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Food poisoning is a bitch. So is getting a bad cold right after because you had a weakened immune system and a fever. But things are better now, though I am not at 100% yet.

And as a note for the future… I make all of these sorts of announcements on Discord and not really anywhere else. So, thanks to the people who told others, but if you were confused about where I was… check Discord next time.

Anyway, here is a chap. Should be back to the usual schedule by Monday after a weekend of sleep.


The phrasing of words is essential when communicating; everyone knows that. Jake was quite known for sometimes not thinking through what he was saying, but sometimes, he knew exactly what he said. Sometimes, it was just really fun to fuck with people a bit, especially when what you said was entirely truthful.

Miranda had simply given him too good of a setup for Jake to miss the opportunity. It was just perfect. The reaction of Miranda was great as her eyes narrowed in confusion and disbelief… with the one from Holstred and the two who had arrived with him just pure gold as their eyes opened wide as if they had just heard something they really shouldn’t have.

“Jake… what exactly do you mean when you say that the Chosen of the Boundless Hydra died?” Miranda asked after a bit, having clearly sussed out that Jake was messing with her somehow.

“Well, what happened is that we went to the moon,” Jake began.


“And then Sandy wanted to explore the core and met the B-grade ghost haunting the moon deep inside the thing,” he continued.

Miranda nodded.

“This ghost then killed Sandy,” Jake finished.

“To fully clarify, is the Chosen dead as of this moment?” Miranda sighed.

“No? Not right now, as far as I know.”

“Then how exactly was the Chosen of the Lord Protector considered dead?”

“By being killed,” Jake shrugged as if she was asking the most obvious question in the world.

“But they are not dead anymore, correct?” Miranda said with a high level of exasperation.

“Sandy got better.”

“Right… right,” Miranda nodded slowly. “So, to conclude, the Chosen is not actually dead. So where are they right now?”

“Went back to the Order to recuperate. Turns out dying isn’t healthy for you. Who would’ve known?” Jake said with a grin.

“Okay, this was a very enlightening conversation,” Miranda said, as he saw a glint in her eye that made Jake aware she wanted to make him do work stuff. “Now, what’s this about us having to discuss setting up a Minaga’s Labyrinth?”

As she asked, she also threw a look at Holstred and the two others, making them bow and leave. This left only Jake, Lillian, and Miranda remaining in the meeting room. Jake had feared he wouldn’t escape having to set it up now after using Miranda’s return as an excuse for not having done it yet.

“See, while it may have been an excuse I made up in the moment, I do actually think it’s something worth discussing with you,” Jake said in a pretty serious tone. “In fact, I’m pretty sure I told Minaga back when I got it that I would likely just hand it to you.”

“We both know it’s more likely you would have forgotten all about the item. Anyway, I have heard a bit about these Labyrinths while at Nevermore. If I remember correctly, they are temporary dungeons that contain an image of Minaga within, with some of the better ones even having a real clone. However, I’m not sure they can be truly viewed as strategic resources. As far as I remember, they have limited usage and a relatively short duration they can exist,” Miranda said.

“Yeah, about that,” Jake scratched the back of his head. “The one I got is a bit better than the average.”

Jake took out the funny-looking statue of Minaga giving two thumbs up as he shared its details with Lillian and Miranda.

[My Very Own Top-tier Minaga’s Labyrinth (Unique)] – Is that a dungeon in your pocket, or is it just me? Finally, a solution to missing the wondrous Minaga has been found, as you now have the opportunity to place your very own Minaga’s Labyrinth wherever your heart desires (conditions may apply). When placing the dungeon, you must choose a suitable location. The nature and design of the dungeon may be modified upon placement with advice from the Minaga clone within. This Minaga’s Labyrinth is of the top tier, allowing you to customize far more options while expanding the size of the dungeon significantly. As a top-tier Minaga’s Labyrinth, sections within the Labyrinth can cross grades. Note that the dungeon must be maintained after placement, and should it run out of power, it will disappear forever. As a top-tier variant of Minaga’s Labyrinth, it does not have a built-in expiration date.
Requirements: Soulbound.

The two of them read it carefully, as Lillian commented: ”I do think that reached the level of being considered a high-value strategic resource.”

”Right,” Miranda nodded. ”It’s… a lot different to others I have seen. Especially the part about not having an expiration date and the ability to have parts of it cross grades. Dungeons with creatures of different grades are incredibly rare, especially when you reach the higher grades.”

”So, we all agree it’s good stuff,” Jake smiled. ”Now we just need to decide what to do with it. Where should we place it? What kind of dungeon should we make with it? Input for design? Lots of questions.”

”Hm,” Miranda muttered. ”A thought just struck me… doesn’t Arnold, the Sword Saint, Sylphie, Carmen, Maria, Caleb, the Fallen King, and a lot of others also have their own Minaga’s Labyrinths to place? I have yet to hear of any of them placing theirs yet.”

”Maybe they just forgot they had it,” Jake shrugged, having very reasonably concluded the most likely reason.

”I highly doubt that,” Miranda sighed. ”Contacting them and having some kind of cohesive placement strategy may be an idea.”

”That sounds like a plan,” Jake smiled. ”See, it was smart of me to have completely forgotten the thing.”

”Sure,” Miranda didn’t even want to argue. ”Lillian, can you reach out to those with Labyrinths? Also, Jake, do you know if anyone else has top-tier ones like yours?”

”I think Sylphie does,” Jake answered, remembering she also got a 25% amplifier. ”Maybe Arnold? Not sure, though. Both of them did extremely well in the Challenge Dungeon.”

”I will reach out to them,” Lillian agreed. ”But, if I may, could I suggest perhaps not placing Lord Thayne’s Labyrinth in Haven? The city is already highly congested, and placing a dungeon that will undoubtedly attract even more attention and will only exacerbate this issue.”

”Right,” Miranda agreed, Jake also nodding along as she probably, no, definitely, had a point there. ”Then also consider looking into a good site to place the Labyrinth. Perhaps several Labyrinths if we wish to have them in the same area.”

”Labyrinth City,” Jake joked, though he knew it probably wouldn’t end up being a joke.

They talked a bit more but decided nothing more would be done for now.

With all that handled, Jake felt like his social battery was well and truly spent for the day. Miranda also knew this and said she would contact him once there was any update on the Labyrinth situation or if she needed him for something. She did seem a bit surprised Jake was actually spending time in Haven and not at the Order, which was definitely proof Jake had spent too much time away from Earth even before Nevermore.

Jake returned to his laboratory and got to work on his acids once more. He had a feeling that he wouldn’t have as many relaxing days as before Miranda returned, but what can you do about it?

Days passed before Jake was expectedly contacted and asked to be somewhere a week later. This week also quickly went by before Jake set off to somewhere he hadn’t been before. Apparently, there had been a lot of talks about where to place this Labyrinth City – a name that had somehow become official – and in the end, they’d settled on a small town not far from the headquarters of the Noboru Clan. This is to say that Labyrinth City would be well and truly within the territory of the Sword Saint’s clan and also managed by it.

Getting there was pretty easy, as the small town of only about five hundred people already had a teleportation circle placed there. The town was placed in an area right next to a large mountain range with powerful beasts on the other side, making it a popular place to stop by before hunting across the mountains.

When Jake arrived, he was surprised to see that Miranda and Lillian really had gathered quite the group. All the expected people from the post-Leaderboards reveal get-together were there, including even Sylphie, who happily flew over to Jake when she saw him. Even Arnold was there in person, having been dragged out of his workshop. There were also some unfamiliar faces who had also done Nevermore and tried to compete on the Leaderboards.

Jake was the second-to-last to arrive, as Caleb was a bit late, but at least he had the excuse of having a kid at home.

”Thank you all for coming,” Miranda said with a smile as she directed her attention to those who hadn’t also been at the board meeting. ”It’s good to see some familiar faces I haven’t met in a long time.”

A few pleasantries were exchanged before they got down to business and discussed how they actually wanted to do this entire Minaga’s Labyrinth thing. With several labyrinths available of many different tiers, it was only natural to specialize some of them and not have too much overlap.

Of course, doing all this without having full knowledge of what exactly the Labyrinths were capable of was quite difficult, but luckily, they had an expert in the matter available.

Because, it turns out that part of the preparations over this week had been to place down a projection circle to allow a certain someone to participate. Jake honestly shouldn’t have been surprised when he saw the familiar four-eyed Unique Lifeform appear as a projection in the middle of the small meeting room.

”Bow before me, mortals,” the voice of Minaga echoed through the room as he turned toward Jake. ”Oh, and hi Jake, short time no see! You know, because any passage of time feels short to me because I’m immortal.”

”Can you turn it off?” Jake asked as he looked over at Lillian.

”Hey! That’s super rude for someone making time in their busy day to help you!” Minaga complained.

”You’re right; we shouldn’t take up your valuable time,” Jake wholeheartedly agreed.

”Well, too late now because I’ve already cleared out my schedule, so you’re stuck with me,” the Unique Lifeform crossed his arms.

”Fine, have it your way,” Jake relented with a smile.

”Minaga wins once more! Anyway, I got the gist of it. You want to create an entire city centered around my Labyrinths – very flattering, by the way – and for that, you requested some advice on what kind of design you want for each Labyrinth, right?”

”I greet the All-God Legion, and it is precisely so,” Miranda said with a polite nod.

”Alright, let’s first see what we have available,” the projection said as Jake and everyone else presented their statues. Jake saw that while Arnold’s was the second best among all of them, it was still worse than Jake and Sylphie’s.

”Hm,” Minaga said after inspecting all the statues closely. ”Damn, I look good, don’t I?”

”Are you sure we can’t turn it off?” Jake turned to Lillian again.

”Anyway, we have a few options available to us, but may I offer a suggestion I doubt you’ve considered?” Minaga asked, entirely ignoring Jake’s comment.

”Sure,” Jake answered instantly, also fine with moving on.

”Instead of making a bunch of small Labyrinths… make one big one,” Minaga suggested with a big smile. Miranda looked surprised, with others also frowning or raising an eyebrow.

”How could any of us have even considered that, seeing as nothing had ever suggested that was even an option?” Jake asked with exasperation.

”I did say I doubted you had thought of it, didn’t I?. Also, it isn’t usually an option either,” Minaga proceeded to explain. ”Inside of every Labyrinth is usually one of two things: either an image or one of my clones, with my clones appearing in the good ones. These clones are usually A-grade, sometimes S-grade, if I felt frisky about it when making it. The hawk got an S-grade within her Labyrinth. However, for yours, Jake, I-”

”Put a god-level clone inside,” Jake cut him off.

”… do you take pleasure in taking the winds out of my sails?” Minaga sighed.


”Fair enough,” Minaga shrugged. ”My point is that the god-level clone is a bit more capable than usual. There are still many limitations, but extracting the energy from several of my idols to create one large Labyrinth with many different sections is more than possible.”

”How precisely would this look?” Miranda questioned. ”If I recall, dungeons usually have requirements to enter, so how would it differentiate between those of higher or lower grades?”

”The requirement to enter will be based on the lowest grade available there,” Minaga explained without any sass. ” Different parts can then be further sectioned off. Honestly, there are a lot of options available. I do have some system limitations, too, but know that this is one of the only ways to create a dungeon where, say, a C-grade can fight B-grades.”

”What is the minimum requirement you can make the Labyrinth?” Miranda continued.


”E-grade?” Miranda asked, surprised. ”That low? But won’t that cap off the difficulty at a relatively low grade?”

”It would if this was one Labyrinth and not several fused together,” Minaga shook his head. ”With all the idols here, I can make one going from E-grade all the way to B-grade. B-grade included. Oh, and that is the cap, by the way. Can’t make it have anything A-grade inside. Blame the system for that one, not me.”

Jake had a lot of questions still, and so did others, as Minaga had an entire Q&A about the plans the Unique Lifeform clearly had considered long before even coming here. Or, he was really quick on his feet to think through ideas… actually, that second one seemed entirely possible, considering he was literally a god with who knows how many clones.

At the end of the day, they decided to let Minaga be in charge of most of it. There were some very valid concerns raised, such as the fact that fewer dungeons would result in fewer titles for completing them, which was a sacrifice there was just no way around. Then there was the fact that maintaining a mega-complex dungeon like what Minaga suggested was something that no one on Earth was even close to being capable of. This Minaga quickly proposed a solution to by promising a lifetime warranty, where he would send ”repair-Minagas” to maintain it.

The plans of creating a city with a bunch of different Labyrinths had quickly morphed into something quite different. Jake also knew this wasn’t something normal at all but a very special offer from Minaga to create a unique Labyrinth dungeon for Earth. Another tourist trap for the planet, if you may. Perhaps for the better, as it would distract people from wanting to visit Jake’s lodge.

Placing the dungeon itself was actually pretty simple, at least Minaga assured them it was:

”I can change the entrance point object a bit within the set area where we place the dungeon, but personally, I recommend at least a twenty-meter tall, highly decorated marble gate. Oh, and make it gilded in gold for proper aesthetics. Naturally, a large grand structure should be constructed around this gate, serving as a landmark that can be seen even from space. If you need me to do any poses for reference, I am naturally available. I even heard Earth has quite the sculptor, though I fear he only does works of Primordials,” Minaga went on a long rant, where the only valuable information was that the entrance object wasn’t a hundred percent set from the moment they created the dungeon.

This allowed them to not delay as they selected a large open spot relatively close to the mountains. While they ignored most of what Minaga said, constructing a grand building around the entrance was a plan, with current thoughts to build it into the mountain. Of course, with how dungeons worked, they could just place a free-standing wooden door on an open field, but everyone, even Miranda, wanted to make something more grand out of it.

In the large open spot, Jake took out his statue that would serve as the base. The projection of Minaga’s clone had shown them a pretty simple magic circle they quickly drew, allowing the Unique Lifeform to do his thing even from another universe using the idols as mediums.

Once all the idols were placed, Jake activated his statue to create a dungeon. At the same time, the magic circle came to life as Jake’s statue absorbed all the other ones, and a new projection appeared in the sky of a new Minaga. This one felt far different from any prior, and he knew it was the one in charge of the coming Labyrinth.

”The time has come!” the projection said with a big smile, as out of nowhere, he pulled out a yellow hard hat and put it on. ”Let the construction begin!”



Thanks for the chapter!




Sandy got better! I called it!.


People die when they are killed

Hayden Leech

Haha I can totally see Foreman Minaga bitching about things not being OSHA approved. “You definitely need railings around that spike pit”

Benjamin Krumrei

Always lovely to see Minaga again. It's probably for the best that it's a world landmark, and not just a B-tier shooting range for Jake, though.

Brandon Yarberry

That is a neat thing that I had unfortunately not thought of. Cheers.


good chappie

Joshua Tamayo

Writing a Minaga chapter has to be just the most enjoyable thing. TFTC! Oh, typo near the end. "The projection of Minaga’s close had shown them a pretty simple magic circle they quickly drew, allowing the Unique Lifeform to do his thing even from another universe using the idols as mediums." should read "The projection of Minaga’s *clone*"

Strato Junon

Love me some minaga! Tyfc

Stuart Thwaites

Typo at 'The projection of Minaga’s close had shown them a pretty simple magic circle' Minaga's clone Clone to close looks less like a typo and more lie a victim of that damn autocarrot... CORRECT! autocorrect.

Kris Piskorski

Great stuff! I love the idea of a mega developmental dungeon on earth


Dumb question here: If Jake's version already contains a god-level clone, why would the labyrinth require repair-Minagas to be sent for maintenance reasons? Wouldn't a god-level clone on site be able to fix any issues? Sorry if I'm not properly understanding something.


Excellent, I was alrdy missing Minaga :)


Great to see Minaga again. And for more people to witness Jake interact with a god, should be a first for most of them. To bad they didn't invite Casper, seemed like a great opportunity given he wants to visit for the Prima massacre.


Clone is inside, can't exit. Maintenance must happen from the outside. At least that's my understanding.

Laurent Jerry

Great chapter. Love the laby city concept


It seems like a great tourist attraction, like a mini Nevermore. And a not so subtle flex, showing how many dungeons Earth aquired and how special it is.

Karim Saadi

Woho we do get a beautiful dungeon that earth can use to train for the system event

Stevean Bozek

Fuck yeah we definitely needed more Minaga and Jake shenanigans

Kris Piskorski

True, but it will also help train a bunch of people through the middle grades which in the end will strengthen Jakes faction


I super enjoy Minaga, he's super annoying, it's great! Tftc

Ty Cooper

I love the interactions between Jake and Minaga. Though I ha e a feeling Minaga's voice when read for audible will be completely different than what's in my head. Oh well! Looking forward to the audible books of Nevermore.

Lizy Flore

Thanks for the chapter! And thanks for the minaga surprise, he is always fun to read ! <3

Jeff McCulley

I have to admit, when the mega Labyrinth is done and Jake is ready to rush inside to upgrade his dungeoneering titles, I’m REALLY looking forward to Miranda freezing him in place with a casual: “So, Jake…what else have you forgotten in your spatial storage?”

Ty Cooper

I thought it also needed more power sources to be replenished

Ty Cooper

Well they also made it so Jake can actually used the dungeon and have fun. If they didn't collaborate and make a super labyrinth dungeon it would have just been way too easy for him.


Probably this, but also, how else would Minaga be able to annoy Jake when he's on earth? If repair Minagas aren't bound to the dungeon, then they can have beers with one of the few people in the multiverse that isn't afraid of him.

Catherine Jones

Yes! Minaga's back! It's not quite as awesome as him popping into Jake's place at the order to have a beer with him and Villy, but I'll take it for now.


Oh, I wonder what those people think that don't know Jake well and Minaga only from Nevermore 😅

Darshar Griffonmane

I wonder if this is the first step in Earth possibly becoming a great planet. I could be wrong, but aren't all the great planets system-assisted in being created since a planet big enough to hold galaxies and/or trillions of beings is not a normal thing. And the 93rd Universe doesn't have any great planets afaik. Minaga is the best and tftc!


How many planets in the 93rd do we know about. What makes you think the 93rd doesn't have great planets?


He should come back with ‘the need to make his dungeon rewards better and more memorable’ lol see if he can use Minaga’s vanity to get a better or more impressive looking reward from the dungeon!

Darshar Griffonmane

Mainly because 1- It hasn't been mentioned and 2- It would be something Villy would tease Jake about along the lines of "If you think the plane the Order is on is big, wait till you see the one in your universe/galaxy!" type deal. I'm more along the lines curious about how those Great Planets form. Are they pre-built parts of system integration or are they built up over time based on system events, actions, or rewards.


Are Great Planets even a thing outside the first universe? I think all the ones we’ve heard about are there. That said, I think Earth will be getting plenty of upgrades during the Prima events, if Jake keeps winning. Like — the top scoring planet in the Milky Way gets an upgrade to a galactic-tier planetary pylon. And so on.


Pretty sure Great Planets must be system made. Prior to the System, when, you know, physics were a thing, these kind of objects would've collapsed into black holes long ago, especially if we consider them actually in the size of galaxies or even "just" solar systems. If for some reason they wouldn't collapse, the gravity on them would be so strong that no life could've ever formed. So yeah, considering the universes exist before the System takes them over, there can't be any natural Great Planets. Further taking into the consideration how the System throws events and usually only gives rewards after actions, one can be sure that a Great Planet is only formed if their inhabitants achieved greatness. I guess along the line of conquering their solar system and then their galaxy, and if the prerequisites are fullfilled, they can choose to merge theirs into one giant planet.


They should make the whole town Manga themed like Disney world with the mouse.

Rahsheem Reid

Great chap. Setting up a lot for future endeavors. I can see exactly why the orange fucks want earth.

Daniel Hamilton

I love their interactions, Throughout the universe everyone’s afraid of the Legion God and upsetting him… then there’s Jake who goes out of his way to mess with him and just treat him like anyone else


Arthur my guy I hope you're there to see the proof of Jake not giving a flying Fuck


Whos lifetime is the warranty under? Jake or Minaga


My guess is it'd be under the clone who made the deal. That way if Minaga ever felt like not doing it anymore he could just say that was such and such Minaga and he isn't around anymore etc.

Arieh Sochaczevski

TFTC FWIW, I’d have loved to have gotten a bit (not a lot) more about exactly what Jake accomplished in terms of acids.

Jeff McCulley

That’s why ALL the Gods like Jake (okay, most). Because he not only treats them like people, he makes their followers actually able to talk with them. Yip, of course, can take a flying leap. Sheep Dip of Yore.


Just saying Arthur has his misconceptions & feeling a God is capital G thing & Jake treat him like an unwanted construction worker should let him know first hand who he's hitched earth to

Jeff McCulley

Now I’m wondering whether, if he helps out a planet with their Prima, instead of having an Empire, the System would meld it with Earth into a Great Planet? Arnold: Dammit, I’ve gotta map it AGAIN now?

Jeff McCulley

Welllll…he’s not really THERE, is he? So we have to wait for (a clone of) him to show up with Vesperia. Though I’m guessing that Minaga now has the location for Earth for the two of them to pop directly there.

Jeff McCulley

When Casper shows up for Prima, he may take one look at it and decide to stay. You know that he got his own as a prize from Minaga, but…Labyrinth Envy. Size matters!

Jeff McCulley

Guessing it eventually becomes a 93rd Universe destination spot, even for the planets whose folks got their own regular one. Vampires with a tourist trap!

Jeff McCulley

You got it backwards. Minaga would have the yellow safety lines running OVER a tiger trap. And don’t forget the Indy one. Has to have one, right, after Jake and Casper sold it so hard? OSHA that for me, please? :D


I think Jake's given Minaga Stockholm syndrome, he just keeps coming back no matter how much he gets bullied


So Miranda totally need to sit Jake down and have him dump his storage of his 'not forgotten' loot

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter


Love this series, but I have no idea why when I think of Minaga I picture a character like Fizzaroli?

MacMahon Wenzl

Did they really make a deal to have Minages indefinitely come to their planet? To maintain a dungeon? GLHF


I like Minaga. Think he is a great side character and would be a good addition to the group

Alex Salamanca

Great chap, love how Miranda has taken on the exasperated upper manager role dealing with the big boss' shenanigans. Anyone else feel slightly weirded out by Lillian's use of Lord Thayne rather than Jake?

Luke Scheffe

Can they expand the dungeon further with more labyrinth rewards? Surely more people will end up going to Nevermore from earth, so if they could just buy off the new labyrinths, they could expand the main one indefinitely.

Skyler Brown

Now, what’s this about us having to discuss setting up a Minaga’s Labyrinth?” im having trouble i feel like it sounds off in my head


I originally read the last part of you post as “Dip Shit of Yore”

Ty Cooper

You know Minaga deep down loves it. like Villy finds it refreshing

Alex Cox

Agreed, but Minaga is a bit more whimsical and I end up viewing them like the Cheshire Cat

Jason Davis

When a god says, “it will last a relatively short period,” they probably mean a million years.


Minaga’s back! Thanks for the chapter.


It's a bit more like I hear the voice and twist the characteristics of the design of Fizzaroli until I get the looks of Minaga.

Jeff McCulley

Lillian doesn’t risk getting close to people. The mask is just one facet of that equation.

Jeff McCulley

Minaga just wants an excuse to come and hang out with Jake. And use him as a Dungeon guinea pig. “Hmm, try this version for me. Since it’s new, you’ll get another title!”

Jeff McCulley

I think it’ll be a while before anyone else has one of the upper tier rewards like Jake, Sylphie and Arnold. I doubt Casper will bring his along. So, just the ones like Miranda heard of.


Ya but seeing is believing & I believe that he still looks for the trap of Jason trying to lead earth astray as his job calls for but not necessarily what he need to look out for god wise he needs a more Miranda approach but maybe bad cop


Would it be possible to do a third party POV somewhere down the line? It would be interesting to see how the average Earth citizen, human or beast, views Jake (especially post-Nevermore), Haven & Earth nowadays. The world building in this story is awesome


He’s blue, he’s beautiful, and he’s back! Ma 🥷🏽 Minaga! Eyyy lol definitely one of my favorites. He and Jake’s banter is the best. They get each other lol


This is obviously the Jake Minga buddy story and the first 850 chapters were just the prequel.


A day late but thanks so much zogie, minaga is truly the greatest


From Mingas travel to see his true royal, we know he's fascinated with Jake. We also know this is really all a ploy too bypass the system and get a minga on earth too spy on him before the restrictions are lifted. And he's wangled a god version too. The first actual God physically on earth. Which all means its Minga time. Which is going too be awesome. Some of the best lines and comedy were the Minga ones in Nevermore. Hopefully he's an ongoing and recurring chatacter


Should I be concerned that my like put the total at 666 when Minaga is involved?

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!


I love Minagas character lmao. Also loving the politicking/base building


Thx for the chapter

Donny Davis

Glad you're feeling better.