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Vaidas Šukauskas

Yes, this is also why Naruto is so good. It has heart, and it has honesty. Characters are not just cardboard cut outs. They have consistency, they drive the story, not the other way round. Lesser shows would try to force them into scenarios where it goes against their character, just because writers thought of a cool event, but in the process contradict how they built that character. Or lay it thick, make their words hollow, silly or not match what's happening. Naruto excels at the consistency of characterization.


I wish the same could be said for the female characters of Naruto but unfortunately (for the most part) they don't get the same care, consistency, or development, a lot of times they're just there to service the male characters and fit Kishi's patriarchal views on women. Just imagine if characters like Sakura and Hinata had as much care, effort and respect put into them as Naruto and Sasuke.