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Just wanted to wish a happy new year to all of our Patrons. Even though we only started in May 2020, thankyou for supporting us on our first year of Patreon!

Some of you may know that Cult of Paint was primarily about face to face painting classes. With that huge part of our brand taken away, it’s been a hard year for us. It did allow us to work hard on things we wanted to do anyway, like this Patreon and the Deorgard Kickstarter. We have been pretty blown away by the response to both of these so we are very grateful we have still been able to develop as a brand.

It has been great for us to still be able to teach you guys via the YouTube and here. The learning curve was steep but we have enjoyed it a lot! We will endeavour to keep creating great tutorials in 2021.

Up next you will get a video on how I created this cool looking water splash and ripples! It is being edited this weekend so will be with you soon. I hope you enjoy that one, it’s super fun and a great effect.

Let us know which tutorials you enjoyed the most from us this year, and what you would like to see in 2021!

Andy & Henry




Happy New Year guys, and thank you so much for all the fantastic content and teaching - all of it has been really great. I've learned something useful from every single video, so it's far too difficult to pick the best, but I will say that that Golden Demon winning Blood Angels, power sword, decal, ork skin, Draxus masterclass and Draefend skin videos, along with the Surrounded PDF, have all been absolute game-changers for me. I really liked the Contemptor Dreadnought series too, but have yet to pluck up the courage to start intentionally scuffing up my miniatures (figure I've got to learn to make them look properly nice before making them look properly nasty 😂). In response to your question about what I'd like to see in 2021, my top ten wish list would be something like: 1. How to achieve and test perfectly smooth gap filling (of the hundreds of pictures of outrider marines I saw in 2020, Andy's was the only one without a seam line down the middle of the front plate). 2. Continuation of the amazing tutorial on skin, covering different skin tones (African, Middle Eastern, South East Asian, zombie/ dead flesh). 3. Display quality TMM. 4. Different clothing textures (e.g. denim, linen, PVC etc). 5. Horus Heresy era Death Guard off-white armour scheme. 6. More tutorials/ PDFs on painting busts. 7. Demonic/ creature skin (dragon scales, wings, demon dots etc). 8. Realistic blood and gore effects (Khorne approved!). 9. Glass (stained, cockpits etc). 10. More on odd lighting schemes (e.g. two tone, lit from below etc). My main request though is just to keep doing what you're doing, as the channel/ Patreon has been totally outstanding! Cheers.


Thanks for the tutorials over the year! I found the draxus master class the best for me as it covered all different techniques and facets of model painting for display etc. Found the technical videos for basing really helpful as well. Also seeing how the 2 masters paint to learn different techniques, valuable as well!! Would like to see: Tutorials on faces, especially eyes, but also skin in general OSL Another master class - found this really good Painting textures on cloth Painting of Space Marine chapters in 40K theme for example, the rapotors or minotaurs as an example Keep up the great work!