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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 133" on Streamable.


Zen Reacts

Now you have been given, a small taste of Pain


It seems youve began to comprehend pain. That doesn't mean you know or understand it yet. You WILL know pain.

Shanks solos

Now you've come to understand a little of what Pain is... RIP Jiraiya. One of the GOAT fictional characters killed by the GOAT villain of Naruto. This was one of, if not, the most iconic death in anime.


As you mentioned it yourself, Jiraiya's death cannot be compared to any of those that have already occurred, since none are up to his level, in any sense. From the conversation with Tsunade before he left the village to look for Pain, it is implied that Jiraiya is going to die, however, as fans we were not willing to think or believe that Jiraiya, the sage of the toads, one of the legendary Sannin, was to die, literally the most powerful character in the village of the Leaf, who was able to face Itachi and Kisame by himself. R.I.P. Jiraiya, it would have been great if Naruto had found out that Jiraya was his godfather


This world shall know pain!

Vaidas Šukauskas

So do you think you know pain now? RIP Jiraya... But it's all for the peace, at least according to Pain. "Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace" The saddest part is he was wholly suckered by that prophecy. He dedicated his whole life for it, training, travelling the world for the promised student, and then giving up his life just for the chance that it was the moment of Selection, whatever that means. All that mattered was that he believed it. No wonder Orochimaru couldn't comprehend his actions.


This is such a painfull episode

Fine Kat

this episode always makes me cry


He just met Pain

Mikkel Jensen

first time i watched this ep i was literally crying my eyes out;(


Jiraiya has always been my favourite character alongside Gai, I always loved him but seeing him die made me realise just how much. I know for sure I've never felt the death of any anime character like this one and you're right even though it's teased for like 5 episodes, your mind just doesn't let you believe that he could die. RIP Pervy Sage.


RIP Jiraiya 💔💔


This episode still crushes me. RIP Jiraiya boy ❤❤


easily one of the most emotional episodes. I still tear up watching it even when i know whats about to happen


After this episode I dropped the show for about 3 days until I decided I needed a W for Jiraiya


I'll never get over his death man. Him being a father figure to little Naruto was so heartwarming. Can't help but cry while being a little angry at the same time. I was really happy to see Jiraiya scenes again though, through your OG Naruto reactions. And it's weird too, cause watching Naruto back then, I felt like the scenes with Jiraiya felt a little dragged out. But damn when Jiraiya died, it made me appreciate every little moment we got of him so much more.


Well, it cut deep, but it also felt real. Like in reality, you can’t expect the “good” guys to always win, it is obvious that Pain is stronger than Jiraiya and there is nothing he could have done about it. People are just used to Naruto and his team always winning, so this first major loss gets them back to their senses and shows the seriousness that show is starting to have.


I remember sitting in my room watching this as it came out and my mom came in for some reason and asked why i was crying. SAD

Loic Coute-penhard

i watched the entire shippuden weekly and i remember that i was sad for some days

Or T

I've seen this part more than 10 times now, but i still get emotional seeing this ark everytime,


I just call him Tobi when he makes the funny voice