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In the manga, sasuke is in the hospital because of itachi's attack, so you don't have miss any thing, the flashback at the begening of the episode is only here for justify the filler

Vaidas Šukauskas

No, he did not leave hospital. The thing you have to understand about filler, is that it can't diverge. Before this bit of filler started, Sasuke was in the hospital, just healed by returned Tsunade. Manga continues with him in the hospital. So whatever happens in the filler, by the end of it, he has to get injured again, so that he's back at the hospital before canon adaptation starts again, for continuity's sake. In this case, it just wasn't super clean, and bits of inconsequential filler bled into this episode. At the very end of Naruto there are a few episodes where it's also not very clean, with canon and previous filler mixed. Shippuden separates canon and filler a bit better imho.


They showed sasuke at tsunades inauguration last episode, did he just go back to the hospital or did the studio just forget?


He did leave the hospital. Sakura said he was recovering at home and was at the Inauguration


About to enter one of the best arcs in OG Naruto

Vaidas Šukauskas

That's all anime additions. Probably to help ease into filler. Else would be pretty jarring him and the gang suddenly going on missions, when just last episode he was staying at hospital

Zen Reacts

The filler isnt important, they pretty much told you hes mad at Naruto cause he feels like Naruto is more important and getting stronger than him. Hes essentially just jealous of Naruto

Zen Reacts

This is also the point where i was kind of done with Sasuke.




To sum up, Sasuke got handled by a guy in a filler that Naruto beat afterwards. That was like a fuel on fire since it happened for the 3rd time after Haku and Gaara. Add that on top of Itachi making him feel helpless, and the fact that he's edgy guy in general, (PTSD and paranoia, so that's understandable) and u get super edgy Sasuke that wants to prove to himself that he can take on Itachi. Since that's all he lives for, feeling helpless for Sasuke is the absolute worst feeling possible. It's just something he can't deal with. People forget sometimes how many psychological disorders he suffers from, especially at that age. It shouldn't be surprising that he acts that way. I like that you caught that immediately and didn't criticise him for attacking his friend.


This was so good 😂 hype levels through the roof!!


Everyone talking about filler and canon manga parts of anime is kinda mixed together. But I am here to told, that there was no cursed jutsu for demon summoning in the beginning of the video :D


I completely broke up with Sasuke in this episode. I understand him, I feel empathy for him and I wan to give him a hug but, you don’t mistreat your people, you don’t hurt them or are cruel to them, for any reason, specially intentionally and for something they have nothing to do with. It’s completely against my set of values and I was so done with him after this episode and can’t even tell you how disappointed I felt. He’s a great character though. Naruto is just... he’s such a good kid. He was so happy Tsunade was able to cure Sasuke and is always so proud of Sasuke and even though he’s his rival, is a healthy rivalry. Naruto doesn’t have one mean bone in his body and that’s why Sasuke made me so mad this episode. You simple cannot be a piece of shit with the people who love you and are good people. No! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Rhondel Wilson

Sasuke really isn't mad at Naruto, he is just taking his anger out on him. He is really mad at his own lack of power. Seeing Naruto's improvement just makes him feel like he is never going to achieve his goal and getting totally wrecked by Itachi has him emotional now.


Yoooooo he's finally at this arc 👏 🙌 peak naruto here then is on to naruto shippuden


This is the only time ever that in a cannon episode they even reference filler.


I always try and comment this on most of your naruto videos so here it goes. The filler in naruto is weird, some eps will show cannon material and then switch to filler or a filler ep would tie in to a Canon ep so be careful when skipping filler or ur gonna end up like how u are now. Since I watched naruto (filler and all ) I would suggest skimming thru a filler ep just incase they didn't put in a few minutes of canon but thats just how naruto is. Reading the manga is the best way to experience the show imo.