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That time of the month again, folks, sorry it came late again! Where Tier 2 patrons ask questions directed at characters on my roster and I pick a few to have the respective characters answer in sketch form!



So how does it feel see your children so big strong and sexy?


To any any Aero: Have any of you ever had to go through the experience of finding out one of your wing-men, or close friend were a spy? Also what was your most life changing experience on this earth?


To Nicole or Nadya; What's your personal opinions on your specific kind being almost completely replaced by mindless ICBMs? As time went along it was found that ICBMs were both cheaper and 'better' than you intercontinental bombers.

White Chapel

Hey, Mildred. stupid question but would your older engine need to use lead based fuel or feul we use in newer daily use vehicles to fly? But would the newer lead crude fuel cause your engine to overheat making your engines pistons melt it chase a small internal explosion that would greatly harm your canvas upper body and maybe catch fire? Also to any of you migs, what would you do to a aero that was in your airspace roaming around that defected from the Soviet union to your advisory and enemy? also, not a question but you have a old relative alive Mildred from the great war wondering around the planet causing good natured mischief, I think you need to gentleman him up.^^


Any aeromorph willing to share: When you all hatch, is there any ‘preset gender’s’ you come out as when you hatch, I.E. Male or Female? If not, what process is there that you undergo to ‘decide’ your gender? Or is it all determined based on what you wish to be early on; such as you wish to be a Male, Female, or Herm variant of your respective model?

White Chapel

I know I'm only supposed to ask one question but I do have to ask this one to Mildred, technically you are still in active service when you were lost in the Bog labeled as an MIA so what would your rank be now from your time of being lost an officially discharged when found?


To any Aeromorph willing to answer (probably a fighter-type or something). For long-range operations, do you you guys really fill up your fuel-tanks until they're massive, or do you do something else to extend your range? An extra pair of fuel-tanks maybe? Or is it a boring thing, like drop tanks on your wings? Also, you guys are all wonderful! Where do i sign up?