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Version v0.75 is ready and you can download it through my download page. 

New character - princess Lana is a spoiled, prideful brad, who needs a strong man to teach her how real life works. Are you up to it? Her story line starts if you speak with Hesy after the bandit camp and it is not fully completed in this version yet.

Diana's story now continues with an initiation into your service. She will hire virgin guards for you. If you periodically inspect your guard, there is a chance (35% for each inspection) she will be no longer a virgin. In that case, punishment is in order.

NPCs now cast spells - namely priestesses and amazons (they are now more powerful, so be careful). You can also cast a spell "Spiritual dick" after you obtain it from Jennyfer. It will stun enemies and disrupt their casting. 

IMPORTANT: Patreon changed the data structure of patrons thus it's output for my code generation program. Because of this, it may be possible that some errors were generated and some codes were disabled. If your code is not working (and it should), contact me through a private message.

I had also more time for testing and optimization this time, so there should be less bugs and game should run more smoothly now. This was also the last large platform improvement version. Thus saves from previous versions are not compatible, but in following versions, they will be. Also from now on, I will have more time for adding content, so you can expect around 50% more content in following versions.

Change log and wikia were updated for more information:





A bug found its way (one of those last minute things that break your already tested code). If you downloaded the game before this comment was posted, the captain at the bandit camp will not spawn and the map could not be completed. I have fixed the problem and re-uploaded the file, so the bug should no longer be present. If you are already playing the game, you can transfer saves, however if you are already in the bandit camp map, it will not fix the problem (the captain will not spawn). One in-game day must pass outside of the bandit camp map to for captain to behave correctly (to reset his schedule).


It was literally a matter of correcting two numbers. That is also why it is so easy to overlook.


I just start all over again


you can't edit the savegame, right?


Sometimes I can but this is not the case as some datastructure changed


ok, I'm starting over


I think that now is the moment that everyone has a lot of free time. This is not bad, at least you can do a better job