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Next on the line is an update for Warlock of Lust. Spoiled princess Lana's story will continue - you will decide if you want to keep her for yourself or let her working at the local tavern. But I had so much fun adapting the story into the game that I have decided for another adaptation, this time of a real, historical story.

An adaptation of the Elisabeth Bathory (aka Blood Countess) will be started in the next version. You will meet a high inquisitor Sallia and she will recruit you to help with the investigation of missing persons in the neighboring county. You will meet a young widow Alizabeth there, who has her side of the story ready for you. This will be a non-linear quest. You will be able to side either with the inquisitor or the countess, which will lead to different scenes, endings and rewards. WARNING: this story-line will be also more darker and gory than the rest of the game so far. There will definitely be blood (and a lot of sex, of course). 

PS: There were two minor bugs in a previous LOH version: a) in a very specific situation, a scene can become cyclic (it never ends) and b) you got less experience for doing sex acts than intended. I have corrected both bugs and re-uploaded the game. Both bugs are not game breaking, so you don't need to download the corrected version, if you are not bothered by them too much.




Not a fan of blood in my porn games (unless it was from virgins pussy or male enemies) but let's see, i just hope there is no choice about killing one and just taking one. The inquisition always just kill everything.

Hoff Man

How long do you think it will take all your games to adapt first person like Total Seduction did?


It is there, just disabled. Controls in games are designed for 3rd person view and I put 1st person into TS just like a curiosity. It was meant to be played like that, I was never playing it like that and I did not know people played it in that view too much. I disabled it, because it was buggy and people complained that it cause some problem. I don't know. If people really want it back, I can enable it again, but I don't have much time to test it so it may be buggy.