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Temlat hadn’t been home ever since the day Jake fetched him from the dystopian futuristic world he came from. He hadn’t even asked to go once. Instead, he had stuck primarily to the centaur world and the jungle world for all his training sessions.

His reasoning was that he didn’t want to risk losing control of his emotions. Also, he was certain he was still wanted in his homeworld after having escaped from that noble woman on the floating island. Jake had briefly asked Temlat if he wanted Jake to go and check things out, but the half-elf had answered in the negative. He didn’t even want Jake to tell the lady Temlat was dead or anything like that.

One of the reasons for this was also his desire to protect those he actually did care about. The freedom fighting force he had been working with were the only people in that entire dystopian world he considered friends and family, and he feared getting them involved wouldn’t end well. If they knew Jake had taken Temlat in, they would want to see him, and if they were told he had died, Temlat feared they may go for revenge or do something dumb. Jake also sensed that Temlat was afraid of how they would look at him these days. He had changed a lot in the time he had spent with Jake, the curse energy affecting him a lot.

Jake had simply done as Temlat asked as he continued to go with his free-range teaching style. However, even so, he gladly joined his student when he asked Jake to join him on this first visit back.

Standing in the portal room, Jake gave Temlat a look, noticing he was hesitating.


“I… what if they can’t recognize me? My friends, that is,” Temlat muttered. “You know… the last time they saw me, I was running from some monstrous cloaked guy, and now I have suddenly been gone for nearly two years. I feel like I have changed a lot during this time too… I know I have changed.”

“Any changes will surely be easily explained away by telling them that the monstrous cloaked guy decided to help you get stronger,” Jake said casually and calmly, trying to reassure his student.

Temlat flashed a light smile, the curse energy around him temporarily fading a bit. “Yeah, probably. No matter what, they’re gonna be ecstatic when they learn why I am back. When they learn what we can now do to set things right.”

Jake just nodded, genuinely hoping his reunion would go well. Jake knew the feeling Temlat was currently experiencing, as he had felt something very similar when he had first gone to see his parents after the integration.

To return to loved ones a changed man wasn’t easy. You wondered if they would accept you, and even if they did accept you if they would begin to treat you differently. Especially if you experienced a large shift in your status. Jake had already been tired of everyone acting all weird because he was the Chosen of Villy, and he really didn’t want his parents to also act differently back then. Jake had gotten lucky, and he hoped Temlat would share the same fate.

“Let’s not delay anymore,” Jake finally said as he gave Temlat a pat on the back. “Let’s go.”

“Right,” Temlat nodded.

It was time for him to either reaffirm or reject the source of his hatred. In order to do that, he would first meet up with the freedom fighter organization to learn what had happened during his absence. To have clarified how shit the world still was and to hear their opinions on if his deep hatred was truly justified. In other words, he would have a discourse about his own hatred to either come out feeling vindicated in what was to come or reconsider his entire Path. Needless to say, Jake wanted him to feel confident in the Path he was walking, but even if he ended up rejecting the curse and evolving in another direction, it would be interesting for sure.

Jake wouldn’t involve himself either way. It wasn’t his job or why he was there. He was just there to guide Temlat in whatever direction he decided to take his life.

Walking through the portal, Jake was instantly hit by the slightly metallic smell and taste of the futuristic world. He didn’t like it at all, and his Sense of the Malefic Viper unprompted made him aware that pretty much nothing alchemical could grow anywhere nearby. Yeah, definitely happy Haven has strict building codes.

“It looks the same,” Temlat muttered as the curse energy around him fully retracted, Temlat absorbing it into himself to keep it hidden.

“Even if you have changed a lot in recent times, two years is just an insignificant blip in the existence of a world like this,” Jake commented. “Especially if those who live there have no desire to pursue change.”

Temlat looked at the floating mansions still high up in the sky, adding: “Or if those who hold power do not allow any change to happen.”

“That too,” Jake agreed. “Anyhow, this is all you. I’m just gonna be the little spirit that’ll follow along as you decide what you want to do. Feel free to ask me if you need something, but I won’t interfere in anything unless you ask me directly, alright?”

Temlat nodded with determination. “Thank you, Teacher.”

Jake had already been focusing as they talked, his body slowly shifting on the spectrum of Perception. The stable arcane mana covered his body, and soon, his form faded away, making him invisible to anyone who wasn’t Telmat. Telmat was only able to see Jake was there because he already knew Jake was there, to begin with.

The two of them headed into the city, Temlat flying over it with confidence. His own stealth skill wasn’t all too shabby, and Jake knew most weaker C-grade couldn’t see him unless they really tried. Even if they were spotted, Temlat had good odds of defending himself, even if a C-grade got mixed in there.

While Jake hadn’t been the most attentive, he did keep up with Temlat’s progress. He knew the young half-elf had gotten a lot stronger in the nearly two years since Jake took him in, to the level where he had even managed to take down a handful of C-grades, that centaur warlord included. Sure, he did sometimes use tricks to get it done, but as a hunter who liked to start a fight with an extremely strong Powershot, Jake couldn’t exactly fault him for getting early advantages.

Temlat and Jake had appeared quite far up in the air after going through the portal but soon headed downward toward the slums. The city was absolutely massive, but Temlat clearly knew where to go as he beelined for a certain area Jake recognized. It was close to where he had originally been “kidnapped” by Jake and also close to the headquarters of their particular freedom fighter squad.

Also, while Jake had said he wouldn’t interfere, he could ask questions.

“Did your former friends have any C-grades among them?” Jake asked while wondering if they ever even stood a chance against the C-grades living in their mansions with C-grade guards.

“We had one,” Temlat shared as they kept flying. “Our leader. He used to work security for one of the mansion owners, but after a particularly bad case, he quit. The government tried to make trouble because he didn’t work for any of the people in power, but he managed to convince them he had retired and that he would contact them if he ever wanted to go back to work. Now, he is under surveillance, but as long as he stays in the same area, there shouldn’t be any problems.”

“I see,” Jake nodded solemnly.

He didn’t say anything more… because he felt the area in front of him. There wasn’t a single C-grade anywhere to be found below any of the highrises or the floating islands, at least not in the entire area of his Pulse of Perception. Jake didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but he got a bad feeling.

Soon, they arrived in the area district where Temlat’s squad used to reside. Jake could feel the half-elf’s excitement but bit his tongue even as they landed, and Temlat began to scout the area. They went toward a few warehouses that stored ores from the underground mines, where they headed inside and toward a hidden staircase.

Temlat frowned a bit as he went closer, muttering to himself. “It hasn’t been reinforced for a while… our leader was the one who did that…”

With a careful demeanor, he unlocked the hidden pathway and entered using some secret code, Jake following. Down below the warehouse, Jake saw several people gathered, none of them particularly powerful. At least none of them matched up to Temlat at all.

The people in the room had also noticed Temlat was there, as the entryway also included a detection spell. One that Jake naturally dodged easily with his stealth skill. Anyway, the people in the room quickly hid themselves, likely preparing for an ambush.

Right before they reached the final door, Temlat stopped and raised a knuckle. He knocked in an odd pattern as he also spoke up. “The Broken Collar has returned.”

One would assume the people inside would calm down with this revelation, but instead, they tensed up. Jake was quite curious as he saw they nearly all of them carried what looked like laser rifles or guns, and while he very much wanted to disassemble, that wasn’t why he was there.

Temlat opened the door only to have all the weapons trained on him. The half-elf was confused, but before he could say anything, a woman who also happened to have the highest level in the room – 190 – raised her voice.

“Temlat!? What the fuck are you doing here? No, where have you been!?”

“I… I just got back,” Temlat stammered. He had removed his hood and hidden the curse energy as best he could, but Jake still saw some of it shimmer beneath the surface, barely being suppressed. “As for where I was… a lot has happened, and I cannot tell you exac-“

“Fuck that! Give us a proper explanation!” one of the others yelled.

None of the guns had been lowered yet, and their aggressiveness was over the top, in Jake’s opinion. It was more than just nervousness, suspicion, and agitation. They were genuinely angry, and as someone who had a budding Sin Curse of Wrath, how couldn’t Temlat recognize that?

“I was taken away by my teacher to train and get powerful,” Temlat shared, not going into details about exactly who Jake was. “I have come back now because there are things I have to do before I can evolve.”

Silence took over the room for a few seconds before the woman spoke up.

“That’s it? That’s your fucking excuse?”

“What?” Temlat asked, confused. Jake was also a bit perplexed about what exactly had happened.

“You just waltz in here with some bullshit story about a teacher and expect us to believe you? Do you know what the fuck you’ve done?”

“No, I quite obviously don’t,” Temlat shot back, failing to suppress some of his anger.

“Oh, do you remember Isaia?” the woman said in a cold tone. “You know, the man who saved your pathetic life and brought you here?”

“Of course I remember,” Temlat said in a calm tone.

Jake quickly put two and two together that this Isaia was the leader.

“Then do you know what he did for you?” the woman spat out, not even giving Temlat time to answer. “When you didn’t return, he went to that owner of yours, acting like a buyer trying to get you back… how the hell don’t you know any of this!? A year! A fucking year the announcement was up!”

Temlat only looked increasingly confused as the woman and the other seven people in the room only got madder. Their anger, in turn, also affecting Temlat.

“What announcement!? Just tell me what is going on and stop acting like whatever the fuck happened is my fault!”

“They knew you worked for him!” another person yelled. “They captured him and… they said if you didn’t return they would… would… a fucking year! It was there for a year, and you just hid away, not doing shit!”

“How could I do anything if I didn’t know!? What the hell happened? Just tell it to me I am getting sick of this shit!” Temlat yelled, agitated and angry. Jake understood why. Emotions were high, and in all honesty, they had probably both underestimated the impact of Temlat’s passive curse aura amplifying everyone’s anger. As he had only ever really spent time around Jake, the Attendants, and his enemies. This meant he had never been required to learn how to fully suppress it.

“What do you think happened?” the woman asked in a cold tone. “What do you think they did to him when you didn’t turn yourself in?”

Temlat clenched his fists hard enough for his nails to pierce his own skin as he cursed out loud. “Fuck! Why did he go to them!? What was he thinking!?”

“You have the gall to blame him?” the woman shot back. “But, hey, at least we agree! He shouldn’t have gone and tried to save your worthless life.”

Her words were full of spite as she continued.

“No, he should have never taken in a pathetic half-breed like you at all. You know he only did it because he felt bad for your pathetic whore of a mother, right? Isaia always had a soft spot for pitful things.”

Jake considered speaking up but stayed silent, not interfering. He saw Temlat standing there trembling for a few seconds before he suddenly calmed down and took a deep breath.

“I don’t even remember my own mother anymore,” Temlat said, the curse aura around him slightly moving. “Isaia very much took on a fatherly role… but even so, he always had the mission as his top priority. Have you all forgotten?”

“What fucking mission?” one of the others yelled. “They are hunting us! Just because some bitch didn’t want to let her pet go, nearly all of us have been killed already. There is no mission. It died the day you let Isaia die.”

Temlat’s coldness only increased as he nodded. “You are right that Isaia’s mission died… but his ideal lives on. He wanted the world to change and for those in power to pay for what they’ve done. So I ask all of you, if you had the chance to fulfill that ideal, would you do it? Would you risk your lives for the cause?”

“Did your soul get fucked up or something?” the woman said in a mocking tone. “Without Isaia, we can’t do shit to anyone, even if-“

“Why did I even ask?” Temlat said in a casual tone. “It wasn’t a choice to begin with.”

A dark wave of energy was released from Temlat as he unleashed his curse. Only now did those in the room seem to realize the young half-elf had gotten a lot stronger than before. His skill allowing him to hide his level had done so none could see it.

“What happened to you?” the woman muttered, her eyes wide open.

“I found my Path… and I reaffirmed what I must do.”

Without any warning, Temlat took out a disc, and a ritual circle appeared all around him. It had been the ritual Temlat had worked on for this entire duration as Jake’s student. Jake felt the concepts within it instantly but chose to remain silent still.

Curse energy erupted from the floor, was what looked like black chains of flames engulfed every single person in the room besides Jake and Temlat. The flames instantly began to burn the freedom fighters as they all screamed in pain, the central woman screaming the loudest as she cursed Temlat.

“You fucking lunatic! What are you doing!? I’ll fucking kill you, I’ll-“

“Thank you,” Temlat just said. “Your anger is very helpful.”

With a wave of his hand, the flames all intensified as none of them could speak. They all became fuel as Temlat turned and threw Jake a look. “Thank you, Teacher. From the beginning, all I wanted was revenge on those of this world who only deserve death… and you made that possible. Even if I don’t turn out as you had hoped.”

Temlat bowed deeply as Jake nodded. “Your Path is your own, not one for me to define. Do what you think you have to.”

The half-elf nodded as the curse energy released from the sacrifices began to make its way toward him. His own aura began to intensify as soon even Temlat’s body erupted in flames. The light smile on Temlat’s face disappeared entirely as all emotions were burned away.

Finally, he took out his dagger – the one he had when Jake first met him – and pressed it against his own chest.

Right before the final emotion that wasn’t pure hatred and anger disappeared, Temlat plunged the dagger into his own heart. A black burst of flames erupted from the stab wound, and in the very next second, Temlat popped out of existence, having gone to the evolution space.

Jake sighed as he wondered what would return… and as he felt the aura of the room begin to change, he got a clue as he sensed something he hadn’t since he met the Dark Witch on floor forty-one.

The unmistakable scent of a plague.



Thanks for the chapter mate


Tftc! I am so tired of all this snow in DK.


I wonder how this plague will affect people, the karma one turned people into pathless zombies for lack of a better term this one seems like it’s going to be more destructive I think?


Thanks for the chapter Such a foreboding ending, as well

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!


Oo I figured he'd make a plague but this is like a curse plague or something weird bc of Jake and his weird ass origin system fuckery shit. I'm here for it.


Typo: “But, they, at least we agree!” “But, hey, at least we agree!”

john henderson

There were a couple instances early on where Temlat was spelled Telmat.


Damn sacrificing friends to accomplish the mission pretty GRIMDARK if you ask me wonder what he evolves into probably a sin demon of wrath or something


Ob boy, here we go with the plagues again. If the collection of gods are allowed to learn about this, they will not be happy. Sounds like fun for Villy and Jake though.

Jason Hardman

TYFTC! Just spotted there's a few cases where his students name changes from Temlat to Telmat.


A plague on all their houses! Let’s go death and destruction 🥳


“making him invisible to anyone who wasn’t Telmat. Telmat was only able to see Jake was there because he already knew Jake was there, to begin with.” -> Temlat


Wyrmgod and Minaga should be looking at Villy with the "We told you, your chosen learning plagues is a bad idea" look

Kris Piskorski

As my submission for the project I present to you: Temlat and his path of an "Absolute Fucking Lunatic" --> Jake probably


Det er heldigvis kun is nu, og ikke mere sne :D

Alex Cox

Fun concept: Jake finally gets that world-wide ritual sacrifice going via Temlat


Or submits a world destroyed by a curse-plague from his student


Well, that's the leaders own fault for being captured. That's just dumb, going asking to buy some slave immediately after he escaped. Totally not suspicious timing. Idiot. He didn't even figure out if he was truly recaptured, but even if he was recaptured, it would've still been stupid. Not Temlats fault. Especially cause the way they were going they never had a chance to make real change anyway, temlat being with Jake is the best chance the group ever had for actual change. Temlat did everything right. That said, a lot of innocents are probably gonna die. Well, Jake wouldn't have done this in the real world where there were actual consequences, so I'm fine with it. Not that Jake really cares about not hurting innocents, he's perfectly fine hunting innocent beasts. Theyre people too

One Winged Angel

Getting Prince of Egypt Flashbacks!!!!

Taj Malloy

At least it isn't a karmic plague TFTC

Mohammed Sheekh

hopefully by Thursday we reach the final dungeon. this dungeon has been underwhelming for me

Tyler S.

Hey, just on the other side of the mountains myself. Waiting for our February snow storm

Ty Cooper

So do you think that the next chapter will be the downfall of that world, the evolution, and Jake turning in his project or just the evolution and end of that world? I am guessing it will just be his evolution and the end of the world then Wednesday have Jake turn the last of whatever projects still linger and the grading. I wish the God's could see into the portal worlds. Their reaction would have been great... "did he just do what I think he did? See Villus I told you him knowing that information was bad."

Ty Cooper

I am sure we will get the new dungeon this week. But Jake having a padawan has been funny. Well till this chapter. This one was slightly heavy.


Villy would be proud... Or maybe he was only teasing Jake about it? You never know with Villy


I think that it would be funny if they added the new plagued planet to the previous rules floors of nevermore. Here another example of why people shouldn't mess with plagues, lol.

Karim Saadi

Whoopsie daisy Jake, you made a total psycho.

Seen Death

Are they really friends though? They treated Temlat poorly, and are too weak to bring change themselves. Let them be part of the fuel to change the world


Yea id say and were and we're just stricken by greif and rage lashing out and what they thought was the cause of it

Seen Death

Its true, the amount of flashy things here isnt particularly high, but it was still entertaining while having a ton of upgrades. Evermore is the ideal place for fast growth like this, wether you think it was shiny or not. I personally have nothing to complain about, considering the alternative is what? "Oh i should work on X" [insert time skip]... ive heard many complaints about nevermore but I cant think of a "more entertaining" manner to accomplish all of Jakes improvements

John Looney

Sin half-elf of wrath he does curses not warlock stuff lmao no demonology for him


I'm hoping for C-grade evolution to Apostle of Wrath for Temlat :)


Watch him turn in the cursed planet AND Temlat as projects.

Sherry Melancon

You whore of a mother should be your whore of a mother.

Seen Death

I find it pointless trying to guess a timeline like that, there are many unknowns and i think we might be in for a good suprise, either way tyfcs! Looking foward to it!

Hodge Wasson

This is a grimdark version of the Hero's Journey right here. Temlet is doing the abyss and transformation steps at this point.


On one hand I can see what you are saying, but on the other, this isn't our world. Friendship rarely lasts through the grades, everything gets sacrificed for your Path. Plus, Temlat was maining Wrath, even if he was aware his aura was influencing those around him, being blamed for the death of a father figure and friend, along with insults and threats, yeah, even if they had been friends, it's unlikely Temlat considered them such anymore, let alone their lives being more important than his Path and goals. -Especially- when freedom fighter types are always going off on being willing to die for the cause.

Sam Rosenberg

Dang, I did not see it going down like that! Fun surprise


"I send the Pestilence and Plague into your house, into your bed, into your streams, into your streets, into your drink, into your bread. Upon your cattle, on your sheep, upon your oxen in your field, into your dreams, into your sleep, until you break, until you yield." That song still goes hard AF.


Because it was a stupid move I have my suspicion about that leader. Considering how much the resistance respected him, it's weird that they are all getting found and killed so easily. I think it'd be a good plot twist if the leader was actually a spy and was just there to control the resistance and stop them from doing anything too insane. This purge only happened because temlat's previous owner went bat shit crazy and had enough.

austin kutz

He's totally going to absorb all the loose curse energy after it's run its course. It would just be wasteful not to


Technically he did not make it he just allowed somebody that shouldn't of known about it


Haven't read this chapter (yet) but while seeing the post title the name just clicked for Temlat. Isn't that the path his brother is taking from Umbra? Nvm. That's Tenlucis.


What did you expect he was literally feeding him cursed energy to his curse of hatred that gods that have side effects for the psyche


Only one question remains is Temlet literally transforming himself into a plague of cursed wrath or is he becoming a curse creature that made a plague using his wrath


REALLY good chapter. Really like it. I liked Jake here and like Temlat's development. - Remus


Kill them all, Temlat! Get em! Rip and Tare, Until it Tis Done!?

Karim Saadi

I expected him to kill the elite on the planet and destroy their skyisland but not to systematically sacrifice his only friends (however much you wanna stretch the definition of friend). It's not like I can't see him do it, I just did not expect it.


Jake accidentally unleashing a cursed plague. Will be be forced to do a planet sacrifice ritual and have that as his submission?


Villy was c grade when he wiped out his home planet. Villy was also under the influence of a curse for a time. I hope that Temlat comes to his senses when it is all done and Jake turns that in.

Jordan Jones

Eh, mentoring a villain isn’t on vibe for me. Then again, he’s best friends with a planet sacrificing, galaxy destroying evil super-god, so Jake is amoral at best. Still, killing innocents, even unpleasant ones, in his presence isn’t something I saw him doing.

Mason W

My long term bet is that Jake will develop a Curse/Karma plague against anyone who uses or creates a slave.

Mason W

I am eager to leave this dungeon because consequences don’t really matter. It is a personal strength journey only, sure it matter is your path is amoral, but I don’t know if Jake would do this in the “real world” or not.

Benjamin Mages

Aside from certain stances such as being anti-slavery, Jake has never really cared about bad things happening to people he has no investment in.

John Grizzly

Agreed, all this build up falls a bit short since there is no real repercussions. Even Jake only sees this as something to turn in for the challenge dungeon and not really anything to take seriously. Not that I think he is playing woth lives or anything as he does have that problem of how to treat psuedo-souls in dungeons like the troll from the troll dungeon and stuff like that. BUT this also seems to be the perfect opportunity for Jake to experience a plague from the beginning, to compare to the previous floor where he experience the ending and consequence of one. Too bad that uh, that's going to end up staining his records.


Thanks for the chapter!

Irakli Jishkariani

Hmm, I'm curious what will temlat turn into. And will jake kill him?

One Winged Angel

Oh!.....So Jake just created the Doom Slayer?

One Winged Angel

In a world were human laws no longer apply in the face of cold hard facts and a clear and present path to divinity and power, Things like conscience and morals no longer apply save for ones own personal rules that allow them to stay grounded in reality. Bare in mind several people have paths that rely on morals like Jacob, but they are outliers, in places and stories like these, innocent and unwilling people are the first to fall in the face of moving forces, not because of some sense of evil intent but because collateral damage in the way of ones goal is inevitable. Now im saying this because most people draw morals and ways of living through faith and belief in the good of mankind, The Primal Hunter has shown on more than a few occasions that morals and being nice is a luxury.

Sean Dawson

That whole floor to say plagues are bad just for Jake’s first student to unleash one as his first big action. lol 😂


Haha... My money is on Jake having just made himself a worthy opponent that he can fight, and will give him a nice little challenge to end this dungeon with

Bobby B

Uh oh!! Things could get a bit dicey. This is gunna be good! TFTC

Bobby B

Definitely. Jake knows all of this is for final score points. That’s the only purpose of being there. No consequences make for apathy. Can’t say I blame him. Not reality. Just a caged simulation.

Tyler S.

He probably had a choice to make with his friends in according to his evolution quest and when they would not listen to his side he cose to sacrifice them instead of saving them


The grading emphasizes the learning journey, a big “whoopsies” result is a still a viable submission even if it would’ve been untenable in the real world. Truly a safe space for harder lessons learned.


Ah. You know I’m really unsure how to feel about this. I don’t think I really care all that much what happens to his little student. But I’m not sure if that’s because “I don’t care” or because Jake doesn’t seem to overly care either? Weird!! On the overall topic of nevermore….. I’m curious how people expect Jake to grow? You want giant plot devices which are “unique” and blah and blah? Dude has a broken bloodline. Is the chosen of one of the baddest of the badasses. He literally has everything going for him on EASY mode. He’s powering up left and right…… REMEMBER how long most people took to get to here Jake is RIGHT now? And C grade is weak. *shrugs* I kind of think it’s fitten to spend a half century or more in nevermore. Otherwise Jake would have somehow jumped to C in like what half a decade and be slapping people many centuries old? Tsk. If you want that go read a CN novel.


This is fine :)


Gah! I have to wait for the next chapter?!? Argh!!! -great cliffhanger, btw. lol! I’m gonna have a hard time falling asleep. How will Jake feel about what he’s helped create? What will the curse plague do? What kind of abomination will his student evolve into? Yea, im Curse you, wonderful suspense! lol!


NSaaby - Er språk Norsk? I'm learning Norwegian on Duolingo but I'm not very far along. All I know is "Det er" = "It is" and "og ikke" = "& not" but it could also be another Scandinavian language sharing some simple words.


I'm guessing a wrath plague that causes instant rage around any oppression stirring up a revolution (Edit: which I just read Tyler Schibig post hours ago) OR like Reading Obsessed said and Temlat went off the deep end and decided the entire world and everyone in it needed to die.


Even Villy only gets to watch Jake when he walks down the hallway, nowhere else. & the Architect seems to like keeping secrets therefore Jake should be safe.


It's GOTTA be the most boring part of Nevermore for the Wrymgod and other gods. Who gets excited about ONLY getting to watch C-grades walking down hallways? I can see a card table in the viewing room where they're all playing Euchre or Monopoly or something, just waiting for Jake and the others to finish with that challenge dungeon. Ha!


Afraid not, Im speaking Danish. Tho Danish and Norwegian are spelled simerlar in many cases 🙂. And your translation is current


Besides finishing up the Temlat arch, Jake still needs to finish up the poison and the corrosive acid yet, right? And then there's probably at least a chapter devoted to the Architect giving Jake a review and grading his submissions. I'm thinking sometime next week sadly. I get a bit squeamish around mass genocide, even if it's upon manufactured dungeon characters/creatures sans a Truesoul. Granted, 🙏 Temlat might not end up doing that but right now it don't look too good for the subsequent world within a dungeon, considering Temlat went back to the other world for further desolation.


The floor was specifically about Karmic Plagues that destroys a person's free will. A plague that isn't Karmic is probably still considered bad BUT isn't completely enforced. In any sport that has rules enforced by refs, those refs usually don't rigidly follow the rulebook (holding in the NFL, traveling in the NBA, every single foul in hockey, and the strike zone in the MLB are all open to the refs "interpretation." A mere world ending plague that won't spread multiversally is probably too ticky-tacky for most gods to bother getting up off their couch for.


Temlat would be level 200 with poorer stat distribution than Jake, who has Temlat beat by over 50 levels. Heck, in Minaga's challenge dungeon Jake survived against two different B-grades for a lot longer than someone at his own level should. Unless the plague kills everyone in the world and instantly bumps Temlat up over 100 levels, I just don't see Jake having to stress himself out in potentially defeating Temlat.

Hunter Thornton

Welp he finally took Villy’s advice and created a planet killer. Now I definitely want little Tem to make it out of this dungeon just so Jake can tell folks that he helped make this little planet annihilating best

a sumner

Should be pitiful not pitful but otherwise AMAZING chapter loved it