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Sorry this took so long, but here it is!

And as I stated on FA, I'm fine. Irma has passed, and bar the lights flickering during the storm and the massive carpet of leaves and branches covering my front and backyards, all is good!




Glad your alive and well~


Really happy to hear you're alright, was pretty worried after seeing everything


I AM NOW ONE STEP CLOSER TO ASCENDING WITH THE DAWN MACHINE! (Also glad to hear life didn't shit on your corn flakes my friend.)


Glad to hear your alright!


Glad to hear you're alright! And thanks for answering my question Davina! <3 Mindy's grin with that smile is priceless though. XD

White Chapel

glad your safe man.^^


Glad to hear that your ok. And Ji-Ae thanks for answering the question, but now I want to hear the whole story.


Good to hear you didn't get hit too bad from Irma. I also like Silva 'adding her own commentary' to Missy's response. She's not as 'reserved' as Missy it would appear XD.

White Chapel

Ah, i do love silvas adding in to people's ansers, way to leave me on a cliff hanger, i love long storys. X3