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Another major addition in the next version of WOL will be spells. I'm adding a data structure, that will help add a larger number of different spells into the game and for NPCs to use them. For example, priestesses will heal their allies or amazons will use whirlwind for area damage. You will be also able to use spells, such as stun to disrupt their casting, so the combat will be more skill demanding.

This is the last platform-changing addition I have currently in my mind. It means, that (not counting the next version) saves will be compatible between versions and I will have much more time to focus on new game content than to modifying the platform.

Next version is expected around the end of next week.




so when will we actually get to breed our girls??


I have also implemented leveling of creatures in this version, which is necessary for breeding. So it will be possibly in a version after this one.


Yes, I think now is the time to focus on game content, since you have freed up time! Go ahead!


When I can I force my minons to stop messing with the girls? I kind of got get a little exploity making my guy walk away far as I cast the spell to make them surrende then click on them to get first dibs :P


The minion dibs is there as a balancing issue. you get a gold for each broken enemy and the trade-off is that you loose a minion and you must summon a new one (or you must be fast and click first). If it was not there, everyone would just broke every enemy and get too much gold for nothing. So I'm not planning to remove it.


Hello, I can't get out of the band camp even though I killed everyone. The green field for the exit doesn't work. what can I do there?


I saved the game when I entered the camp


and which one is now the captain ?


there are only 3 soldiers