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Even though it was a difficult year, I got a lot of support from you guys and I really appreciate it. Your contributions keep this project running. 

To sum up this year, I have made a great development on my platform, which now allows me to create a large variety of content fast and efficiently. On the other hand, it also cased a lot of bug (as is always the case in this development phase), but you were kind enough to continue your support despite the difficulties.

Good news is, that the platform development phase is mostly over. It means I can now focus on things like more content per update, support of community created content or translation of games into different languages. It also means less bugs are likely to appear and more a likely to disappear with each update. So good things are waiting for us in a next year. 

Once again, thank you for your continuous support and happy holidays.


Uthan The Perverse

Great, so does this mean that other tools such as level design and quest design is ready to be made available to us? Also, merry Christmas to you too.


The plan is to first release a translation tool (January or February), than scripting tool, which allows for npc and quest programming and than environment design tool.