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To be stealthy.

An ancient art learned by many teenagers with wary parents and creaky floorboards to remain undetected as they were up to no good. That, or because they just needed to go to the bathroom really late in the night and didn’t want to wake anyone up.

However, this was but one part of the stealth: the art of avoiding sound. Others were stealthy by melding into the environment through camouflage or even found ways to hide their heat signatures or other traces of their existence.

There were countless methods in the multiverse to remain undetected, with Jake’s current method akin to being able to summon a fake boulder he could hide within, which also helped mask his presence and energy. It was far from perfect, and moving around while using it wasn’t advised, but so far, it had kind of gotten the job done.

However, now, it was high time to improve it, and he may as well learn from the best while doing so.

In the multiverse, Jake knew of two beings who had reached the ultimate peak of stealthiness. One of them was naturally Umbra, the leader of the Court of Shadows. Her ability to remain undetected until the moment she decided to strike was unparalleled as she could hide within the shadows themselves only to emerge when she so desired. Her form of stealth was the most classical sort, but there was one person in the multiverse who surpassed her when it came to remaining undetected.

Because another branch of stealth was one where you could be seen, but no one truly noticed you. Where you could stand next to your target on the street without them looking twice your way. The being who had reached the apex of this was, needless to say, Eversmile, the ultimate shapeshifter. He could take any form and become anyone or anything he wanted. His form wasn’t just limited to people, as far as Jake had been told, but he could even mimic objects or non-humanoid races.

So, if one apex emerged out of nowhere, the other emerged from right next to you unexpectedly. These two methods were often recognized as the main branches: obscuration and blending in. Jake was currently doing a bit of both – which most stealth methods did – but he did both kind of poorly.

Jake wanted to still do a bit of both with his improved method, primarily because he wanted to try and learn what Artemis had talked about. At least he wanted to integrate concepts of what she explained, even if it was pretty damn complicated. He did have their entire discussion committed to memory, though, as he recalled what she said during what Jake would call a great discussion on progression methods, while others would probably define it as pillow talk.

“My method of stealth is a lot more simple than what you described,” Artemis had explained. “The Path of the Hunter is naturally intertwined with the world around us. It is one of the most natural Paths to anyone in the system, and anyone who fights and kills partly steps into the Path of the Hunter at least a few times in their lives. Hunters are merely the name we use instead of predators for those of the enlightened races, and many civilizations even call those who fight monsters hunters by default, no matter what weapon or form of combat they use.”

The basis for the entire stealth method Artemis used was to be a natural hunter. A part of an ecosystem. At least, that is the mentality Artemis had when she first learned and improved the skill.

“My form of stealth leans into becoming one with the environment in a more literal sense. Feel the natural mana around you, feel the presence of the world itself, and breathe it in. Let it fill you and become one with everything. Perceive the world as you let it perceive you, and through that, you will know how to hide at the end of Perception. Seek the very edge of where you recognize your own form within the world and obscure what little remains of you that remain as you blend in. If you do this, you will be able to move without hesitation and act entirely normal, as you will simply disappear from everyone’s spectrum of what they perceive. You will never be perfect in this; no one is, but if they cannot perceive the world as well as you do, finding you will prove difficult. Well, unless they have a cheat-like Bloodline,” Artemis had further elaborated.

Jake had probed further and had kind of formed his own interpretation using more pre-system terms. Jake would liken this kind of method to changing how you appear on the color spectrum. The human eye, before the system, was unable to see things like ultraviolet light but had a limited spectrum. The same was true for what one could hear, and Jake wouldn’t be surprised if the same had been true for smells and pretty much everything else.

With the system, the spectrum had expanded. Magical elements were introduced; one could see and feel mana, and Jake could see things he never would have been able to before. With his Perception alone, he could easily peer through things like naturally-formed mist or clouds despite it being completely impossible to see through before the system, and with time, he knew he would even be able to see through things like non-magically reinforced walls.

Where this spectrum being expanded truly mattered was in the realm of concepts. It was one of the reasons why someone like Arnold also had Perception as his highest stat, as it allowed him to perceive things others couldn’t. Jake was the same, and as an example, he had only recognized and gained his arcane affinity because his growing Perception allowed him to notice it.

This spectrum continued to expand even now, and while Perception was far from the only criterion to “see” concepts and become able to understand them, it was definitely an essential factor. Not to say everyone needed it to reach the peak, as someone like the Sword Saint was so in tune with the concepts that mattered to him, it wasn’t as much about perceiving them as it was simply “living” them, if that made sense.

All of this is to say that Perception allowed you to detect and see more on the spectrum of the world. This spectrum was eternally expanding without any end. Jake’s Bloodline allowed him to see everything within the physical spectrum with his Sphere, and as it existed outside of the system, it wasn’t limited. Of course, it wasn’t entirely accurate to say that he saw everything as if he actually could; his brain would explode from perceiving concepts even Primordials couldn’t comprehend. It was more right to say he saw everything he already knew could exist, with perhaps a bit more shown here and there.

Also… upon reflection, what had happened in the final moments of Jake fighting Valdemar probably included expanding this spectrum far more than he could usually handle, which was also why Jake couldn’t remember everything he had felt back then anymore. He had touched upon things that simply didn’t exist to him yet.

Anyway, to get back on the topic of creating a stealth skill, the method Artemis used was to “see” yourself on this spectrum of the world and then become one with it. To move yourself on the spectrum from where even a level 0 could see you to somewhere no one would know you were there, even if you stood right next to and breathed them down the neck. Simply because they wouldn’t be capable of registering you even existed. Jake would liken it to himself from the visual spectrum of light into the ultraviolet in pre-system terms and move every sound he made into the ultrasonic, with the same being done for every other trace of his existence.

Of course, this was Artemis’ method, and Jake had the feeling he wouldn’t be able to replicate something like this perfectly. In fact, he was pretty damn sure he wouldn’t be able to, as that sounded like at least a Mythical C-grade skill that would effectively make Jake entirely undetectable to anyone who had less Perception than himself.

What’s more, Artemis said that her stealth skill even worked in combat to help keep her hidden, even if the effect was lessened while fighting due to how much energy one had to give off that inadvertently disrupted and warped the natural world around her. Not that it mattered, as this was definitely out of Jake’s realm of possibility.

However, he did believe he could move himself in the physical realm of Perception. He had plenty of experience observing that, after all, and could even make use of some of what he learned from his Bloodline. As for the rest of the stealth capabilities? That would have to be mimicked using other means. Primarily, his arcane energy, where he already had some good ideas and a stealth skill already with that ability.

It had to be reiterated once more that Jake had thought about how to improve his stealth for a long time and just never got the opportunity. That is where all his ideas for using arcane energy came from. Artemis had just given him even more good ideas to put on top, and now, in this House of the Architect, Jake would throw them all together.

What’s more, he wanted to build a skill that could serve as a foundation for more upgrades. One that he could potentially even train on together with Artemis if they ever got the chance to further improve it.

This is how Jake’s next period of intense practice began. He would spend his time working on the stealth skill at the House or doing practical testing while also completing some Merit Point Missions, which would fund his Grimoire experimentation once a month or so. In between, he would sometimes help out Temlat and make sure he was also making progress.

After only the first two weeks, Jake already had his first little bit of progress as he implemented some improvements to the stealth skill he had long been considering, which resulted in a nice little notification.

*Skill Upgraded*: [Arcane Stealth (Rare)] --> [Improved Arcane Stealth (Rare)]

It was small and nice indeed. The skill stayed within the same rarity, which indicated it had been a pretty low-level C-grade rare skill after Jake evolved. Which made sense, considering the skill had avoided getting downgraded a rank after he evolved. This upgrade had brought it back to be considered a pretty good C-grade rare skill, but it was naturally far from enough. All Jake had really done was tighten up what the skill already did and improve all aspects of it using all he had learned since he made the skill while still in D-grade.

Only another one and a half months later, Jake had failed another two Grimoire crafts – primarily because he wanted a good one and felt both wouldn’t turn out well – but had also made plenty of progress when it came to improving his stealth skill.

He infused more stability into the mana constructs around him, making him appear more like a physical thing and not a person than ever before. When he stood still, he became nearly indiscernible from his surroundings when he camouflaged the mana around him, and even if he moved and used energy within this construct, it couldn’t be detected on the outside. It became as if he had placed a dome around himself, hiding him away from the world. The concept of Jake’s original Arcane Stealth skill had been taken to an extreme, and the system recognized it.

*Skill Upgraded*: [Improved Arcane Stealth (Rare)] --> [Supreme Arcane Stealth (Epic)]

Now, this is where the truly hard part began. Jake’s newly acquired Supreme Arcane Stealth was a good skill in its own right, but it had severe drawbacks. First of all, he couldn’t really move when it was fully activated. He had to maintain the construct around him to stay hidden, and if he did move, it would look as if some big rock or something was gliding around.

This led to another problem: the skill could only really be used in places where there were other things to mimic. He could use it on an open field and try to just make it entirely transparent, but it wouldn’t work nearly as well as, say, within a forest. Plus, he would still have the problem of being unable to move around, as even if it was transparent, it would still affect the world around him and leave faint distortion.

To conclude, Jake’s original upgrade path for Arcane Stealth was severely limited by design. It was essentially a ”camping” skill for Jake to sit still and wait for his moment to attack while even hiding him when he charged up his often devastating opening strike.

It did this extremely well, but its limitations did mean getting it above epic rarity wasn’t likely. This is where the concepts Artemis spoke of came in.

Jake simply wasn’t skilled enough to “move” everything on the spectrum of Perception like Artemis talked about. However, he was confident in moving himself when it came purely to the visual realm. He kind of already did something similar when he made his arcane construct invisible, as concepts would bleed through, but this time, he wanted to do it fully.

This in itself would usually not result in a good stealth skill. Hiding from sight was, in general, not considered super difficult; the truly hard part was hiding everything else. Your energy signature, presence, mana, internal energy you gave off, traces you leave behind, and so forth.

However, for Jake in particular, he was confident in sealing in those things. That is what his entire Arcane Stealth path was all about, after all.

His plan was to merge these two concepts. On the one hand, he would make himself one with the world when it came to the visual realm, and on the other, he would hide everything about himself using his stable arcane energy that didn’t exist in the physical realm.

This was not as good of a technique as what Artemis talked about, as Jake wouldn’t truly ”make himself one with the world” as she talked about, where everything that was ”Jake” would merge with the environment. Even so, it would allow Jake to do things he couldn’t before. It would allow him to move around even while using his stealth skill, and sneak to a better position to attack from.

Jake wanted to retain the functionality of effectively creating a camping dome when he wanted to attack, as it was very difficult to hide the level of energy he gave off otherwise. This did mean that Jake couldn’t use skills that required too much energy while using the stealth skill he wanted to make, but that was a sacrifice he had to make. He wasn’t going for perfection the first time around, after all.

Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. Jake was getting close with his Grimoire project but still wasn’t satisfied and purposefully failed every craft so far, even if he could have succeeded. In the stealth department, things were also moving along, but this final step on the upgrade path was by far the hardest, as Jake had to integrate a new and pretty high-level concept. There was progress, though.

One day, Jake was meditating on a bed in one of the many rooms in the lab area as he worked on his stealth skill. He breathed deeply as he tried to mimic his environment and ”move” himself on the spectrum as he had done many times before. Once more, he felt a faint shift, and opening his eyes, things appeared distorted for a fraction of a moment until everything returned to normal once more. Jake kept focusing as he tried to remember this feeling, not even knowing if he had succeeded with anything that mattered.

Just then, a figure peeked into the room. Temlat walked by the door with a book as he looked in, and Jake was just about to greet him when his student frowned. He looked around and seemed to focus a bit on where Jake was sitting as he muttered. ”Weird, I’m sure Lord Thayne was in here…”

Right as he turned around to leave, Jake spoke up: ”I am here.”

When he did, Temlat whipped his head and looked straight at Jake, clearly capable of seeing him. Alright, when I announce myself like this, the effect drops as others become aware of my existence… got it.

”Lord Thayne, did you just arrive, or?” Temlat asked, confused.

”Just working on something,” Jake smiled. ”Can you tell me, when you entered the room, did you know I was here?”

”I felt your presence, but I couldn’t see you, so I just figured you had just left,” Temlat answered honestly. ”Am I interrupting? I can come back later.”

”No, it’s fine, I think I am ready to move on to the next step of my experiment. Now, did you have a question?”

As he looked at his student, he got a nice idea. Wouldn’t his little student be the perfect test subject for Jake while he improved? You know, sneak around and see if Temlat could find him and try to mess with him a bit… purely for research purposes, of course. Definitely not something Jake would ever take pleasure in.





Merry Christmas for Monday


And from that time on, whenever Temlat needed to channel frustration he thought about the time his teacher practiced stealth on him… XD


Now both brothers can be sneaky bois.

Michael Fannon

Jake and Villy really are the same when it comes to humor huh? So much so, I'm surprised Nature's Attendant didn't mention how Jake rally is just like Villy back when Jake was teasing Artemis.


There was emergy instead of emerge at some point. Interesting chapter :)

Omar Jimenez

Took a second to look back and realized we’ve spent over 150 chapters in Nevermore, with probably 50 or more chapters to go. Not that there hasn’t been noticeable progress for Jake or development from the side characters (new and old), but dang I’ll be glad to see everyone back in the 93rd universe.

Tyler S.

Thanks for another fun chapter, happy holidays Zog


Jake becoming Predator


Of course stealth training turns into super serious hazing 🤣 wonder if this new stealthy concept will help him improve stealth attack too

Cory Sauls

“The groundwork for the entire stealth method Artemis was to be a hunter. A part of an ecosystem.” Not sure what word/s you left out but the sentence about stealth method doesn’t make sense. “the entire stealth method Artemis was…” perhaps “used” or “employed” or whichever other word synonymous with “used” you want to pick.

Cory Sauls

“even if you stood right next to them and breathed them down the neck.” I’d say remove “them” and “the” and add “their” between “down” and “neck” “even if you stood right next to them and breathed down their neck.”

Cory Sauls

“After only the first two weeks, Jake already had his first little pit of progress” Correct “pit” to “bit”.

John Balman

Jake the master that pranks his student.... never would have thought he would do that nope not at all 😂😆

Zach Neumann

TFTC and have a happy holiday weekend!


If Jake doesn't get the mythical c-grade skill I will be really disappointed. Wish his bloodline activates and elevates the skill level after reaching lengendary. That would awesome.


Jake is either going to get a skill similar to Artemis or is gonna make a quasi legacy stealth skill


So, is Jake going to get 10 submissions in within 2 years? He's made 2 submissions so far, is working on Stealth, Grimoire, and Teaching Temlat and how many months have passed already? How long into the entire Challenge Dungeons timeline is he at now? He finished Minaga's Labyrinth early and Wrymgod's Test of Character dungeon right at two years I believe. How long did he take in the Colosseum of Mortals? Past Gladiator rank he could only have 1 match a week and 10 of those plus a Promotional match. That's nearly 3 months per rank and how many ranks between Gladiator and Champion? Then the 7 Champions he faced which could have been a month each (although the Lightning Monarch and Battlemaster faced him on the same day as Jake's challenge, with Umbra going less than a full month). Ugh! Keeping track of time sucks...


If his legacy stealth skill had a rarity, it might be mythic. My guess is that he'll likely have a similar situation to primal gaze of the apex hunter. So maybe Primal stealth of the Apex Hunter or if it's not a quasi-legacy skill, then I would say it should probably be called Arcane Stealth of Horizons Edge or something similar. That way his stealth skill can have a similar upgrade path to take it everything like his protean arrow


Why do i get flachbacks to Silfy and her stealth tornado XD

Owen Kaz

I think he will end up handing in some generic creations. Made with the best skills he can of course so they will still be a fine example of himself and his path and records, but they won't make his rating better. I think we'll see the Grimoire, a creation using Origin energy, and some other odd creation, but that's all for unique stuff. The rest of it won't drag him down, just not change his score. and with what he's going to make his score will be more than high enough for a maxed scoring.

Daniel is ŁØNE

Technically the two-year timer is just to make the most of his time, he mentioned somewhere earlier that he theoretically could just stay here working on submissions the entire time. This is a major learning opportunity so I believe he might extend the timer a bit, he did finish the labyrinth early so he has some leeway.


didnt jake decide not to use origin stuff in the challenge dungen?


I hope that he includes parts of his bloodline suprechion (can't spell it) In the skill. If I remember correctly Villy haven't herd if anyone ells ho can do that. 🤔


Stealthy pantsu thieving on the horizon! 🤣


I would make sure to wear magically reinforced undies all time 😏

Mohammed Sheekh

he is still just c grade, aeon clok, the time primordial literally stopped time in a multiversal scale when he ascended to godhood. so for jake to be the personification of perception, he would need to ascend to godhood


the sword saint learned to touch the very concept of sharpness from Minaga, touching the very concept of perception would be difficult, but not impossible. It's a matter of mastery and understanding of all concepts pertaining to perception. Having full control over a concept like Aeon would require transcendence, not godhood. A god would have a lot of control and power related to a concept, but they don't control all of it in the multiverse. Though arcane affinities may be an exception.

Lonnie Sizemore

He may learn to tap into villy's shroud around him and expand on that concept. You know that character wouldn't accept primal stealth name for a legacy skill 🙂

Lonnie Sizemore

Umbra can feel it now, Jake's coming for that spot!


It has never once done anything but increase quality. However, the bloodline will not improve this skill, because it doesn't "intrude" on the bloodline's domain, so to speak. The bloodline tends to rouse and improve things when a skill tries to imitate some aspect of what the bloodline does, but in an inferior way. The bloodline is like "trash! gg," and stealth doesn't seem like it's close enough to a bloodline effect to proc that.


Normally I'd agree with you Drew, but he kept referring to using perception to define where he was and wasn't and blurring those lines, his bloodline has Perception as a key bailiwick. I can see the system trying to award him an upgrade and the sheer "commonality" of it and the way it "lessens the true importance of the obvious best stat" being enough to wake his bloodline. I mean he's the Primal Hunter, as Artemis said stealth is pretty much a touchstone of being a Hunter, and of course Perception is best stat.

Tragic Hysteria

There's alot of build up for this stealth skill....

hayden jack cowell

I can see one of the paths this can take. his energy can take any shape he will keep the dome, but also have a less perfect armor form to move in. he'll get annoyed moving in armor and make scales at the joints even though they leak more, he'll improve the scales and replace all the armor.... arcane scales of the primal hunter

Tyler S.

I feel like he sould try to incorporate the shadow aspects of his new cloak into his stealth skill via arcane

hayden jack cowell

probably. he's currently trying to build a foundation to build off of though,(i went with scales because its a medium he's used to working with) I'm picturing him making a few scales in the air and infusing whatever concept or energy he's playing around with, infusing them with shadows, filling them up to release shadows stuff like that.


I wonder if when he creates his skill if it will evolve to become part of his bloodline or if it will be like his Moment of the Primal Hunter and get some crazy evolution .

john henderson

I mean, we know that the entire basis for this novel is Zog wanting to write about an op stealth archer, and he's been op since the beginning, finally became an archer back in the thunderdome, so now its time to complete the trinity. Stealth is going to have to be a part of his legacy, only question is how strong this foundational work is going to be, and how much will be left for improvement later. Pretty brave making 10 rather than 5 creations for the architect, going to be some pretty insane gains across the board. A conversation, a student, a sneak, and a book so far. Though I feel that the grimoire/student should be the last things submitted, as the grimoire stands to gain the most directly from the other creations, and the student naturally stands to gain the most strictly over time.

Seen Death

I agree about the grimoire and student- about the student though: i dont think jake realises it yet but i think Temlat getting his revenge will be pretty much the final puzzle piece of his growth as "jakes creation" (also influenced by jake for what he will be after he accomplishes his goal) we shall see. it may still happen but i was suprised when temlat didnt explode from jakes "most likely experimental curse strengthening" lol. TYFC!


R we getting a chapter today


Maybe i saw no notice that none should be coming maybe its later because of some commercial holiday


Merry Christmas everyone

C. Adkins

Someone above mentioned a discord channel? Can anyone send or point me towards an invite? Please and thank you!

C. Adkins

Also, Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone!!

john henderson

https://discord.gg/XKzpuBw6A5 its also in the about section in case that doesn't work for some reason

Tom Roettger

Not that it hasn't been great so far...but I'm honestly tired of Nevermore and wish to see Jake go back to doing other stuff.

One Winged Angel

I understand Zogarth deserves a good Christmas with his family, i understand that every writer deserves some off time....doesnt make me any less whiny that i dont get to read a new chapter when im forced to come to work! I CANT START MY DAY WITHOUT A CHAPTER TO READ BEFORE IM FORCED TO BE AN ADULT!!!! ZOOOGGGGAAAAAAARRRRRTTTTTTHHHHHHHH!!!!

Owen Kaz

Back when he was worried about his methods getting exposed. But the architect told him it's a non issue

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!

Hunter Thornton

So does this mean Jake’s gonna try his hand at being an arcane assassin now? Ooh or the primal assassin, that sounds way cooler


I feel like Jake definitely isn't taking advantage of his sphere enough for this stealth skill. Since it's coming from himself, if he focuses enough on just himself in his sphere by shrinking it down like he's done many times before (Possibly taking the concepts of holding his bloodline inside like he did to hide it previously) , then he should be able to spot all the 'leakage' of his presence and then slowly work on stopping them from leaving his form. A very thin layer of stable arcane energy should stop a great deal and would be a good starting point in my opinion, then he can work from there, using concepts of his current stealth technique and compressing it onto his physical form sort of like a spandex suit or something?