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So it has been brought to my attention that recently there have been major developments with regards to fair use and copyright policies that involve full uncut anime being shown outside of licenced distributors that have made an impact on many Patreon channels making this prohibited on the platform.

As someone that pays for all of the media I consume, I am absolutely supportive of this and will therefore be changing the structure of the Patreon and YouTube channel.

As of Sunday, the new Patreon schedule will come into affect which will now see more than DOUBLE the content that the YouTube channel has (only receiving one video) with EVERY video now being a DOUBLE EPISODE.

This means as time goes on, the Patreon will be weeks if not months ahead of the YouTube channel at all times..

VIP Fridays will be exclusive series to Patreon only.

OP/ending reactions will also be EXCLUSIVE Patreon.

These double episodes however will be cut versions to support our industry and comply with copyright laws.

Of course with any update or change to paid tiers refunds are always accepted before the change comes into affect. If this is the case please contact me before the channel structure change on Sunday 3rd May.

I hope you can understand why I am making these changes, as I am always striving to be an honest content creator and have an open dialogue with you guys who are the absolute foundation and backbone of this community we've built.





i'd go with timer reactions if u cant put uncut on here. i also follow other anime reactors that do timers seems to work fine


Cut versions are absolutely fine and will be available on Patreon just fine! ☺️

Jeremy Brooks

I was definitely looking forward to full reactions but this decision totally makes sense. I'll be around to support you either way!


Cut again? Well that hurts.


Sadly yes, however there will be double episodes instead for every episode! Meaning more content that would’ve previously been available!


Thank you so much! Gotta do what we can to support the industry and be safe at the same time! ☺️


Well that's somewhat disappointing but the double eps make up for it


Yeah it is what it is sadly but hey, at least it’s not going against copyright, supports the industry and now there’s nearly double the content there would’ve been before! ☺️

Michael Tennick

Is it possible to offer a raw full length reaction without any copyrighted footage (i.e we would use our own copies to sync with your videos)? If it's too much trouble to do that don't feel obligated, it's just a suggestion.


I’d love to, although that would require 3 separate edits of each video (double cut for Patreon, singles for youtube then another full length for Patreon) and as this is something I do in my spare time it’s not something I’m able to do just yet. Of course, if more people demand it and support it then it’s something I’d definitely accommodate!