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Well, the testing is going quite good - no major problems. Thus I have decided to risk it and publish the game now, so you can have fun with it during weekend. If you find any overlooked bugs, just let me know and I will make a bugfix.

There is a lot of new content. I will not get into details so it is up to you to go there and explore. There are also cheats you can now use if you insert premium code and one premium scene for level 2 and above supporters. Game now has a fast travel feature (activated by pressing "T") - you can set up waypoints and fast travel between them

I have also included a "Scenario selection" screen right when the game starts. Only first scenario is available, so the screen does nothing, I have just put it there to display the intended scope of the game. I will go into more details about this in a later post.

Download the game from my download page as usual (Link in the page description). You can get more info about the game play also from new tips in the main menu and from the updated wikia page. 





I can not find the download link


http://www.velesk.eu/downloads.html if you still see link to "demo" there, press F5 to refresh the page




Hi Mike! In the LOH game if I activate the "Willpower" skill my energie depletes about 2 times faster instead of 20% slower.


...and something mixed with the nourisment level - it increases when slept, but energy fullfils, then decreases by a marginal level when woke up.


I tested it and it works ok. There are other factors that impact energy. It depletes much faster during jobs, or scenes, so maybe that is what has happened in your case.


i've sent you a message about the new code cheat.


energy and nourishment seems to be acting abit funny


I will look into it. There is a lot of modifiers for them so they may jump a little bit in some situations.


Any option for a windowed mode yet?


not yet. it was causing problems in the past so i have to do more testing on it


LoH sometimes crash:


I had two crashes with "Out of memory" after playing for a while. Looks like a memory leak.


thanks, that is possible. there is a lot of new memory handling code. i will have to check it all.


i also have crashes. i maxed out my stats with my cheat. seems if i start new game, dont use cheats, it works fine. everytime i max out my skill tree it glitches and says out of memory and crashes.


Also a weird bug. I played up to day 14 now and I lose more energy than I gain by sleeping. It's impossible to play any further. If you need the savegame, let me know.


yes, that would be great. please send it to m.velesk@gmail.com


Critical error in night club.