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First of all, I have uploaded a bug fix that fixes an issue, when you enter a bandit camp and you spawn in the middle of barrels. If this issue is bothering you, you can download the game again from my webpage and transfer saves. It should not occur anymore.

Second, I have run an AI generator on some of my models and resulting images are quite interesting. I'm now considering using such images as portrait images for characters, directly in the game. It could help to visualize the appearance of characters. I have uploaded some of the images (and their sources) here. What do you think about them?




AI is so nutty. Funny how the portrait is just yennefer for definitely not yennefer.


hands looking weird... funny that this is still an issue with AI image generation.

Kevin Daley

that’s an issue even with artists. Hands and feet are surprisingly really hard to do. Hell their are multiple pros scattered around all fields who are notoriously bad at it

Jack Edwards

My dear Elaine looking a treat! Gotta get those hands under control though!