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Unfortunately, a major bug has slipped into the new version - you will not get monetary rewards in some cases (no gold from dungeons in WOL or if you play LOH, no money after some jobs). Also, if you loaded saves from v1.8, the new quest would not spawn "Deep forest" location. I have also corrected this, but you have to ask Marin again about the location. 

I have corrected these errors and re-uploaded the game. If they are bothering you, download the game again from my site and transfer saves (they are in "GameDir/wolu/scen001/saves"). Sorry for the inconvenience - such bugs can sometimes spawn when so much new content and changes are added at once.



<p style="color: #008600;">Well, yes, such bugs often occur in game development, this is a fact. Well, glad you managed to fix it!</p>