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How does the law function in a city as big as this one? The citizens would argue that it very much doesn't, but behind the blue suits lies a very powerful system of control.

Applicants for the city's police force go under a very strict training regiment to determine their compatibility with the augments required to become an officer. To the law, security theatre is a major deterrent for most petty crimes, and there's no bigger deterrent in a city of criminals than efficient, highly-augmented police officers wired to a network dedicated to hunting down those who break the law.

When the lowest rung of your heirarchy is comprised of hyper-strong muscleheads, the message sent to lawbreakers is a pretty powerful one. But the necessity of crime breeds smarter and stealthier criminals, and thus stronger, deadlier soldiers have begun to follow.

Districts come with their own district officers; some more competent than others. But one thing remains for certain - all it takes is one slip-up for the eyes of the law to direct its sights to you.



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