrug his shoulders, meh?


He definitely cares. He treats these simulations as a kind of reality, it's just that the entire world embodies what he hates and the end goal is to make a unique creation that furthers himself more than it creates harm. I feel like in the greater universes he would or at least should give insight into what the expected outcome of choosing such a volatile path would be but leave it ultimately to the individual but that's because I would choose to do it that way.


Nope. Only the hallways in the House of the Architect are visible, and only to Villy and the Wrymgod and whoever those two allow to see (Jake specifically). Everything else is blocked by Nevermore.


It would feel a lot better if it all came at once in proper book form rather than a slow drip feed of chapters you aren't interested in as much I'm sure


So, can the divine watch party see what's going on on the planet? If so, how much side eye are the other gods giving Villy?


Good chapter. Good cliff. "his Path doing so..." -> his Path making it so... "and quickly did so Temlat could see him..." -> and quickly made it so...


The House of the Architect is the secret-iest of the challenge dungeons. Villy stated just a couple of chapters ago that even he only saw Jake when he was walking down a hallway. Everything else gets blacked out.

Ryan Ulrich

I hope Temlat is given the option to leave the dungeon. I feel it would be a cop out if not. Having him turn into an inhuman figure makes the decision to turn him in as a project easy for Jake, but I hope Zogarth twists the script somehow.


Most of the peanut gallery : looks in horror. Villy : "I'm so proud, kids grow up so fast!"


I kinda hoped it would get a better/happier ending but I get why this happend and maybe temlat could turn the situation around(like after killing every person with authoretiy he absorbs the plage/curse and the world can be rebuild in a better way, well probably not but i can still hope)


Well, it seems that the fate of Temlat is determined. He sacrificed his future for revenge. Still, since this was all being concluded in a dungeon he wouldn't have had a future anyway. Maybe Jake could use whatever remnant remains after Temlat fulfills his desires to bind to another katar but I doubt it. Using the "corpse" of your student to empower a weapon for your own personal gain seems a bit macabre.


Releasing a rage monster out into the non-dungeon world doesn't sound like a good idea to me.


Evidence - chapter 821: Nevermore Checks and Balances. Other gods ask Villy about Jake and Villy replies along the lines of "How would I know when the view only turns on for a brief few minutes when he's walking around the atrium?" ALL of the gods are under an information blackout for anyone in the House of the Architect dungeon, even the Wrymgod who was rejected by the Architect when he asked about Jake's latest submission (marble).


Wyrmgod would never allow it. Plagues are still a bad thing for the multiverse. Also Ell'Hakan will use that as a reason for Jake being evil for his narrative making it easier for Yip of Yore. Killing is easier than convincing.


Unfortunately/Luckily for Jake, they can't see this, but I'm sure he'll tell villastromoz all about it


Jake has now made 2 cataclysms given form


Chapter 821 - Nevermore: Checks and Balances. Other gods ask Villy what's going on and he replies that he only gets brief snippets of Jake walking around the atrium. The House of the Architect is locked up tighter than Fort Knox. Information blackout galore. What happens in the House of the Architect STAYS in the House of the Architect. Sorry, but all of the gods pay-per-view subscription has been temporarily revoked. Edit: while I was busy typing this out Michael replied a bit more succinctly than I. Typing this also got me thinking about a quote from the movie Rush Hour: "Are you understanding the words that are coming out of my mouth?" It just surprises me that SEVERAL people forgot something emphatically stated just a couple of chapters ago. Sorry if I am coming across as rude...


Oooh, this is just CHILLING I feel bad for Temlat, but at the same time, what a terrifying force he has become. Thanks for the chapter, can't wait for tomorrows!


He knew that everything him would be infected and a chain reaction would start. A snowball of cataclysmic proportions. everything around him and due to how they lived to one another, lived so close to Even if he did, he wouldn’t insist if there was the slightest pushback. Even so, he wouldn’t have insisted if there was the slightest pushback. shitty mud water. muddy Attacks on the sky mansion had begun to happen, mansions


I'm imagining the whole room staring daggers at him as discretely as possible. With the exception of a somewhat concerned Artemis and an unbothered Valdemar, and perhaps a fascinated Eversmile. But maybe I'm overestimating how much they collectively care.


As far as we know right meow, they can't. This could change possibly 🤔 If the writer makes this so.... possibly

Ty Cooper

Sadly I do not think so. I think the can only see the atrium.


Thank you! Was the title an isekai joke?

Ty Cooper

I think it will be a big win fall. He made cursed plague remnant which is a new creation I think and with Jake doing the resistance training, he made a remnant that kept its ego. This might be considered an overwhelming success in the eyes of the architect. A very messed up success but a success nonetheless. They might just be like "now that you have experienced this, don't go doing it. It is out of your desires, right?"

Ty Cooper

Well we know that Nevermore or the God's will not let him take his new Padawan out. I wonder if they will have Jake put him down and in the process have eternal hunger eat another planet's worth of curse energy.

One Winged Angel

Thats exactly what is gong to happen if Nevermore doesnt just take him all as the submission, Temlat gonna end up like shadow jake OR hes gonna end up becoming the personification of Eternal Hunger.

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!


Yeah Jake doesn't have this sort of interests but what I meant is more what it might mean for him personally growth wise. If he doesn't get the highest rank from this challenge dungeon throw the dungeon away what I'm curious about is how all this will affect his own growth


Honestly, this is amazing learning experience for Jake. From what I understand, in the wider universe outside the dungeon this would be considered a massive critical failure, as of this point. But with this being a dungeon, with it both being in a paradoxical state of not real and yet real (if only to Jake), this makes for an amazing learning opportunity on multiple levels. From what I can gather as of right meow, the different learning objectivesare as follows: 1) Is to nail in how bad Plagues trully are 2)To gain experience of how such severe actions have severe consequences within such safety parameters as an artificial life like world. 3) To see how well, or what comes from, Jakes bloodline resistance training. 4) And to see if further resistance training is needed to keep Temlats Ego intact, or if two years is enough at the conclusion, when Temlat gets his revenge 🤔 ........ I wonder if Temlat could either eventually (or right off the bat) take control of all this curse energy like Jake was able to with his Sin curse of hunger, with either the resistance training already givin or with further resistance training. 🤔 Ooooh! I'm excited to see what happens next!? ☺️

Sam Rosenberg

Sweet chapter! Jake should win the ‘most deplorable’ creation award


Villy is gonna be so proud of him. Maybe shed a tear. He finally sacrificed a planet. He didn't do it himself and he didn't sacrifice it to Villy, but close enough.

Pierre-clément LAMBRIX

Pretty sure at some point after te lat got his revenge he will die and feed into eternal hunger. Might get a juicy power up for the katar.

Hodge Wasson

In another book, where Temlet is the protag, he would come out of this with the thousand yard stare and begin the redemption arc. Here, I can see him sacrificing himself/the curse energy as payment to his "teacher" when all is said and done. Jake could get 2 submissions out of this. The end product of the rampage and his own growth/experience/introspection as a mentor/teacher.


What a cursed chapter


What An Isekai Joke Of A Title, Well Done !


I could see wyrmgod Minaga and nevermore using this thing as an new floor in the next era


Not really sure Jake would want a wrath sin curse anyway. I get that people want him to have to sin curse weapons, but Jake already struggles with wrath. It is an emotion he doesn't care for within himself, why would he bind a curse that would amplify it in himself. Hunger is different, it is a driving force he welcomes. Maybe when Jake is a higher grade and has had ample time to learn to deal with his anger he might look at wrath to be added, but it isn't anything he should add anytime soon, we'll unless plot armor.

Kris Piskorski

I hope the gods can at least see this

Ben Heystek

Well played with the story, the change of temlat was expected and the way jake reacted to him is definitely how I saw him react. Can't wait til the next chapter keep up the amazing work. I love it


Yeah at most expecting eternal hunger to get a nice meal, probs from temlat donation when his revenge is through


Wow! Powerful chapter - Loved it! And while Jake isn’t as filled with remorse as I’d thought…well, that fits Jake. lol! His reflections are good and totally in character, so good going!


Friendly edit: second paragraph: “The half-elf had changed it to somehow inhabit a nascent plague of some sort.” - the word “inhabit” is the opposite of what you want here. The word you want is “CONTAIN”. (Inhabit means it (the dagger) is inside something else while what you intended to say was the dagger held the plague, so the word you want is contain, held, or carry. Otherwise near flawless chapter! Yay! Loved it!


Why the heck do people forget that Jake can’t take stuff out of the challenge dungeon or out of the mega-dungeon nevermore? So that’s a double dose of he can’t take it out. I just read the comments for the last 2 chapters and I am looking up at the sky thinking “what the heck people! Use your friggin memories!” (PS. I dearly hope the author doesn’t cheapen the value rarity of Eternal Hunger by having Jake make a new one because that would turn what was a nearly impossible “wow, awesome” feat into an easily repeatable, and thus cheaper, thing. Eternal hunger is so amazing because it is so impossible. Keep it rare man! 😁)


Oh man, the god viewing room reaction for this one is gonna be great! (I hope we get it…if nevermore lets them see it)

Hayden Leech

Well. It’s not real. Do you feel remorse when shooting people in video games? That’s basically what nevermore is to Jake.


Mayhem and destruction, just what I wanted to read.

Ryan Ulrich

He might be able to because Nevermore is special and is operated by a pseudo-system god. It was explicitly noted that the god didn’t answer him when it was asked if he could take stuff other than skills out of the dungeon.


I mostly agree with you, but let me point out one thing: Eternal Shadow of the Primal Hunter. We know that skill upgrades are retained outside of the Challange Dungeon. The whole Origin of that skill is Sim-Jake, an alternate reality entity. Temlat is similar in that case, although he doesn't have Jake's instincts, but it was pointed out this chapter, that curses do have an instinct. I always thought that skill had potential to summon more than one Shadow, so if Jake can integrate different kind of curses into it, that would be awesome. The Primal Hunter and his 7 Sin Cursed Shadows.

Ty Cooper

I thought that if he is able to alter a soul it could come out of a dungeon. Was that not in the discussion he had with Villy about the trolls? I do not want him to bring Timmy out. I just hope eternal hunger eats a whole planet's worth of curse energy to make it stronger. Doesn't need to do anything wrath related just eat up.


Now what happens when Jake walks his latest creation to turn in.

James Faulkner

I wanna see how the Gods react lol


I'm guessing Jake will somehow incorporate this curse that has feasted on a planet with trillions into his soul. Will he eventually capture / contain all 7 sins? Quite the heretic!


yeah I agree with you only way I will accept jake getting a new sin curse weapon out of this is thorght eternal hunger


“The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth” is an African proverb.

Mason Jones

I must be the only person who wonders if Jake is going to try to “eat” temlat & fuse it with his curse then offer that as a creation.


Actually, yes I do feel bad killing people in video games. 😁. So I never can play the assassin rout.

hayden jack cowell

As far as Jake is concerned they are real, that was his troll families entire plot and half of sim jakes plot.

Bob Fight

Thought about It I don’t think he will unless temlat loses control as far as I can tell he hasn’t yet


Such a beautiful chapter. Satiated my desire to watch the world burn, and kept Jake... well Jake haha


Great adaptation of amazing saying in the title ^^ I wonder if Jake will kill Temlat after he will be done with planet, dude won't have anything to live for anyway and is too dangerous to be left by himself.


Kinda hope Temlat retains conciousness after world destroying, so Jake can introduce him to the Architect (so Temlat can freak out Wyrmgod and Minaga in the brief window they can view him, from between the portal to the architect's room)

Ty Cooper

"Um. Guys.... did he just take by what I think he just took by?


I don't think Jake bloodline would let envy exist in his soul space.


Nah. Not when people who patronised a city like Paradise exist. Arguably, what El'Hakan did to his own people, outside the quasi-reality of a dungeon, is far grosser.


He can't literally do that, rules about truesoul, he can submit the process and outcome but not Temlat as he is.

Christopher Svehla

Nevermore was fun… about 50 chapters ago. I’m getting bored


I believe that Jake won't have to end Temlat, due to Temlat sacrificing long term potential for short term gain. Temlat turned himself into a Cursed Plague Remnant of Wrath AND Temlat asked Jake to "witness as I expunge my wrath." This makes me think that Temlat decided to expunge himself (no longer a fully operational being but merely a remnant of wrath) in order to achieve his goal of venting that wrath upon those deserving of such. I think that it's also important to note that Jake kept mentioning that Temlat retained his EGO, which makes me believe that Temlat's evolution into a Cursed Remnant did irreparable damage/destruction to his Truesoul. If I'm right, then he could submit whatever remains of Temlat's corpse or use it as a main ingredient (new curse/sin weapon?) as a submission. However, I stated in another post of mine I doubted Jake would do something like that due to it being macabre, but mainly because Jake wouldn't want to trivialize Temlat's existence by turning his corpse into a tool. I could be wrong 🤔


Jake entered the House of the Architect in Chapter 804, so this challenge dungeon is already over 20 chapters by itself. While I am still eagerly anticipating Jake's review with the Architect, I will admit to wanting to get to the final challenge dungeon sooner rather than later. Minaga's dungeon was great because of the interactions and the Colosseum of Mortals had great pacing and feel to it, but I personally haven't been digging the curse stuff in this dungeon. AND, since this particular dungeon is shielded from godly viewing there's been a lot less God TV which I have missed. Soon! I can feel the nearing of the end of this dungeon approaching and I can't wait for the shiny new reward waiting at the end of the rainbow. My inner Loot Leprechaun is rubbing his hands together (Loot Goblin is on sabbatical).


Planetary sacrifice!


I’m wondering if he might be able to study it to learn how to control his anger… it would be cool if it became a way for him to “counter” Elly’s bloodline


"Witness as a wrong is made right. Witness me." Witness me goes fucking hard.