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I watched it once in the cinemas when I was 16, first movie I 'watched' with 3D glasses. I hated the glasses, they gave me a headache. I fell asleep during the movie cos of my headache, so I don't remember the movie and at the time I didn't appreciate films that I currently appreciate it, so all I remember about it is that James Cameron directed it and that there's blue people... Also it's really long and typically long movies made me fall asleep in the cinemas (1st Hobbit, Blade Runner recent one and etc...) So I guess you could say it's my first time watching if I do watch it, cos I'll be awake and filming it... The length of the movie just overwhelms me


Zach Strand

Nah that one is terrible

Simson Ward

You can catch it another time lol. I fell asleep with the 3D glasses too 🤣


Yes plz its 1of my fav films. Try to watch the extended collectors edition if u can.


...I'd watch your reaction, but it isn't one I have a yes/no opinion on.


I sat in the front row of an IMAX theater for this so I hated it when I first watched it haha but watching it a second time at home years later, it's actually a pretty fun ride!


Think it’s definitely worth you having a re-watch as the sequel is supposed to be coming out in December

largo778 .

personally, I'd say just watch Dances With Wolves, about the same story with better actors


I dont understand these naysayers……this film blew away the box office and 13 yrs later is still the number 1 box office film of all time with 2.85 billion bucks…its a great film period..and thats why it suposedly has 3 sequels lined up.

Cody Price

It’s really overrated, but still a good film to watch especially for the technical aspects, but what makes it overrated is nothing is original here. They took Dances with Wolves and Fern Gully and took it to space and hoped that no one would notice.

Radek Nohejl

But watch directors cut. :-)


yes watch the extended edition, lolz jk Couple different cuts actually but theatrical is solid and already long enough, I think the main draw was the 3d and groundbreaking vfx at the time it was a very immersive new experience, the effect is obviously a little dampered watching it at home but still a solid film by itself imo. not my fav cameron film, but you can't really go wrong with cameron either

Jeff Mills

I saw this on a date with my ex-girlfriend at the time. I jokingly call it “Dances With Smurfs”. LOL Be that as it may, I would say go ahead and watch it. I haven’t seen it since then.


I think it'll be worthwhile to watch it. There's a few different cuts out there and personally I like to watch extended cuts of movies to see the full scope of what was intended in the story. But that part is up to you


Almost evey single movie out there is a re hash of greek or roman tragedy or shakespear or some movie or book from when no one can remember so people dont see that dances with wolves star wars fern gully and just about evry movie..is nothing original….very few made in the last 30 years are original

Cody Price

There’s a difference between being inspired by something and just blatantly just ripping off the exact story from each and just changing the location of where it is happening.


I was amazed at the technical achievement seeing it the theater, but the comparisons between this and FernGully are appropriate. If you haven't seen *that* one, maybe it's one to consider.


I feel the problem here is that you HAVE to watch it in the format it was intended an that being 3D, there's alot of the budget went into new pioneering technologies for this movie, the amazing world's and beautiful forests were made especially for the 3D effects, so this is definitely one for private viewing in my opinion.