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New version is finally out. Event though it will not be too apparent for players, the biggest change was the transfer of the game under now platform. Many mechanics had to be reprogrammed, including combat and even though there was a lot of testing, some bugs may be still present (so thanks in advance for reporting).

From the content point of view, the village (accessible through castle's main gate) was added, Pyia's story was extended and breeding was introduced. When Pyia turns to your side, she will make a convent accessible, which you can turn into a harem or brothel. You can also accept one novice, who will be slowly corrupted by Pyia in time.

Game can be downloaded from my website. 


More detail about the version can be view through the change log:


WARNING: Even thou the Life of Holly game is now under the same platform, I do not recommend to play it from this download (as the platform has changed and I did not had enough time to test LOH). If you like to play LOH, download it separately from my webpage.




What am I missing? Im only able to see the changelog.


What do you mean? The link to the download page is just above the link to the changelog.


Hello, I found a relatively big bug. When I bought items and took them to the villagers, I received a blowjob and this caused a forever cum animation with the error giving me options to continue or quit. I continue and and the animation does not end. I close out the game and load it up back, still in the animation. I did not make another save so I loaded the autosave from that morning, day 5. Once it loaded, I was at the beginning of the game and no characters loaded in. So I have to restart my entire game over. Then the auto save changed to Day 1 at the court. EDIT: It seems this also happens when I have sex with the villagers as well. EDIT 2: Pyia can not give me a blow job when she is a slave nor can I sleep in my bed. I can sleep at the one in court but not my castle. EDIT 3: I think the blowjob with Pyia edit killed my game. I can not progress without receiving an error and if I can I can only get through a couple of dialog options before I can no longer do anything else due to this error.


Thanks for reporting, I will make the fix. It seems the autosave is really a problematic. It will rewrite every time the game starts.

David Donnelly

I found a bug when you try to access the game options, where it's trying to load files in {{path to game folder}}wolu/scen001/language instead of {{path to game folder}/wolu/scen001/language, by which I mean it's not putting the slash between the game's main directory and the wolu subdirectory it's trying to look in.


thanks, that is indeed a bug. I will make a correction in a bug fix.


i know this a self engine and you really need our feedback for known bugs, but dude im getting tired of doin' all the quests again this pissing me off sometimes, like ok i really love your content and all but for god sake make the save progress work for all the versions or FOR MEMBERS ONLY send a save file completed from last version to have fun with the new content. i feel that there's less touch with sound design in the new updates, i think you need to take your time on the engine and make sure every update will not give you any bugs and problems with future updates, yeah sure you put some work on the content but i think you spreading out with it, focus and make more surveys with us the members. and please stop blocking content with higher members its really lame... try to think something that dont need to block members from viewing new content because what's the point? or atleast try unlocking them every couple of weeks for none memebers..


it is actually a good idea to provide save for members. I can do that. It pissing me off to, because sometimes during testing, the structure of saves have to change and I have to start testing the game from the beginning myself, so I'm doing the same quest over and over too. I'm considering adding a DevConsole to the game which will enable completing quests and jumping to a certain points of the game. Yeah, the sound and x-ray were missing from the last updates, mainly because I'm planning to completely rework both systems and it will be easier to add sound into new system than redo old sound.