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Casey Zenner

If anything, it'll be entertaining to see you laugh at some of the earliest CGI lol

Cory Silver

The movie has only gotten better with age. It was very much ahead of its time. Plus, a young Jeff Bridges.


If this is a precursor to you watching Tron: Legacy (one of my favorite comfort movies), then I would say do it! It'll make you appreciate the sequel's story more and I think you'll love seeing the technology evolve.

Aaron L

If you do you should watch tron legacy also. It’s cool to see the contrast in vfx.


Tron & Tron Legacy are amazing


I'm torn as to whether to suggest doing some research on the state of computers/games in the 1980-'81 era...but definitely watch it and Legacy. (and if you do the research, it might open up War Games as enjoyable as well.)


Yes the CGI is dated but this was one of my fave films growing up. It’s definitely worth a watch


this is one my dad took us to at the drive in one of the first of its type the world was changing fast back then from micro wave ovens to vcrs to video games this movie more or less just captured my imagination back then


literally practically the first movie to use cgi, so keep that in mind haha. but we owe it for pioneering the stuff we have today. its a cool movie sure you'll appreciate is as a gamer now too I think you will Love the heck out of the soundtrack to the second one as well if you get there, its flippin POGs good!

Jeff Mills

Most definitely.

Richard Davies

Definitely worth watching, Tron legacy is a must watch second if you watch this as it is a sequel even though it came out decades later.


"Legacy" strikes the right balance of nostalgia for the inventiveness and imagination of the original.