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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 53" on Streamable.



from the next arc the pace will be way more faster. Enjoy!


Next arc is better

Mikkel Jensen

so excited for the next arc!!!


It only gets better from here


Since you ask, without spoilers, if this arc was 6/10 (maybe 7 if you're generous) the next two are solid 9 and after that you'll get about three or four10/10 arcs! Plus none of the following arcs are more than 20 episodes like this one, they're shorter and cover much more. Please do skip the upcoming filler arc tho...


Hmm, well, out of all the arcs in shippuden this one is probably 6/10 compared to the others. You can’t even imagine the hype that is about to come. But this is only my opinion.


Btw how you gonna watch now when couple first and last episodes of fillers got a cannon mixed up in it? Just saw that first and last like 4-5 episodes got cannon mixed up between fillers. I would suggest to go straight into episode 71 and watch last scene (18:00 start) then you good to go


you should watch the first 18 minutes of the next episode even though it's mixed canon and filler

Julien jackson

Allonsyyy remember that pose that sasuke did when he had his hand in the air.🤣🤣🤣

Julien jackson

Definitely the end of an arc. Id rate this arc a 6-10, from here on out it’s just straight heat🔥💪🏽

Loic Coute-penhard

even if it's my least favorite arc, the end of this arc with sai is really good


Fun fact Orochimaru stopped the series from ending right there lol. He gave us a continuation.


Shit up u are so right 😂 it’s crazy do u think it would have worked sasuke jutsu tho 🤔