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There are some big, exciting news coming this month. But first of all, I would like to explain, what are my plans for the second part of this year. Ludus Master will be completed. There will be probably 2-3 more updates to tie loose ends and finish existing story lines. LM was never meant to be too big and as a management game, it is already getting too complex. After finishing it, all premium content will be made free and if possible, I will try to publish it on Steam (for free).

Life of Holly will be discontinued, respectively, it will be replaced by a new project - Total Seduction 2. If you are new to this channel, Total Seduction (TS1) was my first game, which was completed prematurely because of new Patreon rules. A while ago, I have decided to start to produce it's successor. Total Seduction 2 (TS2). 

It will not be a sequel, but rather kind of remake. You will meet some familiar characters, but the main story will be different (although somewhat similar). TS2 will be situated in modern times in urban/suburban environment. Similar to TS1, it will have supernatural/sci-fi element. I have been developing adult games for some years now and during all this time, I have been listening to people - what they want, need and like. TS2 will be a culmination of this effort. Compared to all of my previous games, it will be better in all aspects. Better models, animations, environment, stories. Every character will have their owns personality, background story and unique, exciting seduction path. You will meet character types, that you can commonly find in real life as well as some unique ones. TS2 will have a large, open world environment, where everyone will be able to find something exciting to do. There will be a main quest, but it will not be time sensitive, so you can focus on something else, if you decide to. 

A first demo of Total Seduction 2 will come out this month (August). I have been working on it for some time, so it will already have some good content. You will be able to get a gist of the game from it. Also, more info about the game will come out in following posts, so stay in touch.


Jack Edwards

I'm sorry to hear about Life of Holly. That was the second game of yours I played after Ludus Master. So rare to see a female led game with the goal of slutting it up. We do have that Harmony minigame still at least! I do miss the goth chick from TS though, so hopefully she'll make a comeback in the new game. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Good luck with your Steam release! I hope it works out!

Little Pickle

TS2?!?? Woo hoo! Would have loved to see an upgrade of TS1 to current game standards/engine as well! Played that many many times but was never able to catch all content before the timer ran out!!!