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Watch "ONE PIECE 92-93" on Streamable.



So happy to have One Piece Anime reactions back. Btw I would say the Saga after Alabasta you should read the manga till Water 7 that you already mentioned and watch all of the Water 7 Saga in Anime format. The Arc/Saga after Water 7 I would say Manga again till Chapter 489 and then Anime again for a longer period depending if you would want to watch a small arc in Anime format or Manga to get it through quicker but at least watch Episodes 385-405 in Anime which resemble Chapters 490-513 of the manga. Hope it helps and if the other community members agree then they could like my post xD P.S.: I didn't spoil other arc names as the ones you already mentioned for possible spoilers of course :D


I forgot something for the end of 1 arc its best to watch it animated as well so I would say watch episodes 372-405 animated at least so switch from the manga after chapter 477 but its far in the future xD