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Was Jake going to question why Minaga had a yellow hard hat, or how he even knew what a yellow hard hat was? No. Was he going to point out how absolutely ridiculous the Unique Lifeform looked with it on his head, as it clearly didn’t fit properly? Yes, of course, he was.

Jake stayed at the construction site for a little while as the projection of Minaga in charge of construction just stood there, seemingly doing stuff behind the scenes. After a bit, it became clear that he couldn’t actually let anyone inside the in-progress dungeon quite yet, but he could make holograms and whatnot of what he was making for others to give live feedback during construction.

Miranda and a few others remained to consult with him as Jake decided there was no real reason for him to stay. According to Minaga, it would take quite a while before anything was ready, and it definitely wouldn’t be complete before the Prima Guardian event was already over. For now, all they could do was wait as the Unique Lifeform did his thing, with the Sword Saint looking into getting a top-tier builder team on the structure that would serve as the dungeon entrance.

Ah, but there was one kind of interesting question asked by a beastfolk who had managed to do well in Nevermore and gotten an idol of her own. She was one of the ”elites” sent by the United Tribes and pretty strong in her own right. She did seem to have a lacking understanding of Minaga, though, based on her question:

“Should we not also turn the surrounding structure into a temple celebrating the All-God Legion?” she asked, being deadly serious.

”Yeah, no, I don’t do temples,” Minaga quickly shot the idea down. ”I don’t do worshippers in general. Faith has nothing to do with my Path at all. All the faith I could ever need, I get from myself. Well, my other selves. We like to believe in each other.”

”You’re just feeling salty you can’t give out Blessings,” Jake pointed out very accurately.

”Neither can you, but you don’t see me calling you out for it,” Minaga rebutted.

”I’m not a god.”

”Oh, and now you’re stereotyping, eh? Why, are all gods supposed to be able to give out Blessings? That’s just pure prejudice right there, and you should feel ashamed,” Minaga shook his head in overexaggerated disappointment.

“In my defense, I’m only prejudiced when it comes to you,” Jake smiled.

Either way, the conclusion was that Minaga didn’t want a big temple to celebrate him. He wanted a large building to instead commemorate the Labyrinth he was making. A pretty respectable attitude in Jake’s mind, to prefer people to praise not him as a person, but the dungeon he had created. Alright, he did want them to then praise him for being such a good creator, of course, but the point was that Minaga wanted recognition for something he’d done and not just for existing.

After everything seemed settled, Jake hung out a bit more with some familiar faces before everyone headed back to do their own thing. Everyone was preparing in their own way for the Prima Guardian to arrive and had taken time out of their day for this Labyrinth-creation day. Jake did have to admit that it felt a bit like a waste of time for everyone to go, but seeing as the idols for the Labyrinth were all Soulbound, they had to show up.

Jake didn’t leave the newly named Labyrinth City on his own, though. A certain hawk decided to join him as they decided to do something Jake was reminded of recently when he couldn’t easily contact Sylphie or even feel where she was when he prepared to head to Labyrinth City:

They were going to remake their Union Oath.

The reason it hadn’t been remade yet wasn’t just because of Jake being forgetful, though that did play a factor. It was also because when he did remember, he didn’t want to be the one to bring it up. To Jake, Sylphie was like a niece. She was family. Asking her to redo the Union Oath felt like overstepping to him, especially when one considered the limitations of the skill.

Sylphie could only have an Oath with one person at a time, and who was Jake to assume it would be him? She was free to make it with anyone she wanted. The benefits of the Union Oath were originally to allow Sylphie to do certain system events, but Jake doubted that would apply much anymore, as there were no indications she couldn’t participate in the Prima Guardian event.

However, Sylphie had asked him to remake it. Jake didn’t know if this was partly with the pressure of Stormild or something, and it honestly wasn’t his business either. He did insist on only making a temporary Union Oath like the first one, though. These Union Oaths were supposed to be for life, and Jake wasn’t going to lock down Sylphie. He wanted her to have ample opportunity to change her mind in the future.

Heading back to Haven using a few teleporters, Jake and Sylphie headed straight for his lodge. On the way, Jake decided to ask a certain someone if remaking the Union Oath temporarily was even possible, seeing as the only reason it had been temporary in the first place was due to him.

”Hey, Villy. During the last Union Oath, you interfered and kinda helped half-break the thing… can you do that again? Or is it possible to do a halfsie Union Oath like last time?” Jake asked the snake god.

”To be clear, it was you who broke the ritual the first time around. I just swooped in to exploit what you broke for my own benefit. Secondly, rather than doing a new Union Oath, it should be possible to rely on the Records of the first one to recreate it, with all its benefits and demerits. Just ask Stormild once you do the ritual,” the Viper answered, putting Jake’s mind at peace. Partly.

He still remembered his first time dealing with Stormild, and it had been… something. Trying to get a read on the massive living natural disaster was quite a difficult task, though she had seemed quite helpful the first time around. Her flighty personality just made her a handful.

Once back at Jake’s lodge and the two of them were inside, they didn’t beat about the bush as Sylphie reminded him what he had to do:

”Ree, ree,” she explained.

”Right, place my hand on the magic circle and accept the prompt. I remember,” Jake nodded. ”Let’s hope Stormild is nice this time around.”

”Ree,” Sylphie argued that Big Bird Stormild was always nice.

”Sure, sure,” Jake smiled as Sylphie did her thing. Her entire body began to glow as Jake felt powerful magic at play. Compared to back in D-grade, Jake now had a far better grasp of just how high-level the small ritual circle summoned was. Truly the work of a Primordial.

Reaching out, Jake touched the magic circle as the prompt appeared:

Do you wish to begin the ritual to enter a Union Oath of Stormild with Sylphie? NOTE: Both parties can exit the ritual at any point until the final Union Oath has been made

The answer being obvious, Jake agreed as he once more felt like he existed in two places at once. He was both inside the lodge, and his soul floated as a soul form within a vast starry sky of nothingness. In the space, he couldn’t see Sylphie right away until he noticed: the wind all around him, in this entire detection range, carried her aura.

A powerful gust swept through as all the wind began to gather before forming a small hawk. Jake and Sylphie exchanged glances as they looked at the one other thing in this space. A giant tablet with a title on the top.

Union Oath of Stormild

Last time, the rest of this tablet had been entirely blank; however, this time, there were what looked like outlines of runes still remaining toward the top. Jake quickly gathered these were the remnants of the Union Oath they had before and the one they hoped to effectively renew. The entire tablet also looked more worn than last time, with small cracks around the corners, as if it was damaged. Seeing as this was a representation of the Records of the Oath, it wasn’t entirely wrong to say it actually was damaged.

”Quite the mess, eh?” a voice suddenly said as a small orb of burning wind appeared between Jake and Sylphie, making Jake instinctively shy away.

Quickly gathering himself, Jake answered: ”The tablet?”

”Yepsie,” Stormild agreed as the orb morphed into the form of a burning wind bird. ”Ah, I don’t blame you. I blame Vilas.”

”Ree?” Sylphie questioned.

”No, I could fix it, just not sure you want to? You want to do a renewal, right? Renewing an eternal oath is kind of funny, isn’t it? I think it is,” Stormild said in her usual childish tone. “Anywho, if I fixed it, we couldn’t renew the old one, now could we?”

”Ree,” Sylphie agreed before adding: ”Ree, ree?”

”We could do slight alterations like that to it, sure,” Stormild agreed. ”But both parties have to agree, and it does seem a bit silly and not at all how the Union Oath is supposed to work.”

”I’m, of course, fine with it,” Jake said, as the suggestion was excellent. Sylphie had proposed to change the Union Oath to include terms for breaking it, actually putting them into words. From what Jake had gathered, these terms were usually something like one party trying to kill the other or doing something that caused a certain level of bad karma between the two of them.

For the record, you couldn’t do terms that were just ”one party wants to break it off.”

It had to be more complex than that for the system to accept breaking an otherwise unbreakable bond. For the karma thing, as an example, the bad karma would need to be at a level that would only come from either party killing close family members of the other or doing something so morally incomprehensive the other simply found it unforgivable.

Of course, the Union Oath would usually be broken before these things happened simply by the fundamental promise of the Oath being broken. At which point the one breaking the promise in the Union Oath would already be dead.

The thing is… due to how Jake and Sylphie’s Union Oath worked, all of the usual terms and conditions applied by it were a bit wishy-washy, and death was never even on the table. Its effects were also lesser in every way, but so were all the downsides. One such lessened downside was that the terms for breaking it could be far less severe, allowing them to simply settle on a term for breaking that wasn’t overly harsh.

Still, the terms weren’t nothing. Sylphie proposed that should she think Jake was really a baddie, the Oath would break. At the same time, should Jake think Sylphie was an enemy, it would also break. No questions, no nothing. This was a simple condition and was effectively an anti-betrayal clause. Seeing as their original Oath was pretty much just to be friends, Jake wasn’t sure how much this small extra clause even did, but having it put into words couldn’t hurt.

Sylphie hadn’t made it with that in mind, though. She did it for the upsides. Because it also meant that should they continue to be close, the new Union Oath wouldn’t automatically expire for a far longer time. It was still not going to last forever, but far more than just a few years like the last one.

”Alright, alright, I’ll help,” Stormild said as the Primordial threw Jake a look. ”Ah, and make sure Vilas knows that should he interfere again, I’ll crush your soul projection so hard it’s not gonna be fun for you at all. Okay?”

Jake knew this wasn’t an empty threat as he nodded. He also felt that Villy wasn’t going to do anything, which was definitely the best for Jake’s long-term health. The words of Stormild also made it very clear that even if a lot of factions wanted Jake and would be angry if he died or got crippled, Stormild didn’t care in the slightest.

”Ree!” Sylphie scolded Stormild for the threat, as the Primordial backed off a bit.

”I didn’t say I’d kill him! Just give him an owie for acting like a baddie.”


”What do you mean that’s fair?” Jake mumbled, as he really made sure Villy wasn’t going to try anything.

”Great! Then let’s get started with the Union Oath renewal!”

Jake and Sylphie nodded as Stormild got started.

”Ahem,” Stormild said as the entire tablet lit up. Words reappeared as the Primordial asked in a serious tome. ”Do you, Awesomest Uncle Jake Thayne, take Bestest Bird Sylphie to be your Forever-Friend, and do you agree that should you become a baddie in the eyes of Bestest Bird Sylphie, you are no longer Forever—Friends and the Oath will be undone?”

”I do? Yeah, I do,” Jake agreed, a bit confused until he remembered the initial wording of their Union Oath. A simple promise to be Forever-Friends… oh well, it had worked, hadn’t it?

”And do you, Bestest Bird Sylphie, take…”

Stormild asked the same thing of Sylphie, as she also agreed. The light of the tablet intensified, and a final system prompt popped up in front of Jake to indeed confirm his decision, proving whatever Stormild had just done was pure theatrics.

They both naturally agreed, and Jake once more felt the Union Oath be established. He also felt his own heartbeat speed up slightly, but he kept it under control. He wasn’t going to fight anything this time, and compared to the first Union Oath, his reaction was far less extreme. Stormild also clearly chose to stay out of the Oath entirely but was more of a facilitator than a guarantor – which was also the primary reason the Union Oath didn’t have any punishment should it be broken.

Feeling the connection once more made Jake smile. He also vaguely felt Sylphie be happy about it, proving the Oath had been a great success.

”Ree!” Sylphie screeched, thanking Stormild.

”No problem, no problem! Just keep working hard, okay? You already claimed Authority, which is a super good start and mega impressive for C-grade!” the Primordial said. Jake was still far from sure what an Authority was, even if Sylphie and that Wintermaul elemental from the Nevermore get-together had mentioned it. All he knew was that it was a good thing.

”Ree!” Sylphie gladly accepted the praise.

”I don’t really have any big pieces of advice to offer except to never become a slacker! Unless you’re really tired, then slacking off for a little while is totally fine, but then you have to come back and have super much energy after, alright?” the Primordial whom Jake really had a hard time taking serious continued.

Sylphie just nodded as if such advice was entirely unneeded. Which is probably was. Sylphie was always full of energy and definitely not the type to begin slacking off. And if she did…

”Oh, trust me, I’ll make sure she doesn’t become some freeloader,” Jake assured the elemental Primordial.

”I’m not saying she has to be as zealous as you… just not lazy,” Stormild muttered. ”Anyhow, Union Oath over! Bye, Sylphie, I’ll keep your uncle for a second!”

”Ree!” Sylphie screeched while raising a wing to wave goodbye. With that, she disappeared, leaving Jake alone with the Primordial, giving him a bit of a deja vu from the first Oath.

The moment Sylphie was gone, Jake felt the entire atmosphere shift. It turned incredibly serious as the burning bird of wind looked at him. ”You and Sylphie have both grown faster than I expected. Startingly so. I have also heard of your other exploits, and while I don’t care much for the Nevermore stuff, am I right to assume Sylphie was your first creation using your talents as the Harbinger of Primeval Origins?”

Jake, going along with the more serious mood, nodded. ”She was. My ability was not the only factor, but I’m certain she was affected.”

”Good. The progenitor of any Path is advantaged,” Stormild said in a pleased tone. ”That was all I really wanted. Do treat her well, for she intends to treat you well.”

”Of course, I will,” Jake answered, almost offended she felt she even needed to say that.

”Good, good. Oh, and do say hi from me next time you meet our mutual acquaintance!”

”The Viper?” Jake asked, unsure who she was talking about.

”No,” the Primordial simply said.

”Then who?”

”That’s for you to find out, isn’t it?” Stormild said in a teasing tone, before throwing Jake soul out and back to his lodge, as Stormild once more proved themselves quite a handful to deal with.


Chase Burton

Thanks for the chapter!


Thank u

Strato Junon

"on the structure that would have serve as the dungeon entrance" I think the have isn't supposed to be there?

Hayden Leech

Ah neat, stormybird knows the sage.

Apollo Greed

“it definitely wouldn’t be before after the Prima Guardian.” TFTC!

Sam Irvine

Oooh, so the First Sage has been interfering with all of the Primordials. I wonder how Stormild kept a hold of that information now it's forbidden knowledge!


Sylphie is the bestest bird! TFTC!

Andrew Lavoie

Dude stormild is such a trip seeing the personality shift


and it definitely wouldn’t be before after the Prima Guardian- 'before after' Typo! Tyftc!

Strato Junon

Mutual acquaintance hmmm curious. Tyfc!


Huh, the obvious connection to that ending is that stormild is somehow connected to the first sage, and we do know almost nothing about their history. I think it's a little too contrived tho, and it's more likely she's talking about eversmile or minaga and being dramatic about it to fuck with Jake


Thankies for the chapie zogie!

Klown Keidra

Could be something along the lines of creation. I would think it would be bad for your own records to forget who created you, or did something along the lines of what Jake did for Slyphie.


Thanks for the chapter!


Could also be that void god, we haven't heard from them in a while and it's possible stormild is aware of some plans they have involving jake that the viper either doesn't know or hasn't mention

Jeff McCulley

It’s almost certainly the First Sage, which leaves the puzzle for us of just exactly how she remembers him. Which is even more fun, since Villy just told him not to talk about TFS to anyone—including himself.


Don’t think she’s talking about the first sage. My guess is prima guardian


I’m kinda sad Stormild didn’t prank Jake by saying something along the lines of: “ You may now kiss the bride.” Creeping Jake out like this and leaving him to explain to Sylphie what exactly she did there would be a fitting revenge for ruining the first oath.


tftc :) "done before after the Prima Guardian" -> "done until after the Prima Guardian" OR "done before after the Prima Guardian" -> "done before the Prima Guardian" Not sure bout this one: "to do a half-sie" -> "to do a halfsies"

Jeff McCulley

“a half-sie Union” >halfsie


The First Sage is buddies with Stormild!

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter


That's where my head first went, but if so it doesn't make much sense. Villy mentioned that no one else even knew about the First Sage besides himself and then there's that whole forbidden knowledge thing going on with the First Sage. Now, the FS's old boots somehow has karmic ties to all of the Primordials, so maybe? I'm going to go out on a VERY thin branch and guess William, the metal mage and former blessed of Eversmile. There's that whole thing about William going to Ell'hakan's world for some hidden reason. In the Bored Meeting, no one brought up hiring William so I'm starting to wonder if his rejection of a Primordial's blessing put him on another Primordial's radar and with Yip of Yore making waves... Yeah, it's a crazy idea and not well thought out but hey it's fun to speculate way out of the box


inside the on-progress dungeon in-progress wouldn’t be done before after the Prima Guardian event. until after had taken time out of their day for this Labyrinth-creation day. had taken time out of their schedule for this Labyrinth-creation day. She was family. Asking her to redo the Union Oath felt like overstepping to him. Especially when one considered the limitations of the skill. Sylphie could only have an Oath with one person at a time, She was family. Asking her to redo the Union Oath felt like overstepping to him, especially when one considered the limitations of the skill. Sylphie could only have an Oath with one person at a time, Once back at Jake’s lodge and the two of them were inside, Once back inside Jake’s lodge, The answer being a given, The answer being given, the wind all around him, in this entire detection range, carried her aura. the wind all around him, in his entire detection range, carried her aura. doing something so morally incomprehensive the other simply found it unforgivable. morally incompatible? Sylphie just nodded as if such advice was entirely unneeded. Which is probably was. Sylphie just nodded as if such advice was entirely unneeded, which it probably was. Do you wish to begin the ritual to enter a Union Oath of Stormwild Stormild (although I kind of want to change all the instances of 'Stormild to Stormwild instead.)

Ryan Ulrich

I like the idea that Stormild as a crazy natural disaster with multiple personality disorder may know more about the FS when Villy and Eversmile don’t

Jonathan Haverlid

Startlingly! And Union Oath of Stormwild > Stormild


At the end I think you mean Jake’s soul and not Jake soul. Great chapter I’m guessing the first Sage is coming sooner than later.


My thought was the Wintermaul dude who wanted to marry Sylphie.

Steven Myer

It's always the crazy ones that know things they're not supposed to, maybe in the end that's what made them crazy. Or maybe we're the crazy ones.


Nah its either First Sage or Eversmile. Who else noteworthy has he met that would qualify?

Chase Koehn

It appears Stormild is aware of her forbidden knowledge. That’ll be interesting

Owen Kaz

Hmmmm, so Stormild has met the First Sage. And not only that, but she? Remembers

Mateo Lopez

Think Stormild knows about the First Sage? I doubt it myself though


Doubt it. It sounds to much like Jake already knows that person.


Good to see my mind wasn't the only one to jump immediately to the first Sage at the end.

Corwin Amber

thanks for the chapter 'before after the Prima' -> 'before the Prima'


Huh... she knows but t Eversmile doesn't guess Villy isn't the only keeper of knowledge


Zog, you keep putting more evidence to confirm my theory here. The first sage was involved with every primordial, and I'm guessing because of the union oath, storimild is capable of not having her memories of him erased due to forbidden knowing factors

Arieh Sochaczevski

TFTC. I hadn’t thought of the First Sage because I assumed his memory was gone from the multiverse excluding Villy and Jake. It makes some sense there could be other, except that if Eversmile lost it, then that implies the system went all-out.

Daniel Hamilton

it definitely wouldn’t be done before after the Prima Guardian event. Sentence needs to be fixed

Ty Cooper

That would be crazy because the FS is now forbidden knowledge. I am still not sure how it works with the person that lived through the memory. If she knows he is going to meet the FS seems crazier then her knowing of the FS.

Ty Cooper

I find it funny that Stormild told Sylphie she doesn't need to go as hard as Jake does.


Any bets on who Jake will use his Harbinger of Primeval Origins powers on next? I just hope he ends up using the moons core in one of those rituals.

Jason Davis

It's possible, maybe, that Stormild has the same bloodline as Villy, or at least something with the same effect?


Moreso the "before after" being next to each other is jarring. "Until after" or some similar alteration would help the flow of the sentence.


I feel like Jake unknowingly got tricked into a union oath wedding by Stormild for the way it was worded. The "Do you" part of a oath is kind of suspect.


yup, from what i understand, the only reason Villy knows is because of his bloodline that counters forbidden knowledge.


not sure, from Villy description of Stormild, she doesn't care about anyone that isn't an elemental.


a lot of assumption that the acquaintance is the first sage, but i'm gonna make a bold prediction: it's the Ghostvine in the moon. Stormild only gives a crap about other elementals, and a ghostly presence could mean some sort of elemental figure. Also, the forbidden knowledge stuff should also apply to her, Villy is an exception since he has a bloodline that directly counters that, so unless Stormild also happens to have it, or something similar, i doubt she would know about him. Also, it's almost guaranteed that the Ghostvine will either be the first B-Grade Jake defeats before getting into B-Grade, or he will use his "juice" to create some sort of amazing thing with it.

Ryan Ulrich

Remember, Villy and Jake are the only ones that know the FS is the FS. He could’ve introduce himself as someone else to the other Primordials and we have no way of knowing if they retain memories of him or not. Villy never shared that knowledge with the others because he didn’t want to and now he can’t. They may be the same. We just know they don’t know about the ‘FS’

Dominick Gelardi

Paragraph 3: before after the Prima; "after" is not needed, makes sentence awkward


I figured it meant before the prima event finishes, or maybe it means it'll be ready during the event sometime.


Two counter-arguments: 1. The B-Grade on the moon is no "natural" elemental entity like Sylphie. Yes, she got influenced, but she was still hatched and brought into being in a system-normal way. The Ghostvine is neither intelligent nor a free elemental like Sylphie. It is a broken Path, locked to the moon and probably locked in B-Grade too. So I do not believe Stormild will have any interest in that thing. 2. While Forbidden Knowledge is in effect, Stormild might have another way to get around it. Seeing how she is able to create Union Oaths, I can see her having a connection to the First Sage in some way. And yes, if the Prima Guardian isn't B-Grade, the Ghostvine will be the first casualty^^


[...] Words reappeared as the Primordial asked in a serious tome. -> serious tone TFTC! I'm super interested in the First Sage story, can't wait for Jake to get his reloads ready and learn some more. I do believe it is him Stormild meant as she apparently doesn't want to or can't be more direct and she might have a way to circumvent Forbidden Knowledge with her Oath-abilities. This could be a very classic misdirect too though, I wonder if we ever get a result or if Jake simply forgets about it after the Prima Event :D


or she just has some form of Oath with the First Sage and as it is probably eternal, even Forbidden Knowledge can't erase it.


Well the system might not be able to "delete" certain personal karmic connections which Eversmile doesn't have, but Stormild got it through some special Oath or similar stuff.


Stormild was in some way The First Sage’s “best bird” is my bet

Jason Hardman

There did seem to be something conflicted in the behaviour of the Ghostvine. It's not unreasonable to expect Jake to help it overcome some taint, and make it a friendly moon entity instead.

Dominick Gelardi

Both sentence structures mean the same thing here. "...it definitely wouldn’t be done before the Prima Guardian event," or "...it definitely wouldn’t be done until after the Prima Guardian event." Both versions are saying that the labyrinth won't be done in time for the Prima event. Personally, I think it would flow better and be less of a change by taking out the "after." But, we can only suggest a course of action to Zogarth


True still makes her a forbidden knowledge holder it's just forbidden "forever friend" knowledge

Nick O'Gara

If I had to guess, the thing is probably the eternal servant. They seem to be a running joke between primordials and their chosen.


Mutual Acquaintance = Wintermaul?


wishlist : - Prima get oneshot by Jake - Jake design a statue of minaga with construction hat, and the primordial church sculptor got it ready for the labyrinth opening ceremony.

Austin Barton

The shared friend is prob the first sage


tbf, i did said it was a bold prediction. i was thinking on elementals (or entities that might be or partial) since Stormild only really gives a crap about them.


Probably the first Sage, Stormild might have some power or associated records that have allowed her to not forget him


He needs a lot of records and it should be something that gets him levels. One candidate is a soul flame in the cradle. Use all the others to make a strong one. He should make the dragon back at the order help him as punishment for screwing with him.


Found a couple errors; in the first paragraph, yes, of course, he was -> yes, of course he was. Do you wish to begin the ritual to enter a union oath of stormwild-> stormild. Thanks for the chapter!


So, if we hold to the theory that all primordials interacted with first sage, it seems likely that having done so was, itself, a critical factor in their achievement, a necessary but insufficient factor to achieve God hood in the first age. That said, it need not always have been a deeply personal interaction like villy's, maybe eversmile gained insight into karma from a ransom encounter with a stranger in a bar. He remembers the words or the event, but the stranger isn't important in his view. This also seems fairly likely because otherwise it feels like the primordials would have noticed the connection.


Why is everyone assuming the Sage? Forbidden knowledge remember? It’s more likely the Ghostvine but I’m not completely sold on that either it’s just the freshest and most recent interaction I can think of since Nevermore. I never really thought Jake would destroy the moon- it’s more likely he’ll find some way to change the ghostvine and give it a sentient mind or fix what’s broken. A recurring them with Jake is Creation and Destruction. That’s what a good hunter is, after all. I had a thought unrelated to this topic- but imagine jack shooting an arrow at a target on another planet while still on earth? lol I hope we get something like that!


I think it more likely the Prima turns out to be a B-grade than Jake one shotting it.


Finally caught up and can stop bingeing 😌

Tim Bartlett

Sylphie just nodded as if such advice was entirely unneeded. Which is probably was. should be, Which it probably was.


tbf, i can see that happening. eventually Jake gets a pretty nice soul flame, and Jake contacts the dragon and he starts stressing out about the meeting, only for Jake to show up say "look, i got a soul flame, how do i use it"

Matthew Lemon

Ell'Hakan is chilling on his planet until an arrow pierces through the planet, into the core and whole planet explodes.


Hopefully artemis and world tree

Jeff McCulley

We’re assuming that it’s the First Sage BECAUSE it’s Forbidden Knowledge, which would mean it’s least expected—and would mean that she has a way around it too. I have zero idea why anyone would think that Zac would consider the Ghostvine a friend. She literally said “mutual friend”. For that matter, there are clearly events local to Jake that she’s not keeping up on (which the Moon would be)—but she can SEE his boots.

Jeff McCulley

Simple. She remembers because she has some as yet unknown special ability—as Villy does—that allows her to.

Jeff McCulley

The primordial church sculptor wouldn’t do it. Simple reason? Minaga isn’t a primordial, so he’d have zero interest.

Jeff McCulley

The only person “acquainted” with the Ghostvine, to even meet it, is Sandy. Jake just got chased off by tendrils.

Jeff McCulley

As he said, it was just showmanship. That part wasn’t binding. What the System displayed was.

Jeff McCulley

The main reason I’m thinking he does another Harbinger bit relatively soon is because his profession is so far behind his class. And it seems like the Prima Guardian event (and then the Labyrinth) will only make that worse—and Prima is only maybe 6-9 months away. Not enough time to close that gap before then. So “relatively soon” is still after Prima. And his shiny new dungeon.

Jeff McCulley

My assumption was that Stormild has some special ability the way Villy does.

Jeff McCulley

No, it might mean that Stormild was his “best bird”—and neither actually entered a state of existence that would break the Union Oath. Zog went to great pains here to explain what the exact terms of a full Union Oath are. Look at it this way. When Jake and Sylphie are both gods, she’ll have a chance to ask him for a permanent Oath.

Jeff McCulley

I wonder if it’s because it’s only “Forbidden Knowledge” to one of her personalities? Like, the others hiding on the pages behind it didn’t get the rubber stamp?

Jeff McCulley

Might as well add this here… “…with all its benefits and demerits.” It’s been nagging me that “demerits” has been used oddly all through the story. The nigh phoneme would be “detriments”, but “drawbacks” or “disadvantages” would work as well. Er, if you only wanted to use a “d” word. In English, “demerits” generally indicate a negative tally, as in school kids having a certain number of negative marks against them for misbehavior. It’s not really an antonym to “benefits”.


Welp! Time to reread the series from the beginning.


Is the doggo the mutual?


The contract, so adorable 😁

John Kinkead

It is definitely wintermaul

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!

Joshua Reynolds

Is Stormild multiple people? I don’t get why it says “proved themselves”. Maybe I missed something.


At the end there was stormild talking about saying hi to the first sage


Thx for the chapter

Koala Man

I just ent the last week reading all the books , now I’m caught up . Excellent read thx :)

Scott Pfister

The way Z writes dialog involving Sylphie is nothing short of brilliant. So smooth and easy to follow, funny, and heart-warming all at the same time.