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It seems I would need at least one week to work on the next release from now on, so the preliminary schedule for the release is next week. Besides new convent for Pyia which can be specialized as a hospital or a shrine (brothel or harem in reality) and breeding, there will be also a new village next to your castle where you can interact with your subjects. 

You can find peasant girls here which can be bribed with small gifts to provide services for you and a trader, where you can buy such gifts. 

As you can see, there is really a lot of new content. Plus the entire game change to a new platform requires a lot of testing to catch out bugs. So hopefully no big problem arises during testing and I will manage to publish the game as soon as possible.




The old saves will be compatible?


No, they have completely different structure now. But as the platform will stabilize they will be.

Бородатый Зай

Whoa! Very cool! Immediately there were a couple of questions. There is a game in a similar setting, "Overwhelmed". It is possible to capture the settlement and send people them in your dungeon. Do you have plans for something like this in your project? Will this village be the only settlement, or are others planned? Will the peasants be used only in the village, or will they be taken to the harem or brothel? Will the village be able to be developed or changed?


As for now, the village is very small (only 3 female villagers) and all sex is in the village (field, hay stack...), but it is planned to be expanded. All of the things you have described are theoretically possible and can be implemented, however I cannot guarantee that they will be, as there are no long therm plans and I develop the game from version-to-version as I see fit at the moment. The harem/brothel is populated by convent novices, who must be corrupted first to serve in their intended roles.


About Pyia: Is it currently possible to finish the quest "Pristess for play" or will you be able in the next version? Because both in 0.3 and 0.4 I got her stats to 100/100 without finishing the quest. Does her content simply end there or did I bug it?


In the next version, her story will continue (finishing her training in the dungeon). She will continually get new content as the game is developing.