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Hey Cultists!

Perhaps a less exciting tutorial today, with some quite specific details for this model. The other tutorials I love as you can use them for anything. This one you can as well, but I guess the stone like texture i have gone for is less common. Anyway, another one down and the home straight for the lion. Im at that point where I am pondering the next project and what would be good for tutorials.

Recipe and summary below:

Stone Icons

1.Base Petroleum Grey Scale 75

2.Highlight Brown Grey Scale 75

3.Blend up from Brown grey to Vallejo Model colour Pale Blue 70.906. You need to make incremental steps for this. I did 3, I think only 2 are needed. This will be different depending on your paint style.

4.Highlight Pure Pale Blue

5.Highlight Pale Blue and Ivory

6.Use washes and glazes of Petroleum at any point you feel you lose the definition or contrast.

Easy Leather

1.Base Rhinox Hide with a touch of black to desaturate

2. Highlight Dubai Brown Scale 75

3. Glaze to build layers and knock back highlights

4. Re apply highlights of Dubai Brown crossing over previous ones to build depth

5. Highlights of Orange Brown Scale 75

I think thats everything? Thinking about doing a couple of skin tutorials as that is a tricky subject….any ideas hit me up in the comments below!



The Lion Part 4: Shoulders and Leather



Would love a "chogorian" skin tone if you can add that to the list bud. Something with a touch more red tones to it and maybe some scars and tattoos? Would be really helpful. Tutorial for ways of achieving different textures would be great as well. Things like cloth for capes (obviously not leather 👆) burnished/ aged metals. Would love an aged bronze/gold or copper for when I get to my big display and the statues on it. Cheers both, love this Patreon.


The Lion is looking super cool so far Andy - love the colour scheme and can’t wait to see the finished work! Skin tutorials would be absolutely great - really useful. I’d love to see some on different ethnicities (dark African and Middle Eastern perhaps) along with scar tissue as Mike has suggested. Also another vote from me for textured cloth, which I regularly think would be really useful, as would the dreaded white cloth, which is so hard to shade... In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing 👍🏻.