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Jake had wanted to just focus on making a Grimoire. He truly had. The problem was that he couldn’t just do as he usually did and experiment until he pumped something good out for one simple reason he had kind of forgotten, even if it was expressly mentioned in the skill description. It was only when Jake tried to craft one he brought up the skill description again and was reminded.

[Grimoire of the Heretic-Chosen (Unique)] – Expand your Path and allow others to walk in your footsteps. Allows the Heretic-Chosen to craft a Grimoire related to his Path, allowing another of the enlightened races to consume it, granting them either a class or profession. The nature of the Grimoire depends on a multitude of factors, including crafting ingredients, the will of the creator, and several unknowns. Requirements to use the Grimoire vary. A cooldown period is required between each crafting attempt, and a longer cooldown is triggered after a successful Grimoire craft. Due to your unique Path, every Grimoire created will be more potent by default and receive additional Records based on all your stats.

A cooldown period. Yeah, that one definitely threw a spanner into the works. To make matters worse, the failed Grimoire Jake had tried to make while experimenting just turned into ash, wasting all of the materials. Materials that were in no way cheap at the Merit Point Exchange, as stronger Paths required better base ingredients, and Jake felt fairly confident the reason he failed the first time around was due to his attempt to cheap out.

The cooldown period wasn’t even short. It was an entire damn month, even if Jake failed, making him wonder if it wouldn’t be over a year when he succeeded. The only good thing was that the Records Jake tried to pour into the Grimoire were fully refunded even when he failed the crafting attempt, so nothing besides the ingredients was wasted.

On that note, Jake read in the books that the good thing about Grimoires was that the Records gained from crafting one always equaled out with those poured into it, meaning one never truly lost anything. It could still easily turn into a bad investment as making a Grimoire wasn’t cheap, and some jackass could get and waste the evolution granted, but luckily that wasn’t of any concern to Jake, considering he would just give the final product to the Architect.

Anyway, with the longer cooldown, should he succeed, he would likely only have one real shot, though, so he had to be careful.

With Grimoire-crafting temporarily shelved due to cooldown-related delays, Jake focused on other projects he also needed to get done. One of them was naturally the entire Temlat matter, but things had gone a lot more smoothly there than Jake had initially anticipated. He had sought out Jake only three days after he got back with a significantly better demeanor than before.

After some rest and reflection, he even seemed thankful for the experience in the centaur world. He had learned he had abilities he didn’t even know about and applications of curse energy he hadn’t ever considered. Jake wanted to hear more as he got Temlat to explain what had happened inside of the centaur world more in-depth and what the young half-elf had discovered.

“I always thought of my curse energy as just another kind of energy to kill with, a way to improve my destructive power. That it was the essence of my own hatred toward others… but I never really considered how much it can affect others outside of combat. I did know it made my opponent more reckless when we fought, but they obviously knew that was due to the curse and would work to eliminate it once the fight was over,” Temlat explained as Jake encouraged him to continue.

“But… one day, in that world, I killed a centaur hunter who spotted and tried to hunt me down. We ended up fighting, and I won in the end, killing him. Right after, I heard its allies nearby and ran to hide just in time for them to find the corpse of their friend. I saw their rage and anger as they picked up the corpse and brought it back to a small temporary camp they had made nearby. That is when I noticed the curse energy on the corpse still seeping out and influencing the centaurs and their own anger. What’s more, none of them made any efforts to eliminate it, almost as if they didn’t even notice.

“Following them to their temporary camp, I saw them have heated discussions. I don’t know what they were saying, but I felt something I hadn’t ever imagined. My curse energy within them was growing despite me doing nothing. They fueled it all by themselves. I knew that if I did something, they would notice, so I just kept watching. A few hours later, the hunters decided to head back to their main encampment, and on their way, they encountered a pretty powerful beast. Even if they won, you could see how frustrated they were with one another. Every minor mistake was scrutinized, and by the time they returned home, they clearly hated each other.

“I couldn’t follow them all the way into their settlement… but I could still feel their curse energy even from far away. So, I kept observing for two days until the curse within one of the three disappeared. I was afraid they had discovered the curse and would all soon be cured… until I found the cursed one’s corpse being buried outside of the encampment along with two others whom I felt very faint traces of the curse also on. That is when I began to understand the true power of my curse. Of my power.”

Temlat told his story with excitement that was almost childlike. He was proud of what he had done, and even if it wasn’t Jake’s style, he wasn’t going to judge Temlat for how he achieved things. He did things the best he could, and it was indisputable that Temlat would have never had a chance against the centaur settlement in a direct confrontation.

Jake kept listening as Temlat kept explaining how he managed to spread the curse slowly through the encampment by killing some of their hunters and even once threw a head into the encampment filled with even more curse energy. Not to mention all the times he threw in normal fireballs and set fire to their houses just to make them even more mad.

It took him around three weeks before he had the settlement fully on edge. Their hatred of this unknown enemy who killed their kin and even sometimes burned down their homes was truly staggering, and he didn’t plan on giving them any outlet. Temlat had fully waged a psychological war fueled by curse energy until, one day, it boiled over.

Temlat saw his chance and “ignited” much of the curse energy in the camp all at once during what he viewed as a huge and very heated town square meeting. Maybe some of them noticed something was wrong and identified the curse, but they didn’t have time as others went berserk. A brawl broke out that soon escalated into a deadly fight where dozens died.

The violence only spread from there, and Temlat took this chance to try to sneak through the settlement and get to the platform on top of a small rocky hill sitting in the middle where he knew the portal was located.

On the way, he set fire to things to mask his presence even more, but things hadn’t worked out as he expected. The C-grade Centaur Warlord, who had otherwise barely shown itself, came out at that very moment to quell the conflict and, in the process, quickly identified Temlat as the source of everything.

Jake’s student had to run with all his might. He flew up to the rocky platform as the Centaur Warlord chased, and those around it attacked with ranged weapons. That was partly how Temlat had gotten so injured, as he was hit by several things in those final moments, and with the halberd practically touching his back, he had stumbled through the portal.

That was also why he had been so on edge when Jake walked in. He had nearly just died and was – for lack of a better word – in shock. However, that didn’t mean the feelings he had poured out during their talk were any less genuine.

After hearing Temlat’s story, Jake didn’t really have any advice. He realized that Temlat had reached his own conclusions when it came to a different kind of Path he wanted to take. Rather than someone who used his curse energy as a destructive force with his black flames, he wanted to be far more of a schemer. A far more classical curse user, if you may. This was a Path Jake was definitely not qualified to give any advice on, so he could only encourage his student to do whatever he deemed best while still helping him to nurture and make his curse more powerful. Because no matter the Path, the curse Temlat nurtured was still the core.

Jake did have one piece of advice he wanted to give, though.

“Right now, your only goal is revenge, right? I believe it is time to also think beyond that. What happens when you’re done exacting your vengeance? What will you do, and what will you become when that happens? What person do you want to be, and what Path do you want to take? While your curse is the source of your power, do not let it be the only thing that defines and controls your actions. In the end, it is nothing but a tool for you to use, not the other way around,” Jake said, trying to give some actual advice that he honestly wasn’t sure was good or bad.

He just had the feeling that Temlat would gladly shoot himself through the chest to hit the ones he hated in the head. And while that could work, Jake wasn’t sure that kind of approach was best. This was also why Jake insisted on keeping up his presence-resistance training, as that helped Temlat remain “grounded,” even as his curse grew in power.

“I will keep your words in mind, Lord Thayne,” Temlat bowed. “Also… I have a question… are there poisons or something like that I can use to better spread my curses?”

Jake considered for a while. The short answer was yes, as the curse energy Temlat had would be totally useable even in poisons, unlike Jake’s, as long as he made the mix right. The problem was that Jake doubted the half-elf could make anything useful even if he had a couple of years. He didn’t have any alchemy experience, after all, and with usual poisons, you were kind of forced to start from the bottom.

That is when Jake remembered one book he had stumbled upon when doing his own research. However, he quickly discarded it after reading in the introduction that his Sin Curse wouldn’t be compatible with most of the methods discussed within. Looking at the stack of books nearby, Jake sent out a string of mana, picked it up where he remembered he had left it, and checked the cover.

An Introduction To Curse Proliferation: Methods Based On Practical Demonstrations of the Malefic One.

It was a damn long cover, with the author bragging he had attended one of the many times Villy liked to show off way back in the day. Jake did remember that the book mentioned that the Sin Curse of Wrath was compatible with the methods discussed in the book, so it should be useable for Temlat even if he didn’t have a Sin Curse quite yet.

“Check this one out,” Jake said as he handed Temlat the book, and he pointed to a stack of books off to the side of the big pile. “There are about thirty more by the same author right there, so if this one is a hit, probably check those out.”

“Thank you, Lord Thayne,” Temlat said politely as he accepted the book gracefully and quickly went to study it.

Jake watched him leave with a smile, wondering if he would figure out the methods within. It would be very interesting if he did… because Jake really wanted to see if Temlat could actually use plague theory as a way to spread his curse.


He had read the introduction that clearly mentioned plagues as one of the primary methods, and Jake was curious, so who could blame him. Making plagues himself seemed like a bad idea, but he did want to see someone study it, and what place was better than a Challenge Dungeon where, no matter the result, there wouldn’t be any permanent consequences? Was he potentially creating a living natural disaster that could kill countless people? Sure, but at least the living disaster would be strong, and considering that was what his student had asked him to help with, Jake would consider it a job well done even if Temlat turned into someone who would be on a multiversal watch-list.

Speaking of doing a job well… Temlat’s approach to that entire training mission hadn’t actually been what Jake expected. He had instead expected Temlat to take a far stealthier approach. The young half-elf already had pretty good stealth skills, and it seemed like an opportune time to improve those if he had to sneak past the centaurs.

Jake’s original intention was to help Temlat become a good assassin of sorts. To give him the skills to sneak in and kill those he wished dead. Things had changed now where Temlat had taken a more, let’s just say, holistic approach to spreading his curse energy, but Jake still thought his stealth idea was good.

Which had got him wondering… why the hell did Jake suck so much at being stealthy himself? Shit, his skill was still only rare, even after all this time, and as he opened the description and read it over, he felt a bit conflicted.

[Arcane Stealth (Rare)] – An upgraded version of the Expert Stealth skill, retaining all benefits while infusing in additional abilities related to your arcane affinity. You find it easier than ever to blend into the environment, making your presence, mana, and nearly all traces of your existence hidden as you wait for your prey to be vulnerable. You have enhanced your stealth capabilities through magic, allowing you to mask your physical shape to become one with the environment, even to the sense of touch and most magical scans. Adds a small bonus to the effect of Agility, Perception, Willpower, and Intelligence while successfully remaining undetected.

In truth, it wasn’t like the effects of the skill were bad. It was a good skill that did its job, and it saved Jake’s ass when he used it to hide from the Termite King, but it was definitely a skill that was due for an upgrade.

Jake had been putting off upgrading it for far too long as he simply never found a good chance while doing Nevermore with a party of five. There weren’t many good excuses to sneak around solo, and more often than not, being sneaky had no big benefits.

However, what time was better than now? He wanted to submit improved skills as Creations, and he believed Arcane Stealth was a prime candidate. He even had a few good ideas for good stealth skills, and one upgrade path especially tickled his fancy. Funnily enough, it had even been told to him by a person who also happened to tickle his fancy: Artemis.

As a more “traditional” hunter, she also had many traditional skills, and during their practice sessions, she often complained about how Jake so easily saw through it when she tried to use the concepts of her stealth skill to hide. These were definitely concepts Jake quite liked when he heard about them because they relied on something that mega-tickled Jake’s fancy… the one and only Perception stat.




Mohammed Sheekh

I hope there will be an arc where jake finds out about the first humans, what happen to them and if he is truly the last of his kind

Cory Sauls

Thank you for the chapter


TFTC! Ah yes, the glorious perception!

Cory Sauls

“Jake did remember that the book mentioned that the Sin Curse of Wrath was compatible with the methods discussed in the book, so it should be a good fit Temlat even if he didn’t have a Sin Curse quite yet.” Starting after the comma. “so it should be a good fit Temlat even if he” not sure what was meant to be after “fit”, possibly “for”? “fit for Temlat”?


So aside from perceptiob, what good ways would there be to upgrade the skill? One thing I could think of would be "hiding" from karma/karmic bonds, which he probably got a pretty good look at via Eversmile. Could he hide somehow via records? I'm sure record tracking is a thing. He lurned to track via auric imprints, and I'm assuming his stealth already covers that.

Joshua Morris

Funnily enough, it had even been told to him by a person who also happened to tickle his fancy: Artemis. Jake likes it when his fancy is tickled.


Praise be to the Perception Stat! TFTC!


I always wanted to see stealth attack used with eternal shadow. Make stealth attack more consistent. Maybe this stealth upgrade will help bring it to that direction. The brief moment when the enemy doesn't know which is the real Jake or that they didn't realize he used eternal shadow to get good hits in.

Ty Cooper

See this is how I pictured Trmlet feeling. Frustrated but appreciative. I don't like the idea of him double crossing Jake. Templeton being killed on the spot by the primordials after Jake is done with him for being to dangerous to let loose on the multiverse. Plagues are ok though just as long as it's not a karmic plague, right?


Totally see Jake and Artemis being a thing in the future. Following in the Vipers footsteps there, his wife was alluded to being from the Pantheon of Life as well

Micah Molina

The System was always suggesting plagues to Jake was funny and weird. Jake gladly thinking this is just another challenge dungeon and allowing Temlat to go down the route is probably why in hindsight. Still on this is an ongoing System Event from the 2nd Era and Temlat is real. That's why Jake was offered those plague skills. His apprentice either made it to godhood on curses or was at least on the most wanted list to be hunted down. Lol


Perception stat-kun is above Artemis in his ❤️ tier


And following the viper i totally see artemis being murdered

Daniel is ŁØNE

The would-be killer would die long before they could attempt it, if jake is a God at the time of the attempt then such an attack would royally piss off Jake, the viper, and a solid portion of the pantheon of life off at once and let's not pretend that a god level jake and viper wouldn't be more than enough to take any singular god.


It’s above everything at this point everything else is fighting for a distant second.


The System: Bro, do you even percept? Jake: *raises a singular hair on his eyebrow*

Daniel Hamilton

And if they did They would have a whole organization, most feared organization in the multi verse after them

Kris Piskorski

I hope temlat will be able to leave with him and join his retinue as a reward


love primal hunter but not a huge fan of nevermore simply because its too long, now the challage dungeons have been a nice little mix up for it. however this train a random kid that not even a real kid arc is really not working for me. its not that is badly writtten its more that i just dont like it i dont care for it in any way shape or form. to me the whole section is ruining the story. i kinda wish i new exactly how many chapter this challage dungeon was goign to be and i can piece out of this seciton and come back when the story is somewhat back on track.


my entier bank account on the stealth skill being upgraded toward adding stealth damage multiplier based on perception for ez C-grade oneshoot.


No one needs to deal with Temlat, no matter what he becomes. Temlat is sandboxed in the dungeon. Now, it might theoretically be possible to extract Temlat in some roundabout way, if Jake really set his mind to it, but without extraordinary effort (e.g. the dungeon troll or Sim-Jake), Temlat is contained. Think about the mention of people who meet some npc in one of the Nevermore dungeons and start a romance with them, so they just stay inside to be with them: if you could easily extract a dungeon npc, they would just do that, instead of having to remain inside to be with them.


That doesn't seem like it's true, at all. Temlat's world may have been cloned from a real 2nd Era existence, but this isn't some timey-wimey link to a real 2nd Era existence outside the dungeon.


I'd be severely disappointed in the author if they fridged a god character.

Micah Molina

Your probably right, Nevermore was discovered in the 2nd Era, so it just seems like it could be a thing. In order to take advantage of the time loop, you would have to go to Nevermore, be in C-grade in order to do the House of the Architect, and the System is regulating what planets are available to them. All weak planet with low records. So, very little abuse can happen under the system. Also, this explains the boots. Jake is going to give Temlat boots, Temlat becomes powerful, loses or gives boots away to Villy. Thus, Jake could be the master and the message in the boots is from Temlat.

Dave Powell

I'm seriously worried that the Architect is going to unleash whatever Jake turns Temlat into on the universes.


Feel like his upgrade will be he can only be spotted if their perception is greater than his


So hear me out, Jake can mess with origins right? So theoritically speaking what if he can influence origin of this version of Temlat which is the real Temlat in second era, through time and space influence dude in second era from 93rd xD that would be sick and that would be creation that would for sure give him score high af in this CD ^^


"...could actually use plague theory as a way to spread his curse. What? He had read the introduction that clearly mentioned plagues as one of the primary methods..." maybe someone can help me since im not great at reading but when it says "what?" here, who is saying it? and in reference to what?


Thanks for the fun chapter - much better than the last couple that were slower. And I care because I enjoy your character interactions so much! ❤️. And hey, any chance we’ll get an extra chapter as a Christmas present? (Wink wink). 😁


I believe the “What?” is being used by Jake’s internal monologue to acknowledge that the creation of a plauge is dangerous and illegal. Others are wary of plagues and would likely argue against using them, but his own curiosity, and safe testing ground, is justification enough in his eyes.


I believe that the boots originated from the First Sage, an alchemist that taught Villy who was also a Bloodline Patriarch of the Immortal Mind as well as someone who created at least 4 separate Transcendent Skills before dying at the peak of C-grade in the first era. I'm pretty sure it was directly mentioned in an old chapter.


Owen and Polly in the Colosseum of Mortals were better characters in my opinion than Temlat so far. I don't like Temlat's "Holistic Approach" to curse propagation. A lot of innocent people would suffer from that. Still, Jake has another challenge dungeon to dominate and another 10+ years in Nevermore. Is Temlat just going to tag along? How would bringing Temlat out work story wise?


These last few chapters have been super focused on curses and their propagation, which carry a negative connotation. It will be nice to switch to more skill development on stealth and other things that Jake is good at.


Zogarth mentioned in the Web Toon post that Christmas would be a Holiday/Vacation day as well as another day or two so sorry to burst that bubble. He did mention that instead of taking the whole week off between Christmas and New Year's Day, there would be a few post days. Check that Webtoon post for accurate details ('cause I don't trust my memory).

Michael Meyer

further proof to support edemms theory is that the word "What" does not actually have quotation marks, meaning that it was probably just internal monologue as edemms put it. thanks for the chapter!

Micah Molina

I thought so too, but when I reread the series, Jake eliminated him as a contender. I think Jake even classified him as a non enlighten race, if accurate, the First Sage can't even equip gear that give stats outside of special items made for beasts/ monsters. Meaning equipable boots with stats can only be worn by humanoid enlighten races.


Temlat's name is typoed twice into Telmat in this chapter.


He isn't training a random kid. He is using his talent for class alteration bc of his path to develop a project for submission to the architect 🙄

Seen Death

To be fair, jake learning about plagues while knowing theyre taboo in the multiverse could have some great benefits. Ignoring the destructive uses of the plagues, it could help him learn how to identify/ counter any plagues he sees in the future. But its pretty unlikely jake would want to cause a plague IRL because he has no interest in killing civilians or weak people


@ Micah Molina - Due to your post I had to double check myself and do research. Chapter 634 - Mysteries and Intrigue is the Chapter where Jake asks "Could they be related to the First Sage?" Therefore, I was wrong to believe that the boots were confirmed as belonging to the First Sage, it was just speculation on Jake's part which he later questions himself. I still believe though that they are the First Sage's boots I just don't have definitive evidence. The following is an unpaid rambling of me defending my belief. Now, in Chapter 542 - A Bloody Mystery - a direct quote from the "old man" who later gets labeled as The First Sage by Villy (Chapter 542) is thus: "... but we enlightened races have our own Path..." I believe that the First Sage is a human and the monster that was mentioned right after Jake's speculation in ch 634 refers to Villy since JAKE thought "Why would the First Sage give up his boots to Villy since he's technically a monster and it wouldn't do anything for him?" Jake further speculates that the Boots weren't from anyone currently living and had to originate from the First Era, since Villy created the Challenge Dungeon while still in the First Era (according to Jake's speculation in ch 634). I will freely admit that not everything fits when it comes the boots originally being the First Sage but one thing we ABSOLUTELY know about the boots is that Villy knows whose bed those boots have been under since in book 4 when the Sultan offers up the Fragment of Akashic Awakening to Jake Villy basically gives Jake NEAR order to buy the Fragment and use it on the boots. IF the boots originated from the First Era, then either the boots came from a Primordial that was also an alchemist, someone that the story hasn't brought up yet, or the First Sage. If they didn't originate from the First Era, then it was someone close to Villy (Duskleaf, Sanguine, Villy's wife or child). Now onto the note in ch 634. If it was meant for Jake, then we can rule out anyone that was close to Villy that Jake hasn't met and why the First Sage makes so much sense is that the ONLY favor the First Sage asked of Villy was for Villy to kill him and to ABSORB HIS RECORDS. Jake has a drop of Villy's blood and therefore has records associated with the First Sage. Considering the First Sage was obsessed with Records and their ORIGIN (The Transcendent Skill the First Sage used on Villy in Chapter 577 - the Library of a Sage which Jake witnessed involved the First Sage invoking the word Origin twice) and in Chapter 639 - The Power of Jinxing - a Void god called Jake the Human of Origins Lost, and the word transcend is in the description of The Boots of the Wandering Alchemist, that is why I still believe that they came from the First Sage. Am I 100% certain? Nope! But right now I have a hard time moving off from them being the First Sage's. At the very least there is a LOT more going on with the First Sage and Jake than what's on the surface. Now THAT was long winded of me and either shows my craziness or my dedication to research OR both. 😅

Micah Molina

Lol, yes that was some dedication. I appreciated it. Thank you for the correction by the way. I was wrong about The First Sage, as he heavily implies, he's of an Enlightened Race. I was wrong on that part. I'm not going to try to convince you, just merely walk thru my own logic reasoning. Let me preface everything with by starting with I am of the Idea that the quote from Ch. 634 -Mysteries and Intrigue: "I look forward to meeting you once more, our meeting brief yet impactful. Hopefully, sooner rather than later. Your Path truly intrigues me." - A curious admirer. is from the Apprentice, and meant for Jake, regardless of if Jake is the Master or not. Let me talk about the First Sage. I do have a theory he could be reincarnated again, again each time lessoning his burden and ultimately becoming the Daofather, as under the Primordial Side Stories here at Patreon talks about one of them being connected to multiple lives. How many deaths? I guess 11, yea that many fits nicely. Lol, simply a guess, for another time. The First Sage: 1. He is dead. (at least that incarnation of him :) Killed by Villy and Villy even got his bloodline which can only be offered in events after a Patriarch has died. 2. Lived on Villy's Planet, only reaching C-grade. Even if he had other apprentices, they were all killed by Villy, as he destroyed the majority of life. He was already the most powerful person on the planet, so the Sage having a master seems unlikely. Meaning Villy couldn't wear the boots if they were given to him by the Sage, also Villy had prejudice against the Enlighten Races until he started to chill out which was later. So, I can't see him picking an Enlighten Race apprentice early prior to godhood. Which means, the boots sat in his inventory and were never worn by anyone. Means the Records would cap out at late C-grade. I'm of the opinion, the boots will have MORE significance than this. Also, not much of a journey being inside an inventory. Boot misconceptions: 1. The Dungeon. Villy, in book 1, says he's making the dungeon in "preparation" for the 2nd Era. Meaning this is about the time the System sent out quests for dungeons and tutorial signups be sent out to spread paths to a new Universe would normally take place, since you have to know one is coming. 2nd Era. The same Era of Nevermore and Temlat. Coincidence? Probably. 2-1. The dungeon reward. By now, we have been told and given examples that the Dungeon creator/administrator has a ton of freedom of handing out rewards as long as the items fit the parameters and theme of the recipient and dungeon respectively. We agree, Villy selected the boots specifically to give as Jake's reward, most likely. What would he choose for a suitable reward? Something once owned by a god, perhaps? Remember Jake at this point has already selected the Alchemy Profession and gotten his Chosen blessing, so anything other than something owned by a god would be LESS. Especially, since Villy already considers Jake is going to make it (or die). 2-2. Theme. Alchemy Dungeon. Villy tells us the First Sage is NOT an alchemist. He only dabbled; he was not proficient. He only had knowledge and understanding on the concepts. So, the boots have to HAD been worn by an alchemist at some point. 3. Time. The reason Jake is off about the time of the boots being in the First Era, isn't because he's wrong. First, let me point out that while Jake is biologically mid 20s to early 30s, current time in the story. He's closer to 100 than he is 30 by all the time dilation he's been thru. By my idea, the boots are both OLDER than most, if not all, the Primordials and the First Era. In order for the time loop to take place, the Samsara has to complete one full loop. The boots have to go thru 91 Era's to get to Jake, so he can give them to his apprentice in the 2nd Era and then they go back thru the era' completing the loop. Thus, they are over 180 eras old. Making Jake think the persons shouldn't be alive and that the boots are "Ancient". What I think might happen: 1. Jake literally gives away the boots to Temlat, thus the boots are forever stuck in Samsara. 2. Jake makes the boots by hand, as hunters should be good at making gear on the fly, but sucks and is not worthy of turn in and then gives boots to Temlat, which eventually turn in to the boots on his own feet. 3. Jake has the attendants make "replica" boots, not to turn in, but to give to Temlat as a joke. Not knowing about the journey of the boots. Final thoughts, When Jake puts the boots on the first time. It was instinctively bliss, like the boots were always his. Like they always belong to him. Which makes sense, if he made them, had them custom made, or already fated to wear them in Samsara. Also, when did the message on the boots appear? AFTER he came to the Order of the Malefic Viper. Meaning the message could of been sent by a living god using the karma tie to the boots to etch them in, having to wait for Jake to no longer be locked in the 93rd Universe, possibly. Edit: These are just my ideas. Wait! NOT my ideas, Zogath's ideas! LOL, at least, ideas I made from his breadcrumbs. I'm not married to any of them. Just a bit a fun thinking and fun predictions while we wait for more chapters. :)


I just had a random fun idea! With how Valhal and the Malefic Viper are pretending to fight, what if they got in a public tiff and are “persuaded” to not fight themselves but by proxy - and those proxies are Jake and Carmen! But, to make the contest fair, it has to be “fought” using a skill they are near equal in - in jumps Minaga and suggests social skills, because they are both equally bad at that! 😂. Let the hilarity run rampant! PS (my imagination is having SO much fun with this!) it has to be judge-able and neutral so their identities and blessing levels will have to be hidden/altered to be more equal. And the situations could be 1) recruit the most people in a neutral setting to join their faction. 2) seduce the most people in a given time period. (😂) 3) raise the most money.


I'm glad that we can have a difference of opinion without vitriol. I guess we'll find out by the end of The House of the Architect if what you predicted will occur (Jake working on the boots/giving the boots to Temlat). As for my theory with the First Sage, yes, he wasn't an Alchemist and I recognize that issue. I will refer to Villy saying that the First Sage was a Jack of all trades, master of all (I think it was in the chappy titled "The First Sage") so maybe through that he could be considered an Alchemist. Also, I agree that the Sage having a master is unlikely. Maybe MAYBE he gave them to Villy as a sort of camouflage when he was in humanoid form so he could blend in better with the enlightened races because smart people would probably think "Why isn't he wearing any gear?" But yeah, I know that's kinda weak. 🤷

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!