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I’ve seen that episodes 141 & 142 are listed as mixed filler/canon so usually I’d assume we’d watch these but I’ve heard they mainly reference filler and only a few minutes or so is actually canon.

Should these episodes be skipped and if so I assume all of episode 220 should be watched?



I would skip them, because imo there is not much of importance there


Its actually a good filler arc honestly. I'd say watch the whole arc. There's enough at the end of it that I think you'd feel like you've missed something. Like if you remember before when you skipped that filler arc you said it felt like you had missed something and you didn't like it. It would be like that. The canon bits in 141 are important. 142 is a different arc and I think that one could be skipped but the arc that 141 belongs to is a good one.

Vaidas Å ukauskas

141 has 2 min of relevant canon material right at the end. 142 maybe has 4-5 min of relevant fluff at the start. 220 first half is entirely the climax of filler arc. Only last half is canon. Over all three episodes there's 15min of worthwhile material. The best way i've seen it handled on the other channels was for the editor or subscribers to edit all this content into one episode and then react to it. Any volunteers? :)


I'd say watch them since they do have some plot but everything from 143 - 219 is skipable


Skip please... There is literally just one 40 second scene that is cannon and it's shown as a flashback like 100 times in first couple Shippuden episodes (And I think it's also mentioned or shown in the last episode of og naruto as well). I generally love fillers but those two episodes will not make a good content and I'm sure you want to get to Shippuden more than anybody here so I'd recommend skipping.


Well, you know that he wouldn't watch fillers, so there are only 2 options. Or he gonna watch this 2 ep, or just skip them, watch 220 and after that go straight to the Shippuden


I would skip them but don’t skip ep 220


Just watch the last 5-10 min of 220 and your good


Only watch 220

Vaidas Å ukauskas

Any conclusion to this? My vote would be to watch last 2 min of 141, first 5min of 142, and second half of 220.