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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 52" on Streamable.


Vaidas Šukauskas

Accent is on the first syllable, MAdara, not the second. And we are at the start of like 200 episodes where it's never ending hype. Gaara Rescue was good, but this is why so many people like Shippuden so much. Finally, from now on, you can't watch any of the openings till the end of shippuden. So many major spoilers. Spoilers for fights, spoilers for characters, spoilers for major plot points. Some openings even feature mini re-enactments of the major fights that gonna happen later in those arcs. It's insane. I don't know what the animation studio was thinking making such spoilery openings.

Michael Royal

this episode sauske is being such a little bitch, first tries to kill naruto, then tries to kill sakura, then stabs yamato.


Being a cool guy trying to cut your ties makes you a bitch? Well atleast he's not retarded like you :)

Ghost Tendency

I think openings should have things pertaining to the current arc. However, I think they should handle it like some others do. Have an initial one you see, with characters or events shadowed out or simply a different segment or two at first. Then reveal the actual events when the arc has gotten to that point in the show. That would be a good way of handling it.