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Here's the 2nd Prerelease of CCC 1.0 (Big Fixes and Junk)
If you played the 1st Prerelease of 1.0 yesterday, your save file will transfer automatically.


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If you have any questions, feel free to let me know here, or in the Discord server!
Published: 2024-03
Hello there! Here's the 3rd Prerelease of CCC 1.0
Your save file will transfer automatically from prereleases 1 and 2 if you played them, ***however, your room style choices will be reset to default rooms. They are still in your inventory though, so all you should have to do is set them again.***


If that link doesn't work, make sure you're signed into Google. If it still doesn't work, try this one:


- This prerelease version is specifically to improve performance. It should run noticeably better than the first two prereleases. There are no other bug fixes in this particular release. There will be more fixes in the next prerelease.
Published: 2024-03
Hey there, yet again. Sorry for another post so soon after the last one! Just needed to drop a quick hotfix for rooms turning purple!


If that link doesn't work, make sure you're signed into Google. If it still doesn't work, try this one:

Published: 2024-03
Hello there, again!
Here's Prerelease #4 of CCC 1.0
Your save file will transfer automatically from prereleases 1, 2, and 3

This will likely be the final prerelease. I need to start getting ready for the public release which is  now less than 2 days away. Thank you all so much for the support and feedback, and I hope you enjoyed playing early, despite the hiccups. 


If that link doesn't work, make sure you're signed into Google. If it still doesn't work, try this one:


- Some typo fixes.
- Life Sized Gingerbread House and Cottage Cheese have been buffed.
- Chow Mein is now an Arm Buff food. But this is a mistake. I meant to make it a Leg Buff, but don't have time to re-export right now. It'll be a Leg Buff food in public release.
- Character should now no longer start with craving "none"
- A couple objects in the character creator not loading the right meshes have been fixed.
- Hats should now be accessible again in the character creator.
- Soda is now chilly
- Decals should now no longer ruin clothing colors. There's a failsafe that reapplies the clothing color 3 seconds after loading.
- Marshmallow legs should work properly now.
- Picky Eater has been fixed for sure this time.
- Satisfying cravings has apparently been broken this entire time. They are fixed now. Stars will appear when you satisfy a character's craving.
- Upgrading illness tolerance now also makes your citizen less likely to get ill when overstuffing them (though they will still get ill if they reach their overstuffed limit)
- XP and Stomach Capacity now cap at 2 Billion to avoid integer overflow.
- Citizens will no longer crave "sour" foods. Turns out there aren't that many sour foods that aren't either fruits or candy.
- And a new gameplay element. Wait, what? This late into development? Localized entirely within your kitchen?

So, I know there's definitely been some squabble about Badge Points and how unappealing it is to earn them. Your input has been heard. I didn't want to just up the amount of BP you get from a level up. That seemed kinda... boring. I know people really liked the BP Trainer badge. But to me I felt like it made BP earning a bit *too* easy. I don't want BP earning to be hard. But I want the process to feel involved. Like you're doing *something* to earn it. Like a scout has to do something to earn a badge. So I took the core concept of BP Trainer and expanded on it.
Introducing "Kandy's Kritera". A short list of random tasks. When you complete all the tasks, your citizen gets a Badge Point, and the list resets with a new batch of tasks. The tasks aren't hard. They aren't meant to be. They're kind of like mini-goals so you always have something short-term you can be aiming for. Kinda like the tasks for Nook Miles in Animal Crossing, or challenges in Mario Kart Tour. Let me know what you think.
(You can still get badge points in the shop as well if you'd like)
Published: 2024-03
Hey there yet again. Getting reports of food not working in Prerelease #4. Currently looking into it! Sorry for the inconvenience!
Published: 2024-03
Hello, yet again!
Here is Prerelease #5 of CCC 1.0
It's essentially Prerelease #4 without the huge game breaking bug. So you can just refer to the patch notes of that one.

This is the final prerelease. I'm overdue in needing to get ready for the public release, heh. Thank again for all your support and feedback!


If that link doesn't work, make sure you're signed into Google. If it still doesn't work, try this one:


- Citizens not being able to eat has been fixed.
- The Fatrooms texture should be fixed.
- Citizen's clothes should fit properly on load now.
Published: 2024-03