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Next version of LOH is out and can be downloaded through my webpage. It is quite a substantial update - there is around  20 new scenes and many new characters. 

Porn studio is opened at the red light district. After an audition, you can start shooting movies. After enough movies, random people on the street will even start to recognize you, which in turn unlocks more scenes.

Church is available, where you can join a nun order and start "helping" homeless. There is also a priest, who will listen to your confession and administer appropriate atonement.

Check out the change log at the wikia for more details. I did not had enough time to update the wiki page (other than change log) and I will get to it tomorrow. Have fun.





There is a minor bug in this version - if you play as a Jake, the TV station quest will not trigger (doctor Greg will not give you a visitor pass). I have re-uploaded a corrected version, so if you also want to play as Jake, I recommend downloading the game again. You can also transfer saves from "lohu/scen002/saves" folder.


Some scenes, for example in a cafe toilet, go in cycles.


There should always be an option to end the cycle (like "cum inside"). I have just checked and it is working normally, but it may be possible that some specific sequence can be cyclic. Do you remember specifics, like if your partner was male or female and which position ended up in cycle?


The gained experience level is not depend on the complexity of sex scene performed in this version (always 12 points gained). Is this its intended behaviour?


It's a bug. Exp gain should be higher and dependent on the score. Thanks for reporting.

Little Pickle

Is there a how to wiki for LOH? I'm just baffled why an act will be available in one situation then its not for a long time, then suddenly there's more sex act options, then only finish.


In general, you unlock options in scene by unlocking skills. The more skills you have the more options. But I'm not sure what are you referring to specifically - where is the act performed, whit whom and in what situation.