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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 46" on Streamable.



i mean if you think about it honestly it probably been years since anyones seen sasuke cause the shippuden series didn't come out as soon as they finished the og series plus the episodes it built up to this

Ghost Tendency

Considering all the filler from OG Naruto... That's about 80-90 weeks for the show to finish. Then another 40+ weeks where you're at in Shippuden. So, at least 120-130 weeks in real world time without seeing Sasuke. Plus, in the manga it didn't show episode 1's beginning scene. So this would be the point that you actually first see Sasuke in Shippuden.


So I remember cannon episodes of OG Naruto finished in summer of 2005 and it was at least year and half ( this I remember for sure) before the first episode of Shippuden, and it was at least 6 months before Shippuden showed Sasuke if you don't count the clip in the beginning of episode 1 (which wasn't close to enough) . So we had to wait for pretty much 2 years to see Sasuke. That's almost as much as Naruto had to wait lol.


The point of the scroll is that Kabuto keeps a certain amount of bodies (female and male) in order to use them if neccesary. He explains he needs another 15-16 year old male because he used it making Sai's double. Kabuto is a very "neat freak" organized type of person so he just needs the scroll to be complete lol. That's why Orochimaru asked him his blood type. In Japan (kinda like Astrology) blood type is used to describe someone. It is believed Type A people are good subordinates and perfectionists; on the other hand, AB are seen as hard to describe, selfish and two faced. Orochimaru was taken aback by that but Kabuto didn't really think so lol

Kai Kage

the next ark is classed as a filler but i feel like it would be good to watch it. anyone else aggree?


Well, I really hope you will skip fillers and go straight with a main storyline. Sure, if you love series you can watch it by yourself but otherwise i think you should skip reactions to it because it will slow down even more considering it's arleady a slow pace series at this point. This arc is one of slowest paced and if you hit with fillers then well... Don't get me wrong i do love some of the fillers too not only in Naruto but as a reactor i think majority of your viewers want to see you catch up to the "big stuff" and react to it. One piece tho... First filler arc is even better in my opinion than some canon foxy stuff so would be better to do One Piece filler and leave Naruto as it is and just enjoy cannon for now because of how hyped you seems to be for now :D


I find most fillers repulsive and uninteresting to be honest. I've almost watched them all in Naruto Shippuden (skipper the ones from the LONG part during like 320-374 or whatever)

The Nuclear Reactor

Well the original naruto debuted in the us in 2005 and shippuden 2009